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Grayson Wilkes ([info]glovesmandatory) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2011-11-15 00:26:00

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Entry tags:grayson wilkes, ophelia wilkes

Ophelia, my dear.
In the past year, Grayson Wilkes had had a lot of time to himself to think. Granted, most of that time had been spent having something of a psychotic break -- but the last month or so, he'd just been thinking. His brother was dead -- by his own hand -- and his family was more on the rocks than they'd been in years. He'd spent a good deal of time regretting Amery's death, but the fact was ... if he hadn't ended his brother's life, their entire family would've suffered even more than they were suffering now. It had been a long, hard road to this conclusion, but he had to believe it.

None of this silly regressing bullshit: he was the only son of the family now, and he needed to pull himself together. Continuing to wallow was just going to drag his family through the mud again, and that wasn't something he was going to tolerate.

Truth be told, he'd been well enough for the last few weeks. He knew he should've been the one to contact Ophelia, but he'd spent the majority of his time getting back into shape (apparently not eating and subsisting mostly on grain alcohols did not do wonders for a man's figure) and finding house elves to replace the ones that he'd messily thrown out windows or through walls. He needed to know that Ophelia would still come back to him, that he was (at least in his opinion) in control of that situation.

The manor looked lovely now, though; fresh coats of paint on some of the walls, flowers in the vase by the door. Grayson himself looked for every intent and purpose like he had before his brother's death; the fire was back in his eyes and he felt sharper than ever.

No more of this failure nonsense.

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2011-11-15 06:11 am UTC (link)
It wasn't a good thing to feel resentment towards your husband, right? When you found yourself spending most of the hours of your day -- and certainly all of your conversations -- ending in nothing but frustration and resentment towards your husband it was a fairly good hint that things were close to over, right? When it got to be like that, any sane person would pull the plug on the whole thing; especially after nearly a year of living, for all intents and purposes, completely separate lives.

It was over. Ophelia had known it was over for the longest time, and yet-- what was it? Why was it that every time she saddled up and talked herself into just saying it, he somehow pushed past the inevitable and convinced her to see him? Every time she felt she was taking control of the situation, Grayson could always convince her to begrudgingly "talk about it in person." Twice now he'd used that, and twice she'd fallen for it.

She had Flooed into the Library maybe ten minutes ago, and yet she stood there silently, mentally berating herself for the sheer fact that she was there. Again. Running back to the manor and to him as if she thought anything would have changed.

Nothing was going to change. It had taken a long time to accept that, but it was time to move on now-- if not for herself, then for the children. They needed stability and certainty and to know that their mother was not a weakling, shamelessly holding onto the ghost of a man she had once known.

And yet here she was.

She had to tell him. This was it. She had to tell him, tonight.

Slipping off her coat, she laid it on the arm of a chair before stepping softly out into the main foyer to face her 'husband's' turned back.

"I'm not playing around, Grayson. Let's start talking or I'm leaving."

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2011-11-15 06:20 am UTC (link)
Softly though she was moving, he was aware of the moment that she stepped into the room. He was done with distractions now, done with overthinking and all that that entailed. Grayson took another moment to mentally gather himself and then turned on his heel smoothly, facing his wife.

He was aware that he looked much better. Less sallow, better-fed.

"I have no intention of playing around," he said easily enough, already stepping toward her. It had taken far too long for him to hit rock bottom, but he'd finally had it smack him in the face after one too many nights waking up in a pool of blood that wasn't his own. It was so ... untidy. Not at all becoming of a Wilkes.

"I've already told you my intentions. As you can see, the manor is in better condition than it's been since we first moved in -- and I'm --" he hesitated. How to phrase it without admitting weakness? "-- fine. As you can also see."

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2011-11-15 06:35 am UTC (link)
Her eyes actually widened a bit as he stepped towards her, looking for all the world like nothing had happened at all. Grayson looked... healthy, awake, alive. His clothes were clean and pressed, he had gained back weight, seemed well-slept, and most of all appeared to actually be in the room with her. It was a version of him that she had forgotten existed until that very moment.

"I-- yes, I see that," Ophelia answered quietly, unable to take her eyes off him long enough to survey the supposedly tidied up manor. If it had been a mess of broken glass and blood she might not have noticed at all, truth be told. The sight of him looking so well simply had her head spinning far too much to care about anything else.

What was going on?

"I'm pleased... that you seem to be doing well for yourself." Still, a twinge of suspicion in the back of her mind made her cross her arms over her chest defensively and mind his movements. There was something so very sudden about this, after so long. It couldn't be all right.

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2011-11-15 06:49 am UTC (link)
She was his wife, but he -- still wanted to minimize his weaknesses, even in front of her. Perhaps especially in front of her, since he was the one who was supposed to be able to protect her from the inevitable threats that the rest of the world were going to unleash on their family if they ever found out about his role in the war.

"Not just for myself," He insisted, closing the space between them so that he could bring his hands -- ungloved, for emphasis' sake -- to rest on her shoulders firmly. "I'm not going to let anything get between me and my family again, Ophelia. I am aware that there have been complications in the past year, but I'm not going to lose you."

Or their daughter.

Or ... fine, his son.

It was his hope that the measured, deliberate movements were having their intended effect on her.

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2011-11-15 07:07 am UTC (link)
Her eyes followed his hands as they came towards her and yet she was frozen in place -- stunned stupid perhaps being the accurate term -- as their weight hit her shoulders. A shock, nostalgic but strangely unfamiliar, shot through her like electric while she listened to him confess, speaking his mind and sounding both everything and nothing like the Grayson of a year ago.

This was too much. What was he doing? What was happening? It was too much.

While it was certain that his actions were having an effect on Ophelia, she could not have told you what exactly that effect was. Shaking her head back and forth, she tore her eyes from him to stare wide-eyed at their feet and the sheen in the marble floor, with all her might willing herself to compose her thoughts.

But this was-- no, this was too much. "I don't-- understand," she muttered, sounding almost as lost as she felt. "What is this, I-- what happened? -- Is this even real?"

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2011-11-15 07:13 am UTC (link)
He wasn't an open man -- he wouldn't tell her exactly how he'd come to this place, how he'd -- more or less kidnapped a scared young intern from some ramshackle medical clinic in Tbilisi, demanding that he find some way to fix whatever it was that was wrong with him. It had been fruitless, of course, but that sort of sad desperation was what had started to shake him from this fun. Disgusting is what that had been.

He brought a fingertip to her chin so that he could tilt her gaze back up at him, unwilling to make anything more than a complete effort at this. Grayson might've acted confident for all his efforts, but he was quite aware that this would likely be more or less his last chance to convince Ophelia he was fixed. He leaned in to kiss her soundly, drawing back a moment or two later.

"It's as you said. I'm done wasting time." With whatever problems he'd brought upon himself; it wasn't fair to burden the family with them.

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2011-11-15 09:18 am UTC (link)
Right before their lips met, Ophelia's senses kicked in with astounding clarity once again, reminding her that this was a bad idea and the wisest course of action was probably to turn and walk away or... smack him, or... anything but let him kiss her.

What she would tell herself later would be that she'd had no time to react differently, but it would only serve as a half-hearted excuse to explain why she simply stood there the entire time, allowing him to draw her into a kiss and back into his trap. Ophelia's eyes closed and she took a long breath, breathing him in, stubbornly unresponsive lips eventually softening as her earlier resolve was swept away in the one simple movement. Her arms across her chest loosened and eventually fell to her sides just as he pulled away.

It was all she could do not to step forward and demand more.

He was the worst. He was manipulative, and this was mean-- it was so mean. Grayson had to know how long she'd wished to have such affection back again, and all she could think of was how much it would crush her if this turned out to be a scheme, a fake. She had spent so long trying to steel herself and accept that he was gone, so to have him suddenly standing in front of her like this-- how--

It was the floor that found her eyes again, but because she found her teeth bearing down on her bottom lip as her throat constricted in a feeling that had been all-too-familiar over the past year. In all honesty, the resentful part of her wanted him to see what all of this had done to her, but somehow she fought it instead and attempted to hide the weakness that he had just exposed.

"I-- understand," is all she choked out, trying not to sound as exhausted, teary, or relieved as she felt. What had she let this man do to her?

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2011-11-15 04:40 pm UTC (link)
That was the problem with the two of them, wasn't it? Both of them were so stubborn about things that neither of them made any leeway with the other unless they simply didn't admit anything was wrong and moved on. Not the healthiest, no -- but few parts of Grayson's life, if he were really honest about it, were healthy. It was silly and cliche to say that he showed his feelings much better than he articulated them with words, but it was true.

He slid his arm around her waist, pulling her flush against him and attempting not to become dizzy with the sensation. She certainly hadn't been the only one craving this for the past year. Surely she'd know that he was a man of few words; she couldn't expect an apologetic and tearful speech from him.

Still. She was one of the very few people who could bring out feelings of guilt in him, and one of those people was -- dead. Not coming back.

"I never meant," he began carefully, "for this to hurt any of you." He'd been so sure in the beginning that he could take control of the slow but sure emotional break that was happening, sure until it was too late; now it was too late to keep that spiral from happening. All he could do, really, was apologize in his own awkward and roundabout way.

"And understand that I would not say this without complete certainty: it is over now. Done with."

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2011-11-16 05:14 am UTC (link)
Instantly, she buried her face in the clean creases of his shirt and threw her arms around his torso, holding on tight like a drowning person being thrown a lifeline. Dramatic as it was, Ophelia felt just like that at the moment. Her husband was there, and he was strong, and he was a piece of solid ground to hang onto after such a long time not knowing what to do with herself or her shattered home life. Maybe it was only for her own sanity, but in that moment she believed him entirely--- because he had to be telling the truth. He couldn't regress again after this or she wasn't sure what she'd do.

He couldn't do that to her, again.

She listened to Grayson's words through their low resonance in his chest and nodded her acceptance, forcing herself to calm down, gain control over herself. It wouldn't do to really start crying; this wasn't a moment she wanted to be awkward, as relieved as she was that it was happening at all. That wouldn't do.

Pulling back just enough to look up at him, pushed a forceful kiss on him in response. Being a man of few words as he was, she imagined he would understand what she meant.

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2011-11-16 05:20 am UTC (link)
Even he knew that Ophelia wouldn't be able to handle another year like this. He was actually very certain that he wouldn't be able to handle another year like this, actually. Fortunately, circumstances were in their favor - with Voldemort vanquished, allegedly, the Death Eaters had dropped to a mere blip on the radar of law enforcement ... as long as they kept their heads down.

He'd have to start doing that if his family was going to work.

"I'll have the house elves get your things in the morning," he said after reluctantly drawing back from the kiss, brows furrowed.

He took another breath before kissing her again, fully intent on making her evening back at home as memorable as possible. Surely all of this was important to proving that he was one-hundred percent recovered, right?


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2011-11-16 05:32 am UTC (link)
Ah, right, this meant they would be moving back in. Back home. As lovely as the flat was that she had with Dmitry and Anya, it wasn't home--arguably more homey, but it was not their home. Maybe she had simply never wanted to accept that it had been likely they would not be coming back to this place again, but either way, this felt much better.

"And the kids, too," she reminded him between kisses. "Anya will be so--happy to see you."

How long since she'd let him see their daughter? Did he know that she talked now, that she asked for him? Dmitry might not be overjoyed by the situation, but the only thing Ophelia wanted to do more than spend the night with her husband right then was to bring her daughter back to her father. There was a lot of lost time for the two of them to make up together.

But it was Ophelia's turn first. She smirked against his lips and tugged at back of his shirt insistently.

Yes, her first.

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