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blah de blah essay blah [Sep. 10th, 2009|01:53 am]
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On mod request, I'm starting this again, since it worked so well the last time. In the other place.

Last Stretch, while being easy-going and awesome as a Naruto-based AU rp, it is...complex. We've turned our muses, of whom we know so much thanks to the manga, into AU characters, or...sadly put, humans. And, as is normal, one can't exactly write every bit of someone's history/personality/issues into an app.

I'm picky. I'm picky and I like to explain myself a lot, as many of you have noticed. No, I don't come up with the facts that I explain at that exact moment, but rather, I've always thought of them. (Yes, I'm very OCD about Sakura, what?) But they're so many. So I'm giving you the occasion to help me, help meeeeee write them all out. In other words:


Ask me any question regarding Sakura: her opinion on [insert character's name here]/friendship/love/sex/compromise/toasters, her favourite scent, how many scars she has, her past, her present, parents, boss, job, ANYTHING YOU WANT is good! They can be specific questions, or generalised questions. I will answer them all in this post, and when everyone's had their go, I'll make a post by categories. Yes, darlings, I'll be your tl;dr guide of the day. Of course you can ask more than one question! Fire away!

What not to expect: I will not godmod a relationship. If Sakura hasn't met your character yet, she will, and if you haven't poked me about making them have 'history' together, they'll make it as time passes. Note that only Team 7 (and Neji) have history with her. I'm fine with that. I'm also fine with people wanting to be her BFF. She loevs her friends. But in this post, if you ask "what's her opinion of ___" I will answer based on how much she knows them/has interracted with them.

Hit me with everything you've got, babies!

[PS: Yes, I totally copy-pasted this from the old post. And yes, this is totally supposed the start off for more essays. Oh yes. AND I HAVE TO MENTION THAT I MIGHT CRASH AND ANSWER TOMORROW BECAUSE I POSTED THIS AT TWO AM BECAUSE ASH PRODED.]

[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-10 01:10 am (UTC)


1. Sakura's favorite childhood memory. The more details, the better it will be.

2. From what I've gathered, Sakura's a studious person. So in retrospect, what matter of conflict or etc would be big enough of a concern to distract her from her studies?

3. One possible secret Sakura may or may not be hiding.

4. What are her passions? Her guilty pleasures?

5. And because I am curious, how does Sakura view Tenten, on any and all matters that you can think of or would care to discuss, ie. concerning her friendship with Naruto, as a fellow History student, as a girl in general, as a(n) friend/acquaintance, etc.
[User Picture]From: [info]goodwithscalpel
2009-09-10 11:12 am (UTC)


1. It probably has something to do with trees and climbing them. Sakura's calmed down since then, but as a kid, she was pretty wild, for a girl. So I'm thinking, sunny afternoon in pre-school, where everyone teased her for her hair colour, and she won their respect by climbing the tallest tree. Oh yeah, you tiny bastards, take that! Shannaro! (She probably still looks at trees while strolling in the park and thinks Oh yeah, I could totally take that on.)

2. Ino was big enough to distract her from her studies, at least when they shared a dorm in freshman year. And on that line, plotting Ino's death was also enough to distract her. But more seriously now, anything going on in the family, or with her friends. The thing with Sakura is that even though she'll be distracted by something really tragic, or some huge conflict, it will not show. In fact, it will seem that she is working even more, because that's her way of a) coping, b) trying to concentrate.

3. ...See, I don't know this yet. I really don't. Okay, so maybe she secretly dreams of not being a coward in regards to her family and such, buuuut...it's too early to say anything. She's your father.

4. Passions: medicine, studying shut up Ino, curiosity is totally a passion to her, jujitsu, etc. She's a very passionate person, in a lot of aspects - she just needs the time, place, and reason to show it. Guilty pleasures are totally video games, because her parents do not support the idea of their daughter playing those things; so her tiniest rebellion ever started with a game of FFVII, and carried on. And yeah, she can probably give people a run for their money in some games, and totally suck at others. But she self-proclaims herself the master of any medical game...except, you know, not loudly. And oh, chocolate, but that's a given.

5. AH, AND THIS BRINGS US TO THE OLD DAYS OF LAST STRETCH, since I still kept a few things from there, which are basically...their blooming buddiship. Concerning Naruto, she's not that openly jealous anymore, although okay, she is a bit jealous. More than jealousy though it's anger, because seeing the two interract is like a slap in her face to remind her that Tenten's Naruto's friend from the days when Sakura was not there. So, yeah, thank you, mom and dad! But at the same time, she's okay with the fact that Naruto has more friends, because it's cool to have more friends (that don't come to her telling her to shut him up, especially). There's not as much hostility involved. She knows and can tell that Tenten is a nice girl, someone you can depend on to yank you out of shit if you need her, and also someone funny. And that buddyness is growing okay. Okay.
And HAH you shouldn't have copy-pasted the old questions entirely, because this Sakura's not a History student anymore, neenar neenar neenar.
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-10 02:07 pm (UTC)


But... history was how they bonded. ;~;

1. The wildest thing Sakura has ever done. Does she regret it? Why or why not?

2. How does Sakura view herself? On all aspects. Give the good, the bad, the ugly, the underneath the underneath, whatever.

3. And in contrast, how does Sakura view her family? On all aspects. Same deal. Give the good, the bad, the ugly, the underneath the underneath, whatever.
[User Picture]From: [info]goodwithscalpel
2009-09-10 11:53 pm (UTC)


But she quit...because pre-med's hard to do. ;_;

1. Knee a guy in the balls on the subway for groping her. No, she does not regret it, because it was the trigger to her epiphany: if she wanted to be taken seriously by anyone, and not just thought of as a yankee, she would not manage to do it with soft words and smiles. At least, not without a good kick before. :)

...I'll get back to you on the other two, they're complex. YOU ASK REALLY HARD QUESTIONS TENNY.
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-10 11:57 pm (UTC)


[User Picture]From: [info]goodwithscalpel
2009-09-10 11:58 pm (UTC)


[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-11 12:00 am (UTC)


...Next time I'll ask about her favorite color?
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-10 11:57 pm (UTC)


...N-now go ask questions about Tenny?
[User Picture]From: [info]goodwithscalpel
2009-09-10 11:58 pm (UTC)


my questions would suck :|
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-10 11:59 pm (UTC)


I don't know. Suigetsu asked how old Tenten was when had her first fight... and it resulted in her having anger issues when she was younger. Who knew?
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-11 07:00 pm (UTC)



On a scale of one to ten, RANK ALL THE GUYS SHE KNOWS IN COMM CANON for date-ability, one being a hell no, ten being a fuck yes.
[User Picture]From: [info]equate
2009-09-10 06:02 am (UTC)


...so what is going on with Sakura's hair >>!

[User Picture]From: [info]goodwithscalpel
2009-09-10 10:52 am (UTC)


Fuck no, I hate that word too. :|

Sakura's hair is some sort of genetic mishap that's been bouncing on her mother's side of the family for quite a while now - and she gots it. I know, NORMALLY hard to believe - and it's not really pink, it's more like...a really weird red.

idk medicine what
[User Picture]From: [info]goodwithscalpel
2009-09-10 09:57 pm (UTC)


See, some people still use the 'it's like that because it IS', Ruxi. Saves 4 hours of looking up medical records of people with pink hair, you ocd investigator. But I still love you.
[User Picture]From: [info]equate
2009-09-10 09:58 pm (UTC)


roflmao fyl do you know how long I spent researching eye diseases that yielded red eyes without albinism?

Do you?
[User Picture]From: [info]goodwithscalpel
2009-09-10 09:59 pm (UTC)


A long long time?
[User Picture]From: [info]equate
2009-09-10 10:01 pm (UTC)


XDDD actually, not that long.

Quirkiest dietary habit?
[User Picture]From: [info]goodwithscalpel
2009-09-10 10:17 pm (UTC)


I expected better. Tsk. :|

She eats a lot because she excercise as often as she can. But she's very chaotic about her eating schedule.
[User Picture]From: [info]impellere
2009-09-10 08:24 am (UTC)


o1. STILL a virgin? Come ON, Sakura. I want all info regarding this subject. Her perfect 'first' dream. Give it.

o2. Naruto. Just... Naruto. You could write ESSAYS on this and I want them. Now.

o3. The cowardliness is something that Naruto can't really stand when it comes to her. I WANT YOU TO DIG DEEP. SO DEEP. And tell me why she has that subtle fear of letting the balls drop.
[User Picture]From: [info]goodwithscalpel
2009-09-10 11:26 am (UTC)


I hate you, goddammit I hate you. Goddammit. :|

1. YES. Yes she is. Maybe if she had gone with Ino to those frat parties while she still had the choice...or maybe if when she had gone, she wouldn't have talked to them about colon irrigations and myocardical infractions, she would've found a guy sufficiently drunk/sober to help her out. But that's not in Sakura's nature. Right now, her still being a virgin is not because of 'oh it has to be special' way of thinking anymore. She's waited a whole lot (around 5 years too long if we take into consideration the medium age in Japan) with this virginity of hers, so it's not about the candles and the roses and that corny stuff anymore. She just wants someone sufficiently smart, with sufficiently talented hands to keep her up all night. So yeah, from Super Romantic And Pretty → Abso-fucking-lutely Fantastic. Please.

And she doesn't have perfect 'first' dreams. :| (One orgasm at least plzkaythanksbye?)

[User Picture]From: [info]goodwithscalpel
2009-09-10 11:46 pm (UTC)


2. Hey. Hey. Remember when you did this before? I'm not going to copy-paste it and I'm not going to change it, but I will tell you what has changed...in the year that she's been back you know when the comm DIED.

NARUTO, THE FRIENDSHIP: She's not as jealous anymore. Old friends of Naruto's keep popping up like mushrooms from the rain, and hey, looks like she's not the only one who pulled a disappearing act from his bffs. So that makes her sleep a little bit better at night...And she has grown comfortable around him again. Comfortable enough to pop by unexpected at his shabby apartment door with popcorn and movies and marshmallows (and if she's done a bad thing, beer). Comfortable enough to not stand 50 feet away from him on the same couch, because they're responsible, reasonable, logical, mature adults and she can totally totally handle the tension. (I'll get to that at the next paragraph.) Probably comfortable enough to fart in the same room with him except she never does because GASP SHE'S A LADY OKAY. She's definitely learned how to act more comfortably around him. She teases, she sometimes flirts, and she snaps at him as if they've slipped back into the routine of being bffs again - and they have. Shut up. I'm not leaving again. :| He's still the one she'll go to for a loud laugh, and the first one she'll tell something important like 'oh shit I lost my job'. It's a more solidified friendship now, even though she considers him really attractive. But she has learned, in that 'magical year we're pulling out of our asses because we're veterans', that he is too valuable to her to ruin it all with any other feelings other than friendships. Because, let me tell you, she has seen you operate in the love life department, Naruto. Nuh uh. :|

NARUTO, THE TENSION: Okay, you know what? There still is...tension. But very rarely. He's like her really hot best friend, who she would definitely not mind seeing naked. But yeah. She still loves him hugely (enough to wear the fucking bow. enough to look for the fucking bow all over town), but the tension does not rear its ugly head as often, just like with the jealousy. She can talk about sex with Naruto now, because after two years in pre-med, you learn to stop being shy around issues like 'virginity' and such. And maybe she teases him too. He does have an awesome ass. And she knows it. And she tells him she knows it. Therefore. Bend over. :)

NARUTO, THE CONCLUSION: We've grown, we've learned. We're not going to abandon. We're going to change for the even better, but give us time. Better yet, give Sakura time. It'll be worth it. IN THE MEANTIME, I SEEM TO HAVE DROPPED MY KEYS, COULD YOU PLEASE BEND TO PICK THEM UP?
[User Picture]From: [info]impellere
2009-09-11 02:09 am (UTC)


/Shake, shake, shake, Señora!!
[User Picture]From: [info]goodwithscalpel
2009-09-11 03:05 pm (UTC)


shake your boday
[User Picture]From: [info]haecceity
2009-09-10 02:01 pm (UTC)


1. sakura's thoughts on shikamaru, aside from the feminist stuff LMAO. 8)

2. her thoughts on her pink hair. she probably got teased a lot for being a yankee when she was little, so!

3. ok wtf is the relationship between this team 7 bs. :|
[User Picture]From: [info]goodwithscalpel
2009-09-10 02:12 pm (UTC)


1. :| HE'S SUCH AN ASSHOLE IT MAKES IT SO HARD FOR HER TO BE POLITE TO HIM, OR RESPECT HIS AUTHORITY when all she wants to do is drown him in a toilet. :| But he's a good teacher and SOMEDAY she might even be grateful for how he taught her a valuable lesson in Why Women In Japan Need To Work Harder To Be Doctors, or something like that. Sometimes he's tolerable, and that's when she's not PMSing.

2. She has grown to accept it. She's so used to people giving it odd stares, and has had to shout 'IT'S REAL OKAY' to so many people that she's tired of it, yeah; but whatever. It's her hair, it's part of who she is, and that's that. :|

3. :V Totally not like in the manga, okay? Just saying this. Because:
They were like, really young when they met and became, probably pre-school, friends. With the innocence kids have about mudpies and tree-climbing and all that, I think. And then it stopped.
Sasuke's family thing, Naruto being in ze spotlight, and her parents dragging her away? Yeah, it's probably safe to assume it's something very fragile and the whole team 7 thing here is not as GASP HUGE! as in the manga. Since this is...more akin to reality and all; lol if your childhood friend's a douchebag you punt him to the side instead of risking your life for him over and over again. Real people can take no for an answer?
You want more or what?
[User Picture]From: [info]haecceity
2009-09-10 02:52 pm (UTC)


3. n. 8)
[User Picture]From: [info]goodwithscalpel
2009-09-10 02:55 pm (UTC)


oh good
[User Picture]From: [info]aquatic
2009-09-10 07:20 pm (UTC)


What does Sakura do first thing in the morning?
[User Picture]From: [info]goodwithscalpel
2009-09-10 09:35 pm (UTC)


Slam her hand on the snooze button and roll over for five more minutes. (About five times of them.) Then shower, starting with cold water, then five minutes of just standing under the warm--really not actually--water, then three seconds of cold water.

Breakfast and a relatively healthy one, then facing the Great Beyond. Her closet.
[User Picture]From: [info]verdure
2009-09-11 12:57 am (UTC)



1. Thoughts on Ino? Lesbian undertones are a go?

2. Thoughts on yaoi?

3. OKAY SRS QUESTION NOW. Her biggest regret?

4. Also, does Ino have to buy her a vibrator? I mean, god.
[User Picture]From: [info]goodwithscalpel
2009-09-11 01:13 am (UTC)


1. I don't know where to start. It's like that song. I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU, WHY DO I LOVE YOU. Details?
HATE: her partying ways when they were roommates, especially the nights when she came back drunk or something, or the days when she interrupted Sakura's study time. And how she's so quick to pick on her and get all defensive, argh. And her leaving hair everywhere. Long blonde strands of luscious hair, fine, but NOT ON HER COUCH PLEASE. And Ino's obsession with her weight. And her vanity. :|
LOVES: that she can still hug her even after they've called each other 100 names, because Ino's like the best person she can vent off her anger at. That she would come to the rescue with a change of clothes if Sakura were ever naked and only had her cellphone somewhere. That they can bitch one moment and share ice-cream and diss boys the next.
LESBIAN UNDERTONES: are so fucking go. So go.

2. It is awesome and she has a secret stash of mangas on it that her parents will never ever ever see. :)

3. Not getting the boobs implants Not standing up to her parents when she should've.

4. ...probably. Because she's special.
[User Picture]From: [info]verdure
2009-09-11 01:16 am (UTC)


[User Picture]From: [info]goodwithscalpel
2009-09-11 01:17 am (UTC)


Christmas can't come sooner.
[User Picture]From: [info]verdure
2009-09-11 01:23 am (UTC)


And a happy new year.
[User Picture]From: [info]goodwithscalpel
2009-09-11 01:25 am (UTC)


[User Picture]From: [info]verdure
2009-09-11 01:27 am (UTC)


she's going to do it
[User Picture]From: [info]goodwithscalpel
2009-09-11 03:05 pm (UTC)


oh lord almight only if she teaches Sakura how to use it bahaha