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Caden Flint ([info]silex) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-08-27 00:52:00

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Entry tags:estella flint

"Bed. Now."

Marcus Flint let out a long, groan as he placed his hands on his Dad's knees, jumping up and down in protest. "But I wanna see Stella and Jacob! PLEEEEASE, DAAAAAD?" Caden leaned forward on the couch, and raised his brows. "What did I say?" "But why not?!" "Because I said so." "But they're coming over!" "Marcus, they are coming over to sleep, which is what you're supposed to be doing right now." "But-" "If you're not in that bed by the time I count to 3, you're going to be in your room all day tomorrow." The boy jumped up and down, letting out whine after whine. "1." Marcus frowned greatly and stomped away, going upstairs like he was supposed to do about 10 minutes ago after he had gotten up to get a glass of water. There was silence once he got to the top of the stairs.


Footsteps moved upstairs, and there was the sound of a door slamming, which just made Caden's headache even worse than it already was. Leaning back on the couch, he raised his hands to press his palms against his closed eyes, trying to get the pain to go away. He thought that these last 2 weeks were never going to end, between the new M.A.G.I.C. law and Quidditch. Then again, one had to do with the other, didn't it? The only reason he was working 3 times at hard at the game was because of that God damn law. So, when he realized that his jersey was missing, he was not in the best of moods. He thought his son had taken it again at first, since there had been a time when he thought it made a fantastic blanket, but it wasn't there. That only left one other place. Estella's. When she confirmed that it was there, he felt just a bit of relief, knowing it wasn't in a ditch somewhere.

She really just needed to hurry up, because he was certain if she took any longer his headache would just be worse and she probably wouldn't want to be around him at all. Not something he needed at the moment.

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2008-08-29 02:32 am UTC (link)
Estella twisted onto her stomach now, linking her fingers together to press her chin to her hands. Coming up with a solution for this inconvenience wasn't hard, actually--she flushed immediately as the thought popped into her head. It was an easy answer, technically, but there were so many emotional and...future ties that could come into play that she didn't know if...if they were ready or even willing to talk about, let alone--

"Do you want to--" she stopped herself, dropping her forehead into the pillow for a second. She couldn't just bring it up. Estella didn't know how Caden felt about their future, she couldn't just--she had...ideas, and--and thoughts, and plans, but they were always so busy, and...would he want to get a place, together? That was serious, it was so serious because she wouldn't want to do this unless she knew that...that this was going to last.

Of course, no one could know that, and lying in the bed right now were two people who knew that quite well.

"You could come to dinner, and stay the night," she finished weakly, not able to catch his eyes, her tone indicating that even she knew it was a silly response.

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2008-09-01 08:44 pm UTC (link)
It wasn't hard for him to figure out just what Estella was trying to get at with her unfinished thought. If it was a big enough suggestion for her to dip her head down and avoid his eye contact, he knew that it was something big. And, concidering the fact that they were talking about inconvenient living conditions, it wasn't too hard for him to connect the dots.

Turning onto his side, he rested his elbow on his pillow, and rested his temple in his palm, looking down at her as the idea swirled through his head. Even though she had tried to getaway from the question that was halfway out of her mouth, he was still focused in on it. It wasn't just an idea that they should pass over, since...well, it was a big deal. Or, it was if it was really what he thought it was.

"Or...we could move in together."

He said it rather casually, knowing that if he didn't just say it, neither of them would bring it up again until much later.

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2008-09-01 09:22 pm UTC (link)
Estella had been wide awake this whole time, but now, oh God. Even if he gave her a sleeping potion, her mind would still be lively and swirling with so many different thoughts that she suddenly got dizzy. Yes, she got dizzy, and pressed her hands into her face to try and calm herself down because goodness. Oh goodness.

She didn't know any other life than living with your husband. Estella hadn't moved into the house she was currently in until she was married, she didn't know how to deal if--if they ended up not making it. How would that work with Jacob and Marcus and--and she supposed you could say that about a marriage, that you didn't know if it was going to last, but when you did take those vows you made a promise to try and--

"Yes---we could," she said, nodding as her head moved back and forth for a moment, trying to come up with the words. "But---we have to think about--the boys, and...and getting used to each other and--"

Estella finally looked over toward Caden. Did he know that she saw a future, for them? Could he tell? They weren't really ones who talked, mostly because he was a one-word sentence man and she babbled uncontrollably, but there had to be other ways for him to know how she felt, right? She smiled and pushed her hair out of her face.

"I'd need to--it's---there's the whole---I need to know it's gonna last, for---for Jacob's sake." How she hadn't passed out in saying those few words, but Estella felt like her face was going to burn off or---that she was just going to pass out from the heat, it was really hot, wasn't it--"Merlin--you need a fan in here--"

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