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Heidi Twilfit ([info]iseeyoubaby) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-01-20 19:41:00

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Entry tags:bess fawcett, drystan fawcett, heidi twilfit

All right, so she wasn't so sure what this blonde woman's problem with her was, but she wasn't going to let it detract from how happy she was with Drystan. Silly fangirls (ironically enough, as that other woman had said) were no threat to her. After all, she had a child with Drystan, surely that was a tighter bond than anything this 'Bess' could come up with.

She just had to make sure that Drystan didn't get unnecessarily distracted by this woman - that meant that she had to kick up her game a little. She'd picked something nice and sexy out and then taken a few photos of her ... well, removing that something nice and sexy, and now she was planning to slide them into the mailbox so that Drystan would find them when he came to check the mail when he arrived home.

Then she'd head upstairs and settle into the bed, wait for him to come in all hot and bothered ... it was an ideal plan.

So distracted with this brilliance was she that she didn't even bother to see who had just stepped into the lobby.

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2010-01-21 08:41 pm UTC (link)
None of this made any sense. Why was Drystan protecting this woman when he should have been protecting her? It all made her head hurt something terrible, and she didn't actually manage to respond to Bess' shouting. Instead she glanced at Drystan's face desperately, tears prickling at the corners of her eyes.

"What is going ON here!?" Oh, she was just so terribly confused, and her head was throbbing and something was just NOT adding up in the way that it should...

She felt faint, suddenly. But ... surely the hitwizards would come and they would help her figure everything out ... and she could get rid of this nauseating pain.

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2010-01-25 11:15 pm UTC (link)
Giving Bess a less than gentle shove towards the other side of the room, far, far away on the other side of the room, he turned his attention back to the intruding woman.

"What—how were you even allowed in—" Drystan took a breath and tried to calm himself. "Heidi," he began, straining to keep his voice calm and civil, whilst also trying to refrain from dragging his hands desperately through his hair, "you are not—my wife, and this is not your home. You can't—keep insisting that it is—" And he had a full mind to continue going, determined to get to the bottom of this damned mess, when the voice of a fourth interrupted him.

Letting out a noise of exasperation, he jerked his head to the source of the sound, which was the fireplace. A disembodied woman's voice began, "Dispatching help now… please stand-by for arrival…"

"Bloody—what's going—!" He glanced over his shoulder at Bess, "Did you call for someone?"

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