Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

March 24th, 2010

Run Through The Jungle @ 10:03 pm


The citizens of Nova Roma were responsible residents of the Amazon Rainforest. They didn't waste resources, they used every part of everything, they worked with the land instead of clearing it and they recycled everything they could. They had learned these methods thousands of years ago from the local tribes not long after establishing their settlement.

Citizens from the colony would venture out into the jungle on a daily basis to gather the herbs, plants, fruit and other items they needed. Wood was gathered from the forest floor instead of chopping down trees whenever it was possible.

Today the citizens that ventured out did not return.

March 23rd, 2010

In The Jungle, The Mighty Jungle.... @ 06:48 am


“Hey , Joe, gimme a hand here, will ya?” Mike Sharpe, employee for Decker Logging, called out.

“Yeah. Gimme a sec,” Joe Krause replied.

The two men were checking the chains and straps that held the logs in place on the flatbed. They had just finished loading the logs and getting ready to ship them out.

Neither man saw the trees in the surrounding jungle start to move. They moved slowly and for a moment one would think the wind was moving them, but then they started to approach the two loggers. Slowly they made their way toward the two men and the truck.

Branches lowered and the two men were grabbed.

Workers would come to the site later and find no traces of the two men.

Elsewhere in the Amazon similar events take place at other logging camps.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay