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Kirley Duke wears more eyeliner than you ([info]specialk) wrote in [info]occultus,
@ 2012-01-20 23:00:00

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Entry tags:char: kirley duke, char: oliver wood

Who: Kirley Duke & Oliver Wood
When: Evening,  20th January
Where: Riverside, 10 miles from boat
Rating: PG to start
Summary: K's thinking too much, so went for a walk.
Status: Complete

The news in the Daily Prophet had left Kirley with a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach and he'd had to leave the boat behind to clear his head. He knew the news has affected Orsino; his best friend had gone quiet -always a danger sign- and retreated to beat the shit out of his drums. K had peeked round the door to check on him before leaving, but O hadn't acknowledged him, again this was ordinary when he was upset. For some reason he didn't like people to see him angry, Kirley on the other hand loved to yell at someone he was annoyed with. He had half a mind to march into the Ministry and kick up a fuss, but he didn't really think it would achieve anything in the long run. Instead he had posted on his journal, then headed out for some fresh air.

Walking had always helped him clear his head, sometimes it even managed to tire him out sufficiently enough to actually get some proper sleep. Hands in pockets and head down, he strode along the footpath beside the river, his usual bouncy walk was more subdued as his mind turned over the words of the article. Not only were they persecuting 'halfbreeds' and muggleborns, they were now against homosexuals too. Their laws were rapidly sending wizard society back to the dark ages. Next thing you knew you'd be sent to Azkaban for sodomy. Huffing out an annoyed sound, he shook a cigarette free of the pack, lit it with his wand and took a long drag, trying to out walk his thoughts.  

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2012-01-29 08:27 pm UTC (link)
'I need to get some food on the way home.' Kirley replied to Oliver's question; upset that he'd wandered off without thinking properly about what Orsino needed. Yes, the drummer was thrashing his drums when K had left the boat. But that didn't mean he could be out for hours. 'Cheese for the rats and stuff to make fajita's with for O.'

He'd seen the puppies' outside home and nodded at Oliver explained they'd be okay. 'Good, I wouldn't want them to be neglected.' Slipping his journal away into his jacket pocket, he twisted round in Oliver's grip, till he was tangled thigh to thigh with the taller Scot. 'Wags might pout if we move away from his for too long.' He tilted his head, green eyes searching Olly's for a long moment. 'I'd like to be closer to you; but I'd need to check with O.'

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2012-01-29 08:50 pm UTC (link)
Oliver nodded, "There is an okay shop close to me, owned by muggleborns, so they take both muggle and wizarding money," Oliver trailed off, thinking that if the ministry went much further, his little 'corner shop' wouldn't be there much longer. “They even have a stash of wizarding sweets under the counter; you just have to ask for them.”

“They won’t be I promise. I took them out for a run at six this morning. They like chasing ducks.” Oliver loosened his grip on Kirley as the other Scot began to wriggle round and face him. “Could do a month at mine then a month at his?” Oliver suggested, it wasn’t like he wanted to steal Kirley away from the world; he just wanted him to be that bit closer. Looking down into Kirley’s eyes Oliver nodded, “Of course, that is understandable. I would like to be closer to you too,” Oliver knew that Kirley and O came as a package; he also knew that O would always come first, but he accepted that.

“Shall we go find food for O?”

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2012-02-02 10:39 pm UTC (link)
'Oooh we can get chocolate frogs and skittles at the same place!' Kirley allowed himself a small smile at the thought, even though he hadn't felt much like smiling since he read the news.

'Good.' Leaning up a little, he took Olly's face gently in his hands and kissed him softly. 'We'll work something out.' The idea of splitting their mooring time between the two places was a good one, but sometimes he and O just liked to drift along the river stopping at a different place each night.

Nodding in response to the question he sprang to his feet and tugged Oliver up with him. He trusted the younger man to apparate them to the shop. Mexican food and having friends all close by sounded like the perfect night to him.

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