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Old Saint Nick ([info]old_saint_nick) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-12-23 18:07:00

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Entry tags:argo, aridis, asleif, griffen o'niell, halbjorn, holiday, inactive - ohu amane, npc - wonder man, plot-"scion", svalin, sydney ashcroft, team - defenders, vincent vernard, zoey ashcroft

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy.

Christmas Day is a Christian holiday, it's true, but it also has become increasingly secular. It is an opportunity for love, charity, and goodwill, even in Los Angeles, arguably the most superficial city in the country.

There is some debate within mystical circles if there is indeed such a creature as the embodiment of Christmas Giving known as Santa Claus. But whether or not there is such a being, the spirit of giving itself is very real, be it incarnated in a fat man in a red suit or not.

Throughout this small blue planet of Earth, people have brought trees into their homes, decorated them with lights and ornaments, and placed them in locations of honor. Stockings have been placed on the chimneys. And gifts have been placed under the tree.

Some are looking forward more to the receiving than the giving. But for many, it is the act of giving which warms them, which fills them with the holiday spirit.

Each person, in their own way, becomes a part of this spirit of giving. Each person, in their own way, becomes Santa Claus.

The Defenders Manor has been decked out with lights, as has most of the grounds. Ohu has made hanging lighting a top priority, and every tree on the grounds -- including the palm trees -- is well lit with multi-colored lights. Despite the warm location, Ohu has made sure that there's plenty of snow on the grounds, too, with a bit of magic. As for the gods themselves, and their mortal keepers...

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2009-12-28 05:17 am UTC (link)
Ah, snow. The others had kept her from altering the weather of this accursed and sun-baked land to be more hospitable, but had permitted it for this special occasion. The blood of Frost Giants was strong in Asleif and in colder climes she truly felt at home.

She let the snow fall down upon her, eyes partially closed, a look of almost peace and bliss upon her face.

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2009-12-28 05:24 am UTC (link)
Briefly, at least, it becomes far easier as well, a cold wind shifting about her.
"Thee and thy brother always didst prefer colder climes. Tis one of the few things thou hath in common. Tis good to see thee, Aslief."

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2009-12-28 05:33 am UTC (link)
Asleif smiled slightly the sight of her father. "Gud Yule to thee, Father," she said. "I hath missed thee."

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2009-12-28 05:39 am UTC (link)
"And I thee as well. The house hast not been at all the same without thee. We hath been besieged by toy sailing ships and wooden swords without all of thy books and demands for space to study in, but thine mother hast kept thy room as it wast, e'en though it hast not been an easy task. Thou knowst thy younger siblings. And Good Yule, of course. We hath brought presents for thee."

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2009-12-28 05:52 am UTC (link)
She bowed her head in acknowledgment of his words. "Mine thanks," she replied. "In truth, I hath missed the strange chaos of home. The chaos here be of a different kind."

She paused, as though about to say more, but stopped herself. Recent events had prayed on her mind more of late, and the surprise arrival of her father had only brought them more to mind.

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2009-12-28 05:56 am UTC (link)
He nods, seeming unsurprised. "Midgard ist a ver' different world entirely. How art thou doing in dealing with it?"

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2009-12-28 06:02 am UTC (link)
"Better than I wouldst have thought," she admitted. "I hath made a friend in Vincent Amorason, of the Fantastic Four. And the small mortal child hath become quite fond of me."

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2009-12-28 06:07 am UTC (link)
He nods approvingly, going through the bag he brought for presents. "Aye, I hadst heard this, and am glad thou'rt finding some associations here, at least. And I hath also heard how fond the child is of thee. Indeed, I hope thou dost not mind too much, we brought her a few of thine things from when thou wert her age. Thy youngest siblings hath all outgrown everything, and best they see use."

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2009-12-28 10:22 pm UTC (link)
A smile twitched across Asleif's face. "She wilt like that," she replied. "Twould make her most happy, I suspect."

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2009-12-29 03:37 am UTC (link)
"It didst indeed." After all, Yule presents aren't usually secret. "Methinks she especially liked thy pink formal dress." he replies, offering over a wand and a faceted gemstone. "Thy mother made the wand for thee, it hast no magic inherent to it yet, but wilt hold whate'er spells thou shouldst put to't for a single use, in times of trouble and haste. The crystal ist a scrying gem."

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2009-12-29 03:41 am UTC (link)
Asleif resisted the urge to comment upon the pink dress, instead taking and inspecting the wand.

"Tis most wonderful," she told him. "Mine thanks."

She looked down, hesitated again, then gathered her courage.

"Father... may I ask a question of thee?"

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2009-12-29 03:44 am UTC (link)
"Of course, mine daughter. There ist some things I cannot answer for thee as yet, for thy time on Midgard and testing ist still underway, but for all else, thou knowst I wilt aid thee all I can."

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2009-12-29 03:49 am UTC (link)
Asleif bowed her head in acknowledgment, then looked upon her father.

"Do I... make thee proud, Father? I know I be neither the warrior," she began, "...or the hero mine siblings be. Tis mine hope eternal I am not a disappointment to thee..."

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2009-12-29 03:58 am UTC (link)
He smiles at that, setting the bag down to embrace his daughter.
"Thine mother ist neither warrior nor hero born, and yet I love her. Thine half-sister Aridis wouldst rather hunt and play and sing in the bars before taking the battlefield. And for all our differences, I hath given thy uncle every chance the Nine-worlds couldst ask. All art my family, and they make me proud, and I love them no less for their differences though I wish thy uncle wouldst turn from his plotting ways. E'en still, he ist my brother. Thou'rt most dedicated to thy studies, smart, resourceful. There is much of thy mother in thee. And whate'er thy siblings did or thought, thou hast always been thine own person, and for all this I am most proud of thee."

He steps back, looking her in the eye. "I wilt also let thee in on a small secret. Thy brother and eldest sister glory in a warrior's conquests, and there ist nothing wrong with that. But their number of kills and deeds doth make stories, not heroes. Who ist or ist not a hero ist only truly known when thou hast everything on the line, and thy heart remains true, and they do what is right. In this, though thou dost ne'er seek out danger, when it finds thee and thy siblings, I hath ne'er seen thee fail."

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2009-12-29 04:13 am UTC (link)
Asleif held her father tightly for a long moment, a single, solitary tear running its way down her pale features. She had never realized it before, but these were words she had desperately needed to hear. For all her bluster and aloofness, she had needed to know that she was important, that she mattered.

"Thank-you, Father," she said at last. "Truly, thank-you."

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2009-12-29 04:16 am UTC (link)
He smiles and hugs her back. "Thou'rt most welcome. I love all mine children, whate'er paths they walk. Had I not believed all of thee ready, thou wouldst not be here."

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2009-12-29 04:33 am UTC (link)
"It doth mine heart glad to here this," Asleif said. "Thank-thee, father."

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