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olympian_elf ([info]olympian_elf) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-09-23 00:07:00

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Entry tags:brandr, kael

Proving Time
 Kael sat cross-legged in the training room, mentally prepping himself before choosing a difficult scenario.

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2013-09-30 01:07 am UTC (link)
Brandr didn't care, he could talk and fight better than most could just fight. He enjoyed talk while fighting really.

"I see," Brandr said as he came up behind the Flame, a swing to the elf's right side, but really more to draw the opponent's attention to that side. When the elf demon whipped his head around to react, it'd leave the left side of his neck exposed and in a blind spot. It was that moment he was going for, as Brandr drove a dagger down with unexpected viciousness, for someone who'd been treating this as entertainment until this point, into the armourless space within the collar of the Flame's armour.

He'd leave the dagger there and spring back as soon as possible, it was no good to remain close to that heat too long, sword ready to block an expected swing at him. "But thou understands mine role here and the reason for such questions?"

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2013-09-30 02:05 pm UTC (link)
The Flame reacted as anticipated, until the dagger came down. While he cries out in pain, it's brief. The sword is dropped and his hand shoots to grab Brandr's wrist before he can dart away, intending to deliver a vicious headbutt if he could keep the quick-moving Brandr close.

"I do." Kael ran forward to attempt to flank their opponent. "All my life, as long as I can remember, there have been those who have tried to kill me, because of who my father is." Kael read Brandr's tactics, intending to drive a blow into the Flame's unprotected back. "I did not ask to have such a life thrust upon me, nor has Solver." He saw Brandr's strike to the Flame's neck, but then noticed the enemy's attempt to bring Brandr in close. He picked up speed. "Solver is an innocent babe forced into an environment where many would see him die simply for being who he is." Kael ran forward, bringing his twin srowrds up, under the Flame's arm so both blades slid up behind his opponent's neck. "If I can give him a childhood free of that for even a moment.." Kael pushed the blades forward as hard as he could, viciously decapitating the Flame. "then I will do so gladly!"

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2013-09-30 03:05 pm UTC (link)
Brandr grinned as he saw the Flame drop his sword, perfect. The hand grabs his wrist, but he brings up his sword, pointing it in front of him so any headbutts would be into the sword, and drives it straight through his opponent's wrist, effectively finishing off the sword-hand.

It gave him the chance to break free so that Kael's decapitating move didn't take off his dagger hand along with the Flame's head. "A noble sentiment," he said as he stepped back and the Flame's head rolled nearby. "But, it ist not thine duty. Do not confuse the two." There was a slight sigh and shake of his head, the elf had finished this too fast in his opinion, they'd only set up one opponent after all. "I art simply saying, that thou hast many duties as a prince, but mine one and only duty ist to see the young lord safe. Mine life is forfeit to that," he said as he used the tip of his sword to pick up the Flame's head.

Brandr turned his gaze to Kael. "Thou may look down on me for whatever reasons thou chooses, but all I ask ist that ye doth not try to impede me in mine duties again." He turned the Flame's head around with his blade, looking it over, then tossed it aside and across the training room. "That ist all."

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2013-09-30 06:13 pm UTC (link)
Kael shook his head a moment before responding.

"I do not look down on you," Kael admitted. "I think you're somewhat ignorant of Midgard's dangers, but that can easily be remedied after time. I objected to your presence to free Solver for a simple reason." Kael sat by the controls, considering a new program to put in. "There is a lot to admire about the Aesir, though there are also some glaring faults at times. A severe lack of pragmatism is one of them. You were already injured, severely, before we even departed. I'm sure you understand how an injured soldier can affect a battle. If one's comrade cannot fight to his utmost, it affects himself and those who fight beside him."

Kael types in a few commands.

"I don't doubt your duty, or commitment to that duty. However, you do not look beyond what would happen if you did die. It would have been a waste. Not because the task isn't worthy, but because you wouldn't be there to grow into that role. Any soldier can die for his duty, hundreds do so in Asgard's many wars. However, for every one that doesn't, they improve, they grow, they become Hoguns, Volstaggs, and Fandrals," Kael said, saying the three names with respect. "I would gladly take one Fandral over an army of Aesir soldiers. You have such potential," Kael said earnestly. "but you will never be as much as you can be if you go off planning to die every time Solver is in danger. You protect him, and if need be, you die doing so, but if not, you fight, you learn, you become the kind of protector he needs. If you don't, you'll simply be the first of a long line of brave, loyal Aesir do their duty, and die."

Kael sighed heavily upon finishing.

"Solver needs more than just another body watching over him. I think you can be that person, but I also think you need to grow into it. You're a great warrior, but there's more to it than that." Kael sheathes his blades. "As for my duty..I cannot even be home to fulfill my duties. That fact tears at me every day, so I know how you feel. I will not stand in your way again, but think about what I've said. For Solver's sake if not your own."

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2013-09-30 06:46 pm UTC (link)
Brandr shook his head. "I doth not enter each battle planning to die. No warrior does, else he wouldst only last a single battle. Art I prepared to die? Accepting of it shouldst it happen? Yes. But mine duty ist not to die for the young lord. Mine duty ist to protect him." He spoke as he retrieved his dagger from the simulation.

"I art a Crimson Hawk, and we art the elite of Asgard's warriors. When we join, we hath but one duty and purpose. To protect Asgard and the royal family. To shirk this duty, to move our responsibilities unto another, that is the utmost dishonour. Ye think I art not pragmatic, nor do not see the bigger picture. I do. I art pragmatic when I fight for duty, but this ist not duty. Thou forgets, I did not fight alongside thee or Thor's children for that mission, no, I stayed with the Lady to protect her as we retrieved the young lord. Because that wast mine duty. As for the bigger picture thine paints...I see it, it ist admirable, but it sets aside duty. And honour."

He sheaths his dagger now, along with his blade. "Mine father doth not have the same duties as I, and he wast never bound by duty as I art. The Warriors Three hath a freedom not available to the Crimson Hawks. Thou must understand the difference. Hath I stayed behind on the mission to rescue the young lord, it wouldst be not only not doing mine duty, but putting mine duties upon others. And e'en if one day I shouldst be as known as the Warriors Three, that failure to continue mine duty will follow me throughout mine days. A Crimson Hawk ist as good as their adherence to duty, e'en if they doth not agree with it, and e'en if it conflicts with desires and self-preservation." He thought of his mother's tales of the time Loki possessed Odin, and the orders she had to carry out that she didn't agree with. Yes, duty above all, that's what she'd drilled into him.

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2013-09-30 07:19 pm UTC (link)
Kael listens to all this before smiling slightly.

"Then I suppose we can agree to disagree, as Lady Vernique says, but that doesn't mean we have to be at odds," Kael concedes. "In the end, we both want the same thing."

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2013-09-30 09:44 pm UTC (link)
Brandr just gives another formal slight bow of his head, though at least this time it seems an edge more respectful than the last one. "In regards to the young lord, aye."

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2013-09-30 10:06 pm UTC (link)
Kael gave the man a nod, silently appreciating the gesture.

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