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brianna a. sloper ([info]nastyshock) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2011-06-25 16:48:00

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Entry tags:anneliese jugson, bertram aubrey, bianca aubrey, brianna sloper, group, rhys nott, william jugson, zachary sloper

Sloper Wedding!
She'd gone from hyperventilating in a brown paper bag as her sister rubbed her back to feeling like she could fly. Without a broomstick, of course. Brianna clung to Zach's arm as she watched their friends begin to jump onto the dance floor of their seemingly spur of the moment wedding. She had felt awful about not being able to share all the excitement, but knowing that there weren't going to be any photographers jumping out of bushes, and that their wedding photos were going to be their wedding photos was absolutely worth all the stress she'd endured.

"I'm glad you showed," Brianna said teasingly, leaning into Zach's side. What a fit that would have been had if he hadn't figured out that the wedding was in June and not July. Brianna's logical side was sure that she would have said something before the day, but her frantic, sometimes uncontrollable side still wanted to knock his head off for putting that fear into her head. What a boyfriend, she had.

What a husband, she had!

The thought made her smile though and she kissed Zach on the cheek, taking in a deep and happy breath of excitement.

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2011-06-29 05:09 pm UTC (link)
"Finally?" she let out in a much louder, shriller voice than usual, "Did I not just give birth to your son? Hmm?"

Bianca smiled though, moving her shoulders and hips back and forth in an exaggerated slow dance, even though the music was quite fast paced. She just liked looking pretty with Bertram, being out with Bertram, just being with Bertram, and it was nice to be in love with someone. Even though that someone had never told her that he loved her, of course, but Bianca could feel it. She knew that Bertram loved her, it would just be nice to hear it once in a while. Or even once.

She scrunched her nose and pulled herself closer, letting out a great breath,

"And if I fell first over your good looks, do you think it would've taken us---" Her eyes rolled to the ceiling to count the months she'd kept him out of her knickers, "--five months to shag?" She looked astounded at this idea, and dropped her gaze back to Bertram, "Why the hell did you stick around if you weren't getting shagged?"

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2011-06-29 10:12 pm UTC (link)
Honestly, he'd had difficulty answering that question to himself for quite some time.

He smirked, letting Bianca move as she pleased. "I had a hard time with that one for a while. I think it's because you actually treated me like an adult and believed me when I said I was sorry about things."

That had been the main problem with Franzy, hadn't it? They'd both been a little too young to do anything serious, and he'd had a hard time understanding her. Bianca was much simpler ... not in a way that made her stupid, but in a way that was much more logical to Bertram.

"Besides, I was sure that if I tried to leave you would stun and hex me," he teased.

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