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Chris Grant-Pym ([info]pym_kitten) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-01-04 02:25:00

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Disruptions (bendytimed to before Brides of Set finale)
Chris' eyes opened sharply, the trance over her breaking. The people at large, and most of the honor guard, had had their resolve shaken by the outsiders' actions. The connection with the energy that fueled their civilization was disrupted. The stream of light cut off abruptly, and Chris sat up.

"...what?" She blinked, holding her head. The rattling of the jewlery that had been placed on her prompted her to open her eyes. "I... where am I? Who the hell... this... why am I tarted up like tribal fetish Barbie?!" She screamed, rolling off the altar, transforming back to her human form in her disorientation.

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