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c a r y s ([info]llewellyns) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2011-02-08 20:36:00

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Entry tags:adrian mattias, anneliese jugson, bertram aubrey, bess fawcett, bianca aubrey, carys llewellyn, drake parkin, galvin gudgeon, group, magnolia mattias, mirabelle jasper, odette boot, psyke bardera, seth wadcock, tristan bardera, victoria cadwallader, william jugson

Valentine's Day Gala!

Being the defending champs gave the members of the Caerphilly Catapults many obligations, like being the MC's of this rather lavish evening...or, rather, the boys had volunteered Carys to do all the talking as they stood and looked cute in their suits. It was a job that she didn't particularly mind, she'd been in the spotlight all her life, but she grew bored of introducing generous donors and the big-wigs of the league. Carys knew about all the politics that went on behind the scenes, so she put on a good face, but was definitely not shy about voicing her opinion on certain matters.

"Oh, absolutely," she said to the head of the refereeing committee, "But when you've got one ref on the offensive side, and the foul's committed on the far end of the defense's area....I'm just saying, we should probably be taking advantage of--oh, what's it called?" Carys winked at the man, and at the reporter listening in, "--magic?"

She laughed when he huffed and excused himself, and the reporter shook her hand for the great sound bit. Carys gave a little twirl (her dress had too many ruffles not to twirl), and leaned over the counter to order another drink. The sound of something like an amused snort made her turn her head, and she raised her eyebrows,

"Something funny?"

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2011-02-21 03:01 am UTC (link)
Once again, Bertram had very little experience with women being pregnant around him. He furrowed his brows again, glad that she was sitting down, and flagged a waiter over to get her a cool cloth. Once the waiter was off to do that, he turned to Bianca again.

Now would be a bad time to freak out, right? Because Bianca was probably all hopped up on baby hormones and didn't want to have to do things for herself, right? His mother had told him that if he was going to be around a girl when she was pregnant, he was going to have to start making some actual decisions for her.

"Uh," he let out eloquently, grabbing the wet cloth from the waiter hastily and pressing it to the back of Bianca's neck while he squatted awkwardly next to her, "I think that we can wait a minute or two, and if things don't improve any then we should go. I'm done all that I need to work-wise, anyawy. Worst case scenario, you have to wake me up after I fall asleep in a chair in the waiting room at St. Mungo's." That seemed ... logical, right?


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2011-02-22 09:29 pm UTC (link)
Bianca liked plans. Her whole life had been planned, and when she finally was able to take control of it...she planned some more. This baby was something that had been completely unplanned and she hadn't been able to make any sort of solid solution to anything regarding it and her future and---Bertram was giving her a plan. Bianca watched him as he spoke, trying to calm her breathing and let the cool of the towel relax her slightly. Slightly.

She nodded, accepting this plan. This seemed like a plan. She had done all the reading, telling her about the stretches and the fake contractions. Bianca knew that many women experienced these things and would end up wasting a night or day out of work because of nothing. She knew all this, but it took Bertram's steady words to convince her that something might not actually be wrong with the baby.

"Okay," she said softly, nodding again. Bianca closed her eyes and took in a couple of deep breaths, hoping to calm down her heart. The pain had already subsided, it was more her nerves than anything at this moment. Maybe it was all a false alarm, it was starting to feel that way.

"Oh!" she let out as the baby kicked her very hard in the side. Bianca's eyes shot open and she blinked, looking down at Bertram with a funny expression. Okay, that was good. She smiled and grabbed Bertram's wrist, pushing his hand toward the target of their son's foot.

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2011-02-23 03:38 am UTC (link)
See, this was the part of things that he'd had to completely miss with Rachel. Sure, it had been because he was in school ... but most of the reason had been because his knocked-up not-girlfriend didn't want anything to do with him. He loved Amissa now, but the fact was -- well, the fact was that he hadn't been there for this part, and that sucked. Bertram blinked back at Bianca and then realized what his hand was doing there when something bumped against his hand quite firmly.

"Oi!" He arched his brow, somewhat quizzical. He was going to look like a bloody idiot if he didn't figure out what that was, but ... "I hope you don't mind him becoming a beater, because that is definitely what it's looking like at this point." At least Bianca seemed to be calming down, and she wasn't bleeding down her legs or anything. Things would be fine.

They had to be, because Bertram was really just starting to get the hang of doing things normally. If they had to skyrocket into a huge crisis now he didn't know if he'd be able to take it.

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