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e m m e l i n e ♔ ([info]advancingly) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-04-19 22:03:00

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Entry tags:edward pennifold, emmeline vance

This wouldn't be weird, right?

Emmeline was pretty sure that this was friendly protocol; after all, she'd received presents from friends on her birthday all the time, and none of them had wanted to snog her! Well. She assumed so, anyway! This shouldn't be any different from all those other times, then. She and Edward were coworkers who happened to enjoy each other's companion, so of course she'd get him a birthday present!

The fact that she hadn't gotten the nerve to give him the present until there were only five minutes left in the work day left something to be said.

It was just that--her cousin was there all the time, and if Patrick saw her giving Edward a present it would end up in relentless teasing and then Edward would never speak or look at her again and---not that she cared if he looked at her but sometimes it was nice and why was the clock ticking so loudly? Emmeline let out a breath and rummaged for the wrapped gift in her drawer. She turned to present it from across the room to Edward, but saw that he wasn't there. Had he gone home! Wait! No, he was in the supplies closet, he'd just said!

She hurried up and kept the gift behind her back with one hand, moving down the short hallway until she reached the door of the supplies closet and peered in, "Almost time to go," she said, feeling warm already.

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2010-04-25 12:57 am UTC (link)
Quills? Edward looked down at the box in his hands quickly, finding that this new piece of information sent his heart rate to an even faster pace. It was very thoughtful of Emmeline, extremely thoughtful, and it took all this will power to stop his mind from assuming that she was giving these to him because she was reciprocating back the feelings he had for her.

Which she didn't, of course. That would be preposterous to even hint at. Someone like Emmeline, someone as smart and beautiful as her wouldn't be interested in someone like him. That was why he was suppressing this crush appropriately, and not 'do her' like Derek had so crudely suggested.

Though Edward was finding all of this very difficult at the moment. He felt his face get hot, as well as the rest of his body while he continued to tightly clutch the box in his hands. There were--- so many things running through his mind, which made him even more anxious realizing that this was one of the few times he couldn't logically think of any kind of thought! It was unsettling. The more he focused on that fact, however, the more one question kept popping to mind. He couldn't-- didn't--- not to mention ruin everything but-- he couldn't help himself.

"May I kiss you?"

If the very least, her rejection would help him get over the spell she had put on him.

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2010-04-25 10:01 pm UTC (link)
The heat of her face flared up so quickly she thought she wouldn't be able to breath. As much as she had loved and adored Caradoc, he had never so politely asked for a kiss (not that he simply took kisses---which he did, sometimes, but it was a very pleasing theft--). There was something so lovely about Edward's words that made her chest flutter with great hope and excitement. She had a reason to be excited again, and she nodded a bit too quickly in response.

Edward looked terribly nervous, so she should probably help him along the way. A smile slowly blossomed across her face and moved closer, feeling exhilarated to once again experience a first-kiss. Emmeline didn't close her eyes until the very last second, and she let out an internal sigh as they finally closed the distance between each other. She had believed a kiss from Edward would be gentle and slightly apprehensive, just like him, and Emmeline was glad that she had been right; she appreciated that he was just as nervous as she was about this new thing they had.

Of course, she also hadn't kissed anyone, or had any sort of affection in nearly a year and a half, so being apprehensive might have to be shot out of the door in a moment or two. Emmeline moved even closer, hoping that she had correctly heard Patrick say that he was leaving for the night, an hour ago.

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2010-04-25 11:49 pm UTC (link)
This was--- to say the least, Edward was extremely surprised at Emmeline's response. He had fully be expecting her complete rejection, followed by her immediate departure from the office forever. So for her to not only accept him but begin to kiss him first--- Edward was surprised he hadn't fallen to the ground in shock yet. And this definitely was not a dream, because the anxiety and excitement he was feeling then was too real for something entirely made up in his mind.

It was his birthday, you were allowed to be lucky on your birthday, no? That's what people always said, so-- why couldn't he be apart of that? At the realization of this, Edward felt his heart pick up and become much lighter than it had been in weeks. His hands felt nimble, his skin lighter than air and--- a very broad smile appeared on his face, one so wide that his jaw began to hurt from keeping it up and making sure to not break with Emmeline just yet.

A very nice birthday indeed.

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