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Arthur Weasley ([info]sparkplugoholic) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-07-27 19:53:00

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Entry tags:molly weasley

Who: Molly and Arthur...with the inevitable Weasley Children appearances
Where: The Burrow
When: Late Sunday Afternoon

Work had been busy. Long, hard, and busy all day for Arthur. And just when they thought things were calming down, it'd pick back up again. It would not have been so bad except for the fact that Melinda--she wasn't that far from Arthur, in terms of muggle appreciation. True she was much more vocal about it, but who at the Ministry didn't know about his spark plug collection, or the rubber duckies, or his--he had hundreds of muggle baubles and things lying about the house and his office. The entire day, all he could think about was his family--whether Molly and the boys were okay or or...no he couldn't--

He snapped out of his thoughts quickly as a strong hand patted his back. "Alright there, Arthur?"

"Oh, yeah...just...thinking," he said faintly, letting out a tired sigh as he rubbed his temples.

"You've been here all day. Go home, get a few hours of sleep," McCormack, the head of the misuse of muggle artifacts office, replied firmly.

"Are you sure about that?" It wasn't that he didn't want to get home, but...he knew that things were going to be busy for the next few hours--even days, if people didn't start getting answers soon--and didn't want to put the emotional and physical strain on the others.

"Yeah. Perkins and Smithton are in, fresh from sleep. Go."

Arthur didn't wait to be told a third time. With a loud pop, he was gone. He appeared outside of the Burrow's kitchen door before entering the household. He had no doubt that Molly would be there soon, what with the way she liked to watch their clock when things were busy.

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2008-07-28 06:30 am UTC (link)
"Wait---wait, why are we going to Bilius'?" Oh, his house always had this smell. Molly followed Arthur up the stairs as quickly as possible, not understanding what he was talking about and why he was making such arrangements. Packing the boys? No, wait, what had happened that he was reacting so---he didn't think that the death eaters were going to go around slaughtering more families, right?

"Arthur," she said, exasperated as she dropped down onto their bed. "What's wrong, what happened?"

She didn't want to assume the worst, but she was the world's best worrier, so of course everything bad that could happen popped straight to mind and Molly was now nearing tears as her mind came up with the exaggerated and morbid ideas.

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2008-07-28 06:53 am UTC (link)
Arthur slowly made his way over to the bed and sat down next to her. "I just...Molly, she was a muggle rights activist. She--Molly, I'm not that different and," he pulled her into a hug, trying to sort out his thoughts. "I can't lose you or the boys," he whispered softly, "I can't."

"And...if I hide you, if we take you and the boys somewhere safe then--then it can't happen." He sighed softly, placing a kiss on her forehead.

Molly had to understand his fear, right? They had to think about these things, didn't they?

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2008-07-28 05:16 pm UTC (link)
Oh, dear.

Molly felt her bottom lip begin to quiver and she really did hate Arthur at the moment, not being able to control his emotions in front of a highly hormonal woman. No! No of course she didn't hate Arthur, she could barely think that for a moment, but she did not appreciate the way he was going about things.

"Arthur--" she wibbled, pulling away slightly to put her hands up, "you can't just--assume that--" Of course her thoughts had gone to Fabian and Gideon, how knowing them would be more of a risk to their family than Arthur simply working in Muggle Relations, but she refused to think about that right now, "We can't live like this, not--I am not going to leave my home."

Molly's face turned stern, even if she was still weepy (a pregnant woman really could not help that). "We're not going to hide."

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2008-07-29 03:10 am UTC (link)
He took her face gently in his hands, rubbing her cheek softly with the pad of his thumb. "Molly," he begged softly, closely inspecting her eyes. She wasn't going to budge on this one, no way in hell.

He sighed. "Alright, alright. I'll let Bilius know that we're making a change of plans." He paused, wondering if he should still tell his co-workers that, just in case...you know, so they go to the wrong place or something or--no, that would be stupid. "But I'm not going to be okay with this unless we add extra security to the house. More wards, more everything. And...and no letting anyone in the house unless they can answer a question only they would know." That would work--especially against anyone who was under a hex or spell of some sort.

"And promise me that you won't let the boys out unless you're with them? So--so if they want out, and you can't or you don't want to or--whatever, just owl me or floo me or--or tell them to wait." She probably did that one already, but Arthur was oblivious.

It was then that Percy came running into the room sobbing. Oh, dear. One of the boys had done something, hadn't they? He pulled at the middle of Arthur's robes, whining frantically as he did so until Arthur scooped him up onto his lap.

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2008-07-30 02:47 am UTC (link)
Molly agreed to all of Arthur's conditions; they were sensible, they seemed appropriate to calm his worries, and in a time of ward, simple things like special questions were what saved some people's lives.

It was strange, suddenly having this intense worry that didn't have to do with someone falling down the stairs or a cookie being taken. Molly knew very well that there was a war going on, she had two brothers and friends fighting in it, but to have the fear instilled from Arthur, that they could very well be the next targets, well--well that was alarming. Molly had never thought she'd be involved in the war, first hand, but it looks like fate had different plans.

"Percy! What's wrong?" she asked loudly, hoping that the other boys (mainly Bill and Charlie) could hear her, so they would know that she knew something was up.


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2008-07-30 04:35 am UTC (link)
Arthur picked up Percy's finger as if closely inspecting it before giving it a kiss. That was supposed to make everything better, right?

Er--no. Percy let out another loud sob which brought Arthur to wrap his arms around him in a hug. "I'll go find Charlie," Arthur said to Molly, standing up with Percy still in his arms.

"We'll...finish our discussion later, Mol?" He asked over his shoulder, completely serious about the things he wanted and needed to happen.

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