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Chris Grant-Pym ([info]pym_kitten) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-12-14 00:00:00

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Entry tags:antaeus, inactive - chris pym, team - x-men

The Best Stitched Plans
Chris grumbles as she rolls over in a patch of sun in the rec room. She's in human form, but some habits stick no matter what shape she's taking. "All that work for nothing... such a waste.."

It hadn't occurred to her until after she'd already stitched half a dozen teddy bears together, using up some of her favorite remnant fabric swatches, that she found out Toys For Tots didn't accept handmade toys. It wasn't that being out her originally intended donation was that much of an inconvenience, but she still felt rather burned by the effort falling short.

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2009-12-14 04:12 am UTC (link)
"Waste? Waste can't be good," Corey said as he came into the room. "What waste, and have you seen my copy of They Killed Sister Dorothy?"

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2009-12-14 04:16 am UTC (link)
Chris blinked as Corey showed up so abruptly. "Do you just manifest when that word gets said, sand-wich?"

She sat up, crossing her legs. "I just had a project I was pretty stoked about burn out. No go on the book by the way, sorry."

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2009-12-14 04:25 am UTC (link)
Corey examined a shelf, looked under a pillow. "It's a very important -- and irritating -- word. Sorry to hear things went wrong. What were things?"

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2009-12-14 04:30 am UTC (link)
"Got an invite to the Stark holiday thing, and there was a request for a Toys For Tots donation. Put together have a dozen teddy bears from fabric and stuffing... and then found out they don't accept handmade items." Chris shrugs and sighs.

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2009-12-14 04:40 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, they've probably got complicated scale and safety issues to consider there." Corey, your activist documentary is not under the couch. It's just not.

He looks up. "So you've got a bunch of teddy bears and nothing to do with them, huh?" A thoughtful look. A slow smile. "You know, the families involved at the Co-op in Santa Catarina are doing better than plenty of places," They've got some new sheep and everything. Bbut they still don't have much for luxuries."

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2009-12-14 04:46 am UTC (link)
Corey is the activist documentary.

Chris blinks, then smiles at the suggestion. "No problems there I think." She helps him look around the room for his book. "Thanks. I owe you a salad or minimal-cruelty burger or whatever it is you care for." She smirks and ruffles his hair, like she does.

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2009-12-14 05:02 am UTC (link)
"Great. I can help you pack them up. They're...not completely unused to packages from me."
Corey grins. "Burgers are a better thing than ever now: local stores have been carrying labels for the beef companies involved in the new anti-deforestation monitoring system. They need rewarding when they're good."

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2009-12-14 05:13 am UTC (link)
Chris giggles. "You're such a conserv-nerd. Not that it's a bad thing." She keeps poking around. "Sounds like a plan. Pick out something next time we make a snack run to the supermarket or co-op, and I'll grill it up for you."

She lifts couch cushions. There's no reason it would be there, but it's good to be thorough. "So... I'm wearing a dress to Stark's party. I'm gonna look ridiculous."

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2009-12-14 05:21 am UTC (link)
"Hey, if we don't give the corporations a figurative cookie when they're good, they'll go back to being bad, and everything's down the drain again."

"Dude, do not give in to the 'I can't pull off a dress' daemons. That way lies madness."

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2009-12-14 05:09 pm UTC (link)
Chris just smiles. It's cute when Corey gets all speech-y.

This is followed by a continued smile, for the sake of always being 'Dude' to him, even as a girl, and an eyeroll. "I'm not saying I can't pull off a 'dress'. What I mean is that it's formal. No zippers, vast tracts of leg, color clashes, etc etc. Even considering hitting the peroxide in advance to normal out my hair to complete the look." She gives him a conspiratory whisper. "I'm gonna look mainstream..."

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2009-12-15 04:07 am UTC (link)
"Ah. I see. Well, I'm sure you'll survive this strange bout of debutantism."

And there, shoved between the entertainment system and the wall, was just the DVD case he'd been looking for. "Aha."

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2009-12-15 04:20 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, yeah. Showing up with a girl for my date will at least maintain some of my standards of irregularity." She smiles as he finds his dvd. "Glad you found it before you started uprooting the flower beds."

She gets up off the floor, the search concluded. "Wanna head into town and we can grab some of that beef you were talking about? I think I can whip up some chili for you." She smiles as she puts her hands on her hips.

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2009-12-15 04:22 am UTC (link)
"I'm not a man who can say no to chili," Corey admits.

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