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Sam Fury ([info]sammyfury) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Sammy carried her ice cream sundae to her room to put a few things together. She filled a small pack with make up and toiletries, and clean underwear. She was never a girl scout, but she'd been raised by a woman who was prepared for anything. The fold of leather she used as a wallet went into a front pocket after she double checked to make sure her ID that assured all that she was twenty-one years old was in there, along with her credit card and cash.

As she picked up her cell phone to put in another pocket, she paused for a moment to consider sending Mikel a text and see where he might be over the next few days. If he was in Europe, there might be an opportunity... No. She wasn't ready to see him outside of her comfort zone. Her suspicious nature was still mulling over the things he said.

Once the packing and checking were done, she went to the hanger storage room to get a flight suit that fit and a helmet. Once that was done, she went to look for the others.

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