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the only octavius o. pepper ([info]dinglealltheway) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2013-12-27 17:11:00

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Entry tags:adian rosenberg, adrian mattias, andrea johnson, anneliese jugson, bertram aubrey, bess fawcett, bianca aubrey, billie trimble, caden flint, cassandra parkinson, charles spinnet, charlotte sweeting, drystan fawcett, edward pennifold, elizabeth fortescue, elliot alderton, elphias doge, estella flint, ethan jordan, flynn wright, franziska dolohov, gabriel corner, galvin gudgeon, glenda prewett, graciela pennifold, greta catchlove, group, henry wadcock, howell williams, iwan quigley, jake bexley, jeremiah whitehorn, kalista borgin, larkin whitby, louis bonaccord, mackenzie goldstein, magnolia mattias, mattie scarpin, max fancourt, melania comstock, michal conway lynch, miles lufkin, mirabelle jasper, miranda frobisher, nicodemo penrose, nicola scarpin, nora peakes, octavius pepper, odette boot, oliver comstock, orion sinistra, penelope fawcett, phoebe smethwyck, rachel corner, ralph frobisher, remus lupin, rose knightley, rupert brookstanton, saoirse mullet, savannah davies, sebastian goldstein, seth wadcock, therese bonaccord, west sumpter, william jugson, winnifred llewellyn

New Year's Eve Masquerade! For Tuesday

Octavius believed hiring someone to organise an event for him meant they would actually organise an event for him. Unfortunately, that notion proved to be a false one when the organiser left him high and dry in the middle of the month, but Octavius persevered. With the help of himself, Mira, occasionally Lottie Sweeting, and an army of lackeys, the night of the masquerade had come together as beautifully as possible.

Lottie had, for once, actually done her job, and at either entrance of the grand foyer were attendants handing out beautifully crafted half-masks to party-goers, and collecting them as people left. The ballroom was majestic and shimmering, the music was softly thrumming, the drinks were pouring, and the mood was infectious. All in all, Octavius thought, it was a satisfactory night to end a rather satisfactory year. After the chaos and excitement that had chased him all throughout 1983, he was rather happy to have had a (comparably) quiet year.

"Can you make sure Miss Warbeck is ready to begin?" he murmured to an attendant nearby who then scurried off. The Wizarding Wireless Network had, after all, promised a wonderful surprise at midnight! Octavius needed to ensure everything went perfectly.

The flash of a nearby photographer made Octavius scowl, annoyed was he at even the few press witches and wizards who had paid handsomely to be at the charity event tonight. The publicity was good, no one could deny that, and the masks concealed everyone's identity at least marginally so there was no grievous intrusion on privacy, but that didn't mean Octavius enjoyed their presence.

He rolled up the sleeve of his dress robe to check his watch, then his eyes darted back to the stage. It was five minutes to midnight! What, for heaven's sake, was Celestina Warbeck taking so long to appear onto an already dressed stage? Shaking his head agitatedly, Octavius cut through a path through the brightly coloured bodies in the mingling crowd to check on his star performer.

OOC Read this for questions, or ask me! Fluid time, so feel free to thread before/after kisses. Again, the "compulsion" to find your kissing partner kicks in 5-10 minutes before midnight and could be anything from thinking you should walk and get some punch to being mystifyingly sexually attracted to the masked stranger at your side. HAVE FUN! GO WILD ♥ AND HAPPY NEW YEAR'S MY GORGEOUS GALS.

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2013-12-29 04:36 am UTC (link)
No one knew that Ethan had returned from his adventure in Norway. No one knew that he and Samantha had found what could be the discovery of the century. No one knew that the trolls of the Norwegian mountains had some ancient magic that worked in such mysterious ways that even dark magic was weakened against it. No one knew because---because they weren't exactly sure how to prove any of it.

The ancient method of transportation, a sort of rainbow-like floo network that worked through the caverns of Trolltindene, could be---revolutionary! But they'd barely escaped their captures and had no evidence but their stories. He had to remain under the radar of Gringotts because if they found out he was back with absolutely no treasure, not only would the Norway project be shut down, but Ethan would most likely be sacked as well. There were other things, but...but...he wasn't ready to reveal those, and he'd come for supplies, not to think about the exciting developments that...oh, hello---

Ethan had come to this party to find Larkin and try to enlist her in this adventure, but he caught sight of the most dazzling witch in the room. In all of England. He strode toward her, focused, completely losing any thoughts of Norway, of trolls and the like. She had her back to him (but what a backside!), and Ethan reached out both hands to place them firmly on her waist. Merlin, that felt good.

"Almost midnight," he whispered into her ear, leaning into her. Ethan grinned under his mask, hands gripping at the fabric of her dress.

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2013-12-29 05:09 am UTC (link)
At first, Drea had thought it was Tony behind her, and the feeling of his hands at her waist was absolutely incredible. She grinned to herself, pleased yet again with the public display of affection.

But then she heard the voice and it wasn't--that wasn't Tony. A confused look on her face (to go along with the 'hell no' attitude that was quickly developing), she turned around to confront this complete stranger and she very nearly lost her breath. Oh, he was absolutely handsome she decided as she looked him up and down.

"That it is," she replied huskily. "What of it?" Her hand nearly knocked her mask askew as she moved to push her hair back behind her ears.

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2013-12-31 01:26 am UTC (link)
Fiesty. Ethan's sideways grin was absolutely devilish. He was glad she stayed against the bar as that would provide the proper leverage needed for the snog he was about to give her. Hell, He had some good luck when it came to New Year's, didn't he? Last year had ended with a kiss and a bang (quite literally, actually), and this year was shaping up quite well.

Huh. He kissed her fully, one hand going into her hair to pull her close. Last year, it had been determined, that the fireworks had jinxed people to kiss the closet person to them. He wondered if this was a jinx too, but no fireworks had gone off. The thought flitted around in Ethan's mind for a bit until getting crushed by how bloody good this woman tasted.

"Bloody hell," he muttered against her lips.

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