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dolemecknight ([info]dolemecknight) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-07-23 11:32:00

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Current location:Seattle, Washington
Entry tags:bram harker, dolemeck, gregory price, nightstalkers, plot-"crazy train", tyler morbius

Next Stop.... Seattle?
Dolemeck was finally getting used to his life being somewhat normal. No longer was he afraid of himself or "sin". He was content with taking things in moderation and exploring all the possibilities there were in this new world. And that lead him to take chances he would not normally take.

One of those chances happened to be taking a train ride across the country to visit his adoptive parents. Sure, he could have requested a private flight from the Atlas Foundation, but he wanted to see what a train was like. After-all, exploring new things was a good thing for him.

The ride was uneventful. Dolemeck would have to switch trains in a few states, and when he did, he would send Nikki Coulson and Derek Woo a post card with news of his trip. He could have texted, but postcards were just so... whimsical to him. Right now, the train was pulling into Seattle, Washington. It was the last station in which he would have to switch trains.

As he sat in his car on the train, Dolemeck was busy penning another letter to Nikki, when the lights started to flicker. This happened at times on the train, so there was nothing to worry about. Right?


The voice that called him was somewhat demonic in nature. It sounded like one of the many demons in limbo, but how could that be!? His own eyes started to glow red as he stood up and away from the table he was seated at. Despite the darkness of the train car he was in, he could see a few pairs of red eyes looking back at him.

"Bloody hell..." he cursed under his breath, slowly reaching for his backpack in the overhead compartment. All of those bright rd eyes appeared to be focused on him.

"It's not fair! You get to be happy! You get to live in this world! You are not suffering like us!" The voice hissed out. Other voices could be heard as well, but they were cackling madly. "It's time to come home, Dolemeck... it's time to suffer."

"I AM home!" he shouted back, causing the demons to cackle more. He slung his backpack over his shoulders while his mind started to race. Everyone on this train was in danger because of these... things. If he stayed on board, they might start pulling innocent souls into limbo or just tear them apart. The best tactic he could think of was to get the demons off the train and chase him. From there, he might be able to get some space to be able to battle without casualties.

Just as the demons lunged for him, Dolemeck shadow ported himself out of the train, and across the street from the tracks of Seattle. His shadow port caused the demons to lunge out of the window of the train car he was in. Thankfully, the train car did not derail, and all of the demons appeared to be focused on him. That was a good thing, right? Well, for everyone else it was!

He needed to get more space between himself and the demons, to get them out of the public eye. The fact it was night helped, but Dolemeck did not wish to take any chances. So, he ran.

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2013-08-06 01:22 pm UTC (link)
Greg turned the corner and saw...demons. He sighed. Not his personal idea of fun. He noticed Tyler battling one and some other girlish looking guy fighting another.

Greg slipped off his trench coat and shifted. He charged ahead and joined the fray with teeth and claws.

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2013-08-07 10:52 pm UTC (link)
Bloody demons, Bram thinks to himself recognizing the smell of sulfur. He grabs some shells he designed to deal with demons and loads some into his shotgun before getting out to head over to the scene where he saw some familiar faces.

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2013-08-08 08:54 am UTC (link)
He was bleeding from the deep bite mark to his side. Some demons had teeth like sharks from what he remembered of his time in limbo. Luck just had it that one of those creatures would bite him this eve. Dolemeck was throwing a flurry of punches to the head of the creature he had tackled to the ground. He ignored the pain he was in and the other demon's attack to his side and back for now.

Dolemeck was just at a loss of what to do. These creatures were too smart for him to attempt to grab one, shadow port, then let them go in mid port which would cause them to fall back into limbo. They had to be destroyed... but how?

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2013-08-18 10:55 pm UTC (link)
Tyler preferred not to make things bloody, particularly with demons, but he didn't really know what else to do. Claws out, he drove them into the neck of the demon he was atop.

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2013-08-19 11:18 pm UTC (link)
Bram started to open fire on the demons with his shotgun being care to aim his shots. "Bloody Demons."

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2013-08-20 09:26 pm UTC (link)
Greg continued to attack with a ferocity that could only be topped when he was in his uncontrollable state. Claws and teeth tore into demon flesh.

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2013-08-20 09:38 pm UTC (link)
The demon Dolemeck was just punching had it's head blown off by Bram's shot gun. He was left a bit wide eyed by this, enough that he stopped and another demon jumped on his back, savagely biting into his back. The pain was starting to get to him, enough that it drove him into a frenzy. Dolemeck slammed the demon on his back into a wall behind him a few times, until it finally let go. Once it was down, he used his talon like fingernails to slash at it's neck until the creature's head rolled right off.

With so many people attacking, and their number dwindling, the last two demons retreated, disappearing just as quickly as they showed up on the train. Their retreat caused Dolemeck to rest his back against the brick wall he was by, his eyes going from red to green, and his black fingernails returning to their normal state. he started to slide down the wall until he was sitting, holding his side which was still bleeding quite a bit.

"Are... you going to shoot me, as well?" He asked Bram, now worried that he was seen as one of these demons. In the shape he was in, shadow porting was NOT an option. His backpack hung off one shoulder (since the biting attack to his back went right through one of the straps of it). His eyes widened more as he continued to look at the group who saved him, and helped him get rid of these demons before anyone else was hurt. "I swear... I am not like those... things."

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2013-08-20 11:00 pm UTC (link)
Bram reloads his shotgun taking advantage of the demons leaving in retreat. "That depends on what you say next," Bram says with a little edge to his voice, "What happened here?"

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2013-08-20 11:37 pm UTC (link)
"Easy, Bram," Tyler cautioned after the demons retreated. "He deliberately went out of his way to keep those demons away from me at his own expense. We should hear him out."

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2013-08-21 11:51 pm UTC (link)
"Bollocks..." Dolemeck removed his hand from his bloody wound, just raising both of his hands in surrender. It hit him that if he explained himself to strangers, to someone who was not like Nikki or a friend of "Atlas", he was screwed. Breathing a bit hard, he looked up at Bram, Tyler, and Greg. The best he could do is try and explain everything as quickly as possible, despite the pain he was in.

"I was cursed over a thousand years ago and turned into a demon, then promptly sentenced to a lifetime in Limbo. I managed to escape fourteen years ago. When I was found, my body and soul were restored, but not my memories... those came back on their own not too long ago. Despite the restoration, I somehow maintained my demonic powers and abilities... but not the weaknesses most demons have. I can go into a church, be hit with holy water, I cannot corrupt others... and so on." he shook his head, hissing as his back and side were starting to really hurt him. But Dolemeck continued to push himself into explaining everything. "Those demons were on the train with me as I was traveling to my adopted parents house in California. They wanted to take me back to limbo, as I am not suffering as they are. I know this is all hard to believe... but it is true! If you do not believe me, then I surrender. I cannot fight anymore in the shape I am in."

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2013-08-22 09:45 pm UTC (link)
Greg stayed in werewolf form as the guy told his story. When it was over a low growl rumbled in his throat.

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2013-08-22 10:37 pm UTC (link)
Bram nodded his head listening to what Dolemeck had to says. He doesn't quite lower the shotgun till after he finishes talking. "All right," Bram says not sure how much he believed him yet. But there was nothing to disprove it so he could always shoot him if he proved to be a problem later.

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2013-08-23 10:50 pm UTC (link)
"So..should we take you to a doctor..can you heal yourself? I admit I've never met someone quite like you before so I don't really know what to do here."

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2013-08-24 12:30 am UTC (link)
Dolemeck sighed, getting on his knees on the ground with his fingers interlaced behind his head. He was ready to surrender and be taken in as a prisoner, as he was unsure of the intent of Bram and Greg. His eyes soon shifted over to Tyler, a bit surprised by his question.

"Nay, I am just like any other mortal. if I get injured, I require treatment and medication. This should only require some antiseptic and clean bandages. Demons to not have the cleanest of mouths... and I do not wish to get infected and made incredibly ill." He spoke in a soft tone of voice. "No one knows how long of a life I shall live, but the only thing that is known for sure about me is that I do not age. I look as I did before I was sentenced to Limbo."

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2013-08-24 05:07 pm UTC (link)
Greg took a deep breath and shifted back to human form. Naked, he walked over to where his coat was laying. He picked it up and slipped it on.

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2013-08-26 04:52 pm UTC (link)
"I've got a med kit in my car if you need it," Bram says paying attention to every bit of information he gave up.

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2013-08-26 08:06 pm UTC (link)
"The medical kit could be a good idea." He gave another nod of his head and then relaxed, sitting back down normally. It was now apparent he was not going to be taken a prisoner, thank goodness. "Thank you."

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2013-08-26 10:11 pm UTC (link)
"So why were those demons after you?"

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2013-08-26 10:29 pm UTC (link)
"As I said, I escaped fourteen years ago. From what i can assume, there is another power struggle going on in Limbo." he hissed, moving his shirt to get a better look at the wound to his side. It looked pretty bad, maybe he should stop looking at it. "When power struggles happen in Limbo, the lesser demons tend to become miserable. They hate knowing others could be happy. In my case, because I escaped and found happiness, they wished to drag me back to limbo to endure more suffering. Just like the rest of them."

Dolemeck was still trying his very best NOT to stare at Greg. He managed to reach into his torn backpack and throw him a clean pair of boxer shorts that should fit him.

"Please, take these... it is cold outside and... err... I am trying to be nice."

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2013-08-27 09:42 pm UTC (link)
Bram walked away to get to his car where he kept his medkit. He figured Greg and Tyler could handle that guy if he proved to be a problem.

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2013-08-27 09:48 pm UTC (link)
"No thanks," Greg said as he caught the item and threw it back. "I'm good."

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2013-08-27 11:10 pm UTC (link)
"As you so wish..." Dolemeck managed to catch the pair of underpants and then put them back in his backpack. He was still unsure as to how this was going to end or if it would end well. While not appearing to be a prisoner, he was still being watched. "I take it none of you trust me?"

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2013-08-28 12:31 am UTC (link)
Tyler scratched the back of his head uncomfortably.

"When it comes to demons there's really no such thing as too much caution..but you did try to help me back there..I don't think we really have a realistic reason to keep him here," he said to Greg.

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2013-08-28 09:32 pm UTC (link)
Greg shrugged. "No reason to hurt him or keep him here."

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2013-09-01 12:05 am UTC (link)
Bram came back a little while later with a med kit. "If you show me your injuries I'll see what I can do mate," Bram says.

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2013-09-01 12:18 am UTC (link)
Hissing, Dolemeck managed to stand back up and remove his shirt and vest. He had tattoos of dragons wrapped about each arm. Their tails looked identical, but their heads were different. One on his collar bone was a western dragon, the other one on the opposite side was an eastern dragon.

His wounds, however, were rather nasty looking. Dolemeck looked like he was bitten by something with many teeth or stabbed with several box cutters. While these wounds looked bad, they did not appear to be too deep.

"Your accent... British?" he would have said Anglo Saxon, but remembered what his parents told him about how the world was, now. People who came from his homeland were now referred to as the British.

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2013-09-01 03:16 pm UTC (link)
While the others are talking, Tyler puts in a quick call to Rita and Jo in order to inform them of the situation.

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2013-09-01 03:35 pm UTC (link)
"I prefer English actually," Bram says looking over the wounds. He wasn't an expert or anything but he knew how to field dress a wound pretty well.

"I'm going to clean those wounds before bandaging them up," He says grabbing some rubbing alcohol from the med kit.

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2013-09-03 11:13 am UTC (link)
"English? Very well... I am... was Anglo Axon, but I will share the same title as you for the time being as Englishmen." He tried to crack a small smile. "I came from Baths, a village in what is now known as England. From what I hear, it is quite the town, now."

Well, smile soon faded as he heard about rubbing alcohol. Dolemeck had scrapped his knee once back in San Fransisco and Venus had to apply rubbing Alcohol to the wound. It hurt terribly and made him cringe. There really was no choice in the matter, as Demons really did have filthy mouths, and he did not want to get a dire infection.

"If I start yelling in some strange language, I am not talking in tongues. It's old English... Welsh if it REALLY hurts."

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2013-09-04 12:26 am UTC (link)
"So where were you headed before you got jumped?"

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2013-09-04 01:08 am UTC (link)
"California..." He could not tell them he was headed to the Atlas Foundation, as not everyone liked them. "I was going to visit my Mum and Father to tell them how well I was doing. But from the looks of it, the train is not going anywhere now... or they just loaded the passengers on to another and I have been left behind."

This caused Dolemeck to groan. "Which means I am stuck in this land known as Seattle. I am not allowed to stay by myself as I do not fully understand paper currency, yet. I have no clue what I am going to do, now."

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2013-09-04 01:44 am UTC (link)
"It is quite the town. There's a couple bloody good pubs that I would recommend," Bram says trying to distract him a little while he started to work on the wound.

"I've heard more than my far share of strange tongues over the years." Usually hear some strange things whenever you have to interact with magic users.

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2013-09-04 01:52 am UTC (link)
"I... cannot hold my ale well. But It has been sometime since I had any food from my homeland. Like a good joint of mutton. and I always wanted to try this Shepard's pie..." Dolemeck hissed, feeling the rubbing alcohol being applied to his side first, before his back. He was trying his best not to curse, as it hurt! "Maybe I should go see one of these pubs. But as for hosing, I am still as you say in this era "screwed". I cannot sleep on the streets, as I am told that is dangerous! Plus those demons could come back after me if I am alone."

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2013-09-04 06:02 pm UTC (link)
Tyler seemed to think on that awhile. "Well..you can room at my place until things settle down," Tyler offered.

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2013-09-04 06:17 pm UTC (link)
"I... thank you. That would be most helpful, and I swear I will pay you for housing me or do something to make up for the space I am depriving you of... Oh cachi!" And there goes the welsh cursing... "So... names. I know the one tending to my wounds is is Bram, and that is Greg... now what of you? Ffwico, ffwico, fwwico!!"

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2013-09-04 06:31 pm UTC (link)
"My name's Tyler Morbius, and you're welcome," Tyler replied. "And it's not really that much space..."

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2013-09-04 07:06 pm UTC (link)
"Dolemeck Night. It is a pleasure to meet all of you, despite the unfortunate circumstances." He was doing his very, very best to try and control his cursing and the F-bombs he dropped in Welsh. "Trust me, it is probably more space than I had in the barracks with Arthur's low ranking and mid-ranking Knights."

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2013-09-05 12:55 am UTC (link)
"All done with the medical stuff," Bram says putting everything back in the kit. "Probably would be best to get out of here before there's any more trouble."

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2013-09-05 01:10 am UTC (link)
Dolemeck looked down at his torso, seeing Bram had bandaged him up quite well. he could also feel that he was bandaged up on his back as well.

"Thank you Bram. I am in your debt." He tried to give a humble bow to Bram, only to feel some pain from his wounds when he did so. he stood back up straight and looked about the area they were in. "I must agree with you. My appearance in this city like this could create some unwanted attention and trouble. I wish not to put any of you in further danger, as you were kind enough to save me and tend to my wounds."

Dolemeck then turned to Tyler, holding his bloody shirt and vest in one hand, while his backpack was held in the other. "I am ready to travel with you, now. If that is okay with you, Tyler, Sir?"

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2013-09-05 09:49 pm UTC (link)
Greg just stood and listened to the conversation. He pulled a pack of cigarettes from his coat pocket and lit one up.

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2013-09-06 04:54 pm UTC (link)
"Sure, Dolemek, but you don't have to call me Sir."

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2013-09-06 10:53 pm UTC (link)
"No worries mate," Bram says still considering that he might regret it later.

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2013-09-06 11:14 pm UTC (link)
"My apologies, Tyler. I shall see the rest of you later." Again, Dolemeck tried to give them a bow before doing a quick shadowport to catch up to Tyler. he instantly regretted it, as it took a bit too much out of him... even for a few feet. "Bloody... I am going to have to take it easy for a bit!"

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