Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

August 24th, 2010

If we think we can pull this off, we're Stark raving mad @ 09:24 pm


The different clothes, the dyed hair, a ballcap, and sunglasses made for a reasonable disguise.  Probably wouldn't fool many for long, but long enough to get them where they needed to go.

He wasn't paying attention to the Stark Industries tour guide, though he would, to most people watching, look like he was.  Years of slacking off in classes and pretending to pay attention that way, at least, had paid off.  His real focus was on Anya, waiting for her to tell him when they needed to slip away, so they could track down...

Whoever it was that was impersonating him.  Or duplicating him.  Or...  he didn't know.  There were too many damn possibilities in this world for this kind of thing.

August 16th, 2010

Not Exactly the Day Envisioned @ 10:51 pm


Occasional doubts about his relationship aside--a small part of her would have preferred things be, well, smaller, really, but hey, Starks did things big--Steve truly loved his girlfriend.  Which meant that he absolutely had to make her birthday as special as he possibly could.  He had scrimped and saved from his Avengers salary for several months in order to be able to take her out to dinner at what he had hoped was a nice enough restaurant.  Not his usual world, but hers.  A way to show her world was something he could at least try to operate in.

He studied the menu thoughtfully for a moment, before looking over to her.  "You look beautiful."


Marvel Next Generation Roleplay