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the adventurous nicodemo a. penrose ([info]otets) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2009-01-31 01:14:00

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Entry tags:amery wilkes

[Ohh, Mrs. Travers!]
Amery did not believe that there was anybody in the world who enjoyed being pregnant as much as Juliana Natalya did, no matter how she said she despised it. Because if she wasn't pregnant (although having a husband imprisoned for murder also aided in this), how else would she be allowed to toss about obscenities, among many other behaviors, in public with people cooing at her? Amery even began to think that he would throttle the next person who told him what a tragic life his sister must be leading, to have the father of her child be such a cruel wizard.

But being pregnant did not allow a few things for Juliana, and since the mysterious father was nowhere to be found, Amery had stepped into this role both by proxy and by his rightful place as eldest son and person who could get Juliana to cooperate fifty-five percent of the time as opposed to fifty. Thus, he had brushed aside the house-elves and strode right into the library, only to find Juliana a solid woman of her word with a glass of the previously-threatened liquor in one hand.

"Are you trying to kill both myself and your unborn child? Please don't force me to tell you that you have three seconds to put the glass down yourself before I forcibly extract it from you."

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2009-01-31 10:37 pm UTC (link)
Juliana found it rather easy to ignore the warning on the possible fatality of her child, but the glass shattering to the floor of the library did get her attention. She peered back at Amery curiously, taking in his barely controlled expression with some confusion. As if she didn't have the capacity to understand him being upset at her words.

She probably should have not had that last glass of vodka, should she?

"Don't be stupid, Amery," she answered flatly, rising from her kneeling position in front of the liquor cabinet. "You wanted to know, didn't you? When this first happened, you bothered me to know who it was if not Orpheus. Well, there you go, I told you--now stop looking like that. The deer-in-the-headlights look is hardly attractive on you."

For a moment as she regarded him, she wondered if she had made a mistake. But her mind was swimming--she felt above it all, like none of it really mattered anyway. What would he do, anyway? What would he really do?

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2009-01-31 11:39 pm UTC (link)
The hand which had let the glass drop was beginning to shake and he curled it into a fist, trying his best to regain his self-control. How could she let this happen, how could Christopher have let this happen; she was practically a widower, for the love of St. Peter. There was the whole matter of kissing cousins, so to speak, but honestly, how interrelated were all the Purebloods, anyway? Not to mention, well-- it certainly wasn't surprising, to say the least.

But Amery was astounded that Juliana would put herself (and that Christopher would aid her) in this situation. That idiot Travers and his sister were very obviously at one another's throats, thus it would not be a stretch to say more than a handful of people were aware of the fact that the child was not that of her absent husband. But Amery prayed to high heavens he was the only one, and would remain the only one, who was aware of this knowledge.

This did not, however, stop him from allowing one, and only one, moment of snickering glee, should the boy Orpheus ever hear of his 'siring' a son.

"Who knows?" Amery asked softly, hands folded behind his back, staring at one of the many library shelves. "Is our dear cousin aware of this development?"

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2009-02-01 05:49 am UTC (link)
"No one knows," Juliana replied with a roll of her eyes. Honestly, just because she'd told her brother didn't mean she was about to shout from the rooftops that she'd fucked her cousin and was now carrying his inbred bastard child. For goodness' sake, she had some shame. Not much, and it was very rare that she exercised, it, but she did have it. "Except Christopher. He knows."

Of course he knew. She had only bitched him out over dinner a week or so after she'd found out about this interesting little development.

Sighing, she leaned against one of the walls of books and crossed her arms tightly over her chest. "Now will you let me curl up and down the rest of this alcohol over here?"

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