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next_avenger ([info]next_avenger) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-12-07 19:14:00

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Entry tags:inactive - james romanov rogers, inactive - valeria richards, kristoff vernard, team - avengers, team - fantastic four

James said he would visit and he wasn't one to break his word. He walked into the lobby of the Baxter Building and went to the reception desk.

"Hello. I'm here to see Miss Valeria Richards," he said. "Could you please let her know James Romanov-Rogers is here to see her?" He smiled nervously. "Thank you."

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2009-12-09 06:36 am UTC (link)
"I...see. An excellent place for storing your own candy would be...your own lab, would it not?"

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2009-12-09 06:38 am UTC (link)
"I was...um...looking for a more creative hiding place?"

Yeah...James is likely to never want to see her again after this.

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2009-12-09 06:49 am UTC (link)
James would like to see her again, just not locked in any more closets.

"The lab may be best."

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2009-12-09 06:51 am UTC (link)
"Yes, please feel free." He'll gesture them in the appropriate direction. "And please be careful of tripping various door locks throughout the building in the future."

And Kristoff makes a mental note to maybe talk to Cassandra about this anyway. Just in case.

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2009-12-09 06:54 am UTC (link)
Val nods, her face still bright red. "Yeah....I'll keep that in mind."

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2009-12-09 07:09 am UTC (link)
"Sorry, Kristoff," James said with a face to match Valeria's.

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2009-12-09 03:43 pm UTC (link)
"Really sorry..." Val's voice trails off. She's too embarrassed to string together full sentances at the moment.

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2009-12-09 09:38 pm UTC (link)
James scratched his head out of nervous habit. "Umm...I think I should go." They were both totally embarrassed and staying could only mean more.

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2009-12-09 09:51 pm UTC (link)
"Okay..." she gives him a weak smile, "See you around?"

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2009-12-09 09:52 pm UTC (link)
James nodded. "Yeah. Next time I'll bring some games over...or you can come over."

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2009-12-09 09:55 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah. I'll stop by sometime. With Rockband."

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2009-12-09 09:56 pm UTC (link)
James grinned. "I'd like that. I'll see you soon."

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