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mmmbeards ([info]mmmbeards) wrote in [info]equations,
@ 2010-03-12 17:28:00

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Current music:N.A.S.A. "Way Down" (feat. RZA, Barbie Hatch, & John Frusciante)

This is pretty much what I do at work aside from folding shirts.

Draw tattoos of penises that look like melting candles framed by thug-esque text on my coworkers!

here are some pictures of myself and my new cat, Thor. He drives me crazy during the day by doing things like EATING FUCKING EVERYTHING. I've got him ingesting everything from cigarette butts to roaches to entire elastic bands. If he weren't so adorable I'd hate him.

This is the new trailer for my friends' documentary on how our city of Vancouver really sucks, i.e. is no fun. It's coming out this spring and I'm pretty excited for the shitty situation in Vancity to be highlighted and hopefully remedied from exposure!

No Fun City - Trailer 2010 from melissa on Vimeo.

I've had a lot of free time on my hands lately so I've been watching documentaries. My current favorite is Carts Of Darkness about homeless bottle collectors on the North Shore of Vancouver who race shopping carts for sport. It's an interesting alternative to the typical documentaries on Vancouvers' homeless. What are your favorite documentaries?

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2010-03-13 03:55 am UTC (link)
awh kitty! he's so cute.

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2010-03-13 05:08 pm UTC (link)

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2010-03-19 01:42 pm UTC (link)
i watched the trailer and it looks totally awesome. id watch it!

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2010-03-19 01:42 pm UTC (link)
fffffffff me

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