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c є ▪ ℓ ([info]mythomania) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-07-25 17:39:00

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Entry tags:alastor moody, christopher loftus

Christopher had little qualms about sitting in the dark for long stretches of time. He felt similar to solitary confinement. Impassive to swelling bruises and festering cuts, indifferent to his gnawing stomach that was so use to plentiful meals. But what he was especially proud of was his ability to completely refuse giving up information under capture; a skill that all aurors possessed, but him so especially. All of these combined made him possibly one of the worst people to interrogate, if he didn't say so himself.

But the real treat was that this was the Order he was dealing with. It had been easy to detect, with Longbottom being one of the more famous members and Moody right along with him. Oh yes, the little fuck Goldstein had called the Order. As aggravating as that had been, it really had turned into Christopher's best interest. The fact that Sebastian had yet to show his face here only gave him the one thing he needed to grasp onto to keep his lips zipped tight. They wanted death eater answers? Well Sebastian Goldstein himself would have to come here and get it from him. Even then--- Christopher was a lot of things, but he certainly was not a traitor.

Christopher snapped out of his daze as the lights above blazed on, his lips automatically moving to bare his bloody teeth beneath. He heard the door open and close, but the sudden flood of light temporarily prevented him from seeing who it was that had entered.

"Where is my brother in law?" Christopher hissed as a figure emerged before his blurred vision. He twisted his wrists in their binds behind his back as he picked up his chin to see who it was. Longbottom and Moody were in for another session of disappointment if they hadn't fulfilled his request to bring in Sebastian.

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2010-07-26 10:03 pm UTC (link)
Moody. A cracked smile appeared on his lips, and Christopher leaned back into his chair, his chin still raised high. Alastor was much more fun to deal with than Longbottom. Longbottom would just beat the shit out of him. But Moody, he made it interesting. While Christopher's mind wasn't in its best state, that still did not take away from enjoying the mind games he and Moody would play.

It was especially gratifying to know, however, that after three days, the Order aurors were no doubt beyond frustrated with the lack of results they were producing. In all honesty, Christopher still wasn't absolutely sure what they wanted to know, but no doubt had something to do with the Dark Lord and his plans for the future. But that would require something better than Sebastian Goldstein's corpse served to him on a golden platter.

"More like a mudblood rat," Christopher scoffed, his eyes traveling to the ceiling as he spoke. "It's too bad," he continued in a much lighter tone. "You'll have to return to the Order again today with nothing new to tell them. Too bad." He shook his head in a hopeless manner, finally bringing his gaze back down to the other auror. "Tell me, how are you covering up my lack of presence in public? I'm curious has to how the noble Order deals with kidnappings."

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2010-08-05 09:30 pm UTC (link)
"You say that like we aren't above a little underhandedness to further our cause. Sure, we aren't cutting of little girls' hands, but it's nice to have some limits." Then again, some of the Death Eaters had probably been dedicated enough at the same age as Macfusty's sister to be deserving of the removal of a couple of limbs. He arched his brow at Christopher and let a slow smile slide over his lips. "Who says that you're gone at all, Loftus? We wouldn't want to ruin your spotless attendance."

Moody cracked his knuckles and did his best not to rub at the stump where most of his leg had once been. It was annoying enough that it was bothering him today, and he'd ignore that fact for as long as he could in front of Christopher.

One of their own ranks a Death Eater. He'd always gotten a creepy vibe off of Loftus, but this was bloody ridiculous...and it wouldn't stand.

No, no it would not.

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2010-08-06 02:04 am UTC (link)
Well, well, well, wasn't that interesting?

And probably the funniest thing he had heard in a long time. Someone attempting to impersonate him? An Order member. Walking around, trying to make everyone believe that he was really him they were talking to? Christopher let out a long, gutted laugh. And while laughing immediately began to create a burning hurt his chest, the thought was too amusing to stop. "You polyjuiced me?" His voice came out in a dubious, almost amused kind of tone as his face contorted to create a strange smile. Oh, that was rich.

But he had to know---

"Who is it?" Christopher leaned forward as he spoke, throughly enjoying himself. A smirk was still present on his face as he spoke."Tell me it's Goldstein, Moody." That would be too perfect. What could be better torture than making Sebastian come and see him? Well actually making the other man act like him. Absolutely perfect. If it were possible, Christopher would have started purring with content. "Humor me."

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2010-08-09 12:06 am UTC (link)
His blood was boiling uncontrollably. He felt himself bite down on his tongue to keep himself from giving away any of this - the taste of warm blood was a small, familiar comfort. When it had become that, Moody couldn't have been able to tell a soul ... but it made him feel more in control of the situation. He felt his shoulders relax.

He swallowed.

"I know you Death Eaters are a little slow in the head," he said easily enough, stepping forward so that he was within Christopher's range of vision, "but let me try to get this through to you this time." He lifted his right hand and struck the man hard across the face, hoping to break some of the tiny, fragile bones there.

"You. Aren't. In a position. To make. Demands." Moody snorted, stepping back again.

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2010-08-10 01:05 am UTC (link)
There was no reason to be rude. Christopher instinctively jerked to the side, the left side of his face erupting into pain. His jaw, particularly, had become very sore over the last few days; it no doubt would be broken soon enough. It was possible other bones near his ear were broken as well, but somehow now all of his injuries had come together to create the same level of pain as felt before. Moody would need a new tactic.

At this thought, Christopher let out a gurgled laugh. His head stayed low has his shoulders sag, and he did not look at Moody as he spoke. Despite emitting humor, his tone was much more serious. "It was a request," he spoke tightly, the pain on his face prohibiting from opening his mouth too wide. Turning slightly, he twisted his wrists in the binds tied behind him.

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2010-08-10 02:53 am UTC (link)
"And you aren't in much of a position to be making those either, unless you're offering up something to trade." He had all the time in the world as far as he was concerned with Christopher, all the time in the world to make sure that he got what he wanted from the man.

If Conway had taught him anything, it was to be patient and ... persistent. He leaned back again and let out a yawn. "You're terribly boring, you know."

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2010-08-10 03:21 am UTC (link)
He blinked slowly at the ground, his body feeling foggy. The Order hadn't exactly kept up to par on food and water disruption to their prisoners. And you would think they would be good about it; no doubt he was the only one here. He frowned, eventually bringing his gaze back to up to Moody again.

"Sorry," Christopher shrugged, not caring in the slightest. Because that was what he was most concerned about. Either having information to trade to not get out of here or occupying Moody's past-time with entertainment. What did he think this was, a circus show? He didn't even play along half the time. That was by no means grounds for Christopher to feel inclined to help the other Auror in any way.

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