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Old Saint Nick ([info]old_saint_nick) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-12-23 18:07:00

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Entry tags:argo, aridis, asleif, griffen o'niell, halbjorn, holiday, inactive - ohu amane, npc - wonder man, plot-"scion", svalin, sydney ashcroft, team - defenders, vincent vernard, zoey ashcroft

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy.

Christmas Day is a Christian holiday, it's true, but it also has become increasingly secular. It is an opportunity for love, charity, and goodwill, even in Los Angeles, arguably the most superficial city in the country.

There is some debate within mystical circles if there is indeed such a creature as the embodiment of Christmas Giving known as Santa Claus. But whether or not there is such a being, the spirit of giving itself is very real, be it incarnated in a fat man in a red suit or not.

Throughout this small blue planet of Earth, people have brought trees into their homes, decorated them with lights and ornaments, and placed them in locations of honor. Stockings have been placed on the chimneys. And gifts have been placed under the tree.

Some are looking forward more to the receiving than the giving. But for many, it is the act of giving which warms them, which fills them with the holiday spirit.

Each person, in their own way, becomes a part of this spirit of giving. Each person, in their own way, becomes Santa Claus.

The Defenders Manor has been decked out with lights, as has most of the grounds. Ohu has made hanging lighting a top priority, and every tree on the grounds -- including the palm trees -- is well lit with multi-colored lights. Despite the warm location, Ohu has made sure that there's plenty of snow on the grounds, too, with a bit of magic. As for the gods themselves, and their mortal keepers...

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2009-12-24 06:01 am UTC (link)
Strangers just popping in aren't a good thing. Svalin felt another presence and drew her sword. She went to see who the intruder was.

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2009-12-24 06:19 am UTC (link)
As an armed woman, bristling with the telltale Asgardian spark, emerges, Vincent is doubly sure he's in the right place. He holds his ground outside the gates, bowing and crossing an arm over his chest when she comes near.

"Please excuse my unannounced arrival. Vincent Amorason, to speak with Lady Asleif, my friend."

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2009-12-24 06:28 am UTC (link)
Svalin eyed him warily and her sword was still drawn and pointed at him. Amorason. The name did not help matters.

"Stay here and do not move," she ordered. "I wilt speak to mine sister."

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2009-12-24 06:30 am UTC (link)
He nods and then stands straight again. "As you will it, my lady." She must be one of Asleif's sisters that she mentioned, so the addressing seems appropriate.

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2009-12-24 06:50 am UTC (link)
Svalin went inside to inform her sister that she had a guest. Asleif being Asleif requested he be escorted in.

Svalin grumbled under her breath as she returned to the gate. "If thou wilt follow me?"

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2009-12-24 07:00 am UTC (link)
Vincent nods, securing his grip on the present as he follows.

"If it pleases the lady, I would know your name, so that I might thank you for your aid and wish you well, in the spirit of the season."

Yeah, he's just gonna go on acting like using his full name wasn't dropping a conversational bomb.

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2009-12-24 07:04 am UTC (link)
"I art Svalin, daughter of Thor and Sif," she said as she walked. Her sword was sheathed, but her hand rested on it.

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2009-12-24 07:07 am UTC (link)
"You honor Midgard with your presence and endeavors then, Lady Svalin." Vincent smiles sincerely. Normally he'd be a little bristled to meet someone above him socially, but it felt good to encounter anyone from Asgard, and it was the holiday season. For someone whose abilities leaned towards emotions as his did, it was difficult to be in poor spirits.

"As my name belies, I am son of Amora the Enchantress... and Victor Von Doom." It wasn't something he relished sharing, but withholding the name of his father would have made it look even worse.

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2009-12-24 07:20 am UTC (link)
Svalin was not moved by the flattery, sincere or not. She just was not easily swayed with words. Actions spoke to her more than flowery speech and words.

She frowned. "Do not mention that name in mine presence," she warned.

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2009-12-24 07:22 am UTC (link)
Vincent's expression levels sharply, and a pause hangs in the air for a long moment.

"As you wish, Lady Svalin. I have nothing to say of her anyway."

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2009-12-24 07:24 am UTC (link)
Svalin led him inside the main building to where Asleif.

"Sister, thine visitor," she simply said and then left.

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2009-12-24 04:42 pm UTC (link)
Asleif's lips bent upward in a small smile when she saw Vincent.

"Vincent," she said. "'tis good to see thee. I trust mine sister was not overly unpleasant towards thee?"

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2009-12-25 02:04 am UTC (link)
"I felt as though she contemplated spilling my blood to see if it would burn the floor away." Vincent grimaces, then holds out the present for her. It has a sticker labeling it as fragile, and to be held upright. "Happy holidays, Lady Asleif."

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2009-12-25 02:17 am UTC (link)
"Mine siblings doth not hold mine former teacher in quite the same light," Asleif admitted. There might even have been a touch of apology in her voice.

She unwrapped the package carefully, and surprise colored her face when she was done. "'tis most beautiful," she said.

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2009-12-25 02:25 am UTC (link)
"A completely contained environment, capable of sustaining itself for as long as ten years, with only sufficient light and protection from cold." Vincent explains the eco-sphere.

"Something to contemplate, about how small a world can truly be." He looks at the shrimp flitting about inside it.

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2009-12-25 02:57 am UTC (link)
"Well said, and quite remarkable," Asleif replied. "I shalt treasure it."

She snapped her fingers once and produced a small black box, inside which he would find an amulet. "Twas given to me during my early instruction, by thine mother. An artifact that once was used during her own. I think it more properly belongs to thee."

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2009-12-25 03:02 am UTC (link)
Vincent feels his breath catch in his throat, staring at the amulet for a very long time before letting the breath go.

"I.." He swallows the lump that has appeared in his throat. "Thank you, Lady Asleif... thank you very much."

His present seems magnificently underwhelming now.

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2009-12-25 03:13 am UTC (link)
"Simply Asleif," she told him. "Titles be not for friends."

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2009-12-25 04:24 am UTC (link)
Vincent smiles, relaxing a bit at that reassurance. "Thank you then, Asleif."

He puts the box with the amulet in his pocket, feeling it's weight for far more than it likely truly weighs.

"I have my family's celebration to return to, but please do not make yourself a stranger. Distance is such a trifling thing for our abilities anyway." He grins.

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2009-12-25 04:47 am UTC (link)
"I shalt not," Asleif agreed. "Fair thee well, Vincent, and may a pleasant holiday be upon thee."

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