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Marcus Todd ([info]underthehood) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-06-06 23:42:00

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Entry tags:huntress, marcus todd, plot - "under the hood"

Recon and Fight
Marcus had a sniper rifle out and was looking through the scope scouting out the area. According to the guy he had /interrogated/ they would be meeting here soon and he might be able to figure out more about what was going on and what these Redeemer guys were planning.

He had already shot and killed a few of the goons that had been hanging around there and of course cleverly hidden the bodies. He wanted this to go nice and easy unlike what had happened last time which lead to his run in with the Bats.

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2011-06-07 03:42 pm UTC (link)
Huntress was out on patrol and so far it had been a rather uneventful night. She had broken up three muggings, one robbery and a knife fight. That had been a little entertaining.

She was on her last circuit before she was about to call it a night.

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2011-06-07 11:25 pm UTC (link)
Marcus was keeping his vigil watching the scene when he heard movement close by.

Just great, Marcus thought to himself, better try and laylow.

He moved himself more into the shadows.

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2011-06-12 01:15 pm UTC (link)
The hairs at the back of her neck stood up and Huntress grabbed one of the small crossbows at her side. She stepped into the shadows.

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2011-06-12 05:06 pm UTC (link)
Huntress would hear the click of a gun's safety going off.

"I would suggest you turn around and leave now," Marcus says.

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2011-06-12 07:30 pm UTC (link)
Huntress didn't move. "I was never good at following directions," she said. "Do I get to know who has me at gunpoint?"

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2011-06-12 07:41 pm UTC (link)
"Never hurts to follow good advice," Red Hood says, "most of the time."

"I don't think it matter too much who I am but since it does seem really important to you you call me Red Hood," He says not lowering his gun.

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2011-06-12 07:54 pm UTC (link)
"Wow. Did you come up with that on your own?" she quipped and tried to find him in the shadows. She used her eyes and her ears to try to find him.

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2011-06-12 08:02 pm UTC (link)
"No but I'm guessing you didn't come up with yours either if what I've heard is true," Marcus says moving closer so he could keep an ear on the scene below them that he was monitoring.

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2011-06-12 08:08 pm UTC (link)
"Huntress is a family name," she said and listed to the sounds his movement made. She glanced down. "Going to hog all the fun or will you be nice and share?"

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2011-06-12 08:12 pm UTC (link)
"I'm waiting for someone and some information before bodies start dropping," Marcus says noting what family name meant.

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2011-06-12 08:13 pm UTC (link)
"What are these guys into?" she asked. "Drugs? Weapons? Prostitution? The hat trick?"

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2011-06-12 08:20 pm UTC (link)
"A little of all but mainly their racist sons of bitches that are into small scale terrorism," He explains, "Just trying to figure out what their current goal is."

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(no subject) - [info]crossbow_bat, 2011-06-13 02:03 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]underthehood, 2011-06-13 02:30 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]crossbow_bat, 2011-06-13 03:02 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]underthehood, 2011-06-14 01:30 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]crossbow_bat, 2011-06-14 04:42 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]underthehood, 2011-06-14 11:55 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]crossbow_bat, 2011-06-15 12:33 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]underthehood, 2011-06-15 01:29 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]crossbow_bat, 2011-06-22 08:30 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]underthehood, 2011-06-22 09:06 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]crossbow_bat, 2011-06-22 09:22 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]underthehood, 2011-06-22 09:30 pm UTC
New Arrival
2011-06-22 05:46 pm UTC (link)
Mark Dade arrived on the scene with some of his best men around him. He wanted to explain the assignment that this cell was going to be doing personally. It was very important work so he wanted to be clear on what was going to happen if they failed him and it wasn't pretty.

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Re: New Arrival
2011-06-22 06:02 pm UTC (link)
Marcus made a hand signal letting Huntress know to be quiet and to listen.

He had the receiver out so that they could both hear the conversation going on below them clearly.

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Re: New Arrival
2011-06-22 08:31 pm UTC (link)
Huntress kept her mouth shut and pulled out her handheld crossbow.

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Re: New Arrival
2011-06-22 08:57 pm UTC (link)
"Listen up," Mark tells his men, "I've got a very important job for you guys. This has got to go off without a hitch because the rest of our plans can not go off without it.

You need to get us the routes, routines and work schedules of these people."

Mark hands one of the people who's been wait there a while a sheet of paper.

"The name at the top of the list is the most important," He says, "She's the one we need the most information on. And remember don't mess this up."

Mark turns around to leave. He very business with all the planning setting up before his plan goes into motion.

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Re: New Arrival
2011-06-22 09:01 pm UTC (link)
Marcus puts the receiver away that all he need to hear.

He fires a grappling line and gets out his two handgun.

"Ready to break up this party," Marcus says as he gets ready to jump down and start firing he knew what his target was already.

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Re: New Arrival
2011-06-22 09:23 pm UTC (link)
"I'm usually more for joining parties, but this one could use a crashing," she said. She grinned and then jumped down to the street below.

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Re: New Arrival
2011-06-22 09:27 pm UTC (link)
Marcus jumped down firing his guns aiming to take them out but focusing mainly on the ones around the guy who had gotten the paper.

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Re: New Arrival
2011-06-22 09:40 pm UTC (link)
Huntress landed gracefully on her feet and fired a crossbow bolt at one man's thigh and spun to kick another.

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Re: New Arrival
2011-06-22 09:47 pm UTC (link)
Marcus kept shooting. Several goons fell down, some dead and some riving in pain.

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Re: New Arrival
2011-06-22 09:49 pm UTC (link)
The goons were taken surprise by the sudden and violent attack.

Those still capable of fighting quickly starting to recover from the shock and pulled out their guns to start shooting at them.

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Re: New Arrival
2011-06-22 09:51 pm UTC (link)
Mark made his way back to his car fast to get out of here. He didn't have time for this and need to start making back up plans.

A few of his men he had brought with him cam with him while the others joined the fight.

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Re: New Arrival
2011-06-22 10:30 pm UTC (link)
Huntress kept moving. A moving target was harder to hit than a stationary one. She pulled out a batarang and sent it toward a gun a man was holding. Then she aimed a kick for one of the hands holding a gun.

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Re: New Arrival - [info]underthehood, 2011-06-22 10:45 pm UTC
Re: New Arrival - [info]dc_misc, 2011-06-22 10:50 pm UTC
Re: New Arrival - [info]crossbow_bat, 2011-06-22 11:39 pm UTC
Re: New Arrival - [info]underthehood, 2011-06-22 11:47 pm UTC
Re: New Arrival - [info]dc_misc, 2011-06-22 11:49 pm UTC
Re: New Arrival - [info]crossbow_bat, 2011-06-22 11:52 pm UTC
Re: New Arrival - [info]underthehood, 2011-06-22 11:59 pm UTC
Re: New Arrival - [info]dc_misc, 2011-06-23 12:03 am UTC
Re: New Arrival - [info]crossbow_bat, 2011-06-23 12:47 am UTC
Re: New Arrival - [info]underthehood, 2011-06-23 12:53 am UTC
Re: New Arrival - [info]dc_misc, 2011-06-23 12:57 am UTC
Re: New Arrival - [info]crossbow_bat, 2011-06-23 01:06 am UTC
Re: New Arrival - [info]underthehood, 2011-06-23 01:27 am UTC
Re: New Arrival - [info]crossbow_bat, 2011-06-23 02:02 am UTC
Re: New Arrival - [info]underthehood, 2011-06-23 02:11 am UTC
Re: New Arrival - [info]crossbow_bat, 2011-06-23 02:12 am UTC
Re: New Arrival - [info]underthehood, 2011-06-23 02:19 am UTC
Re: New Arrival - [info]crossbow_bat, 2011-06-23 02:21 am UTC
Re: New Arrival - [info]underthehood, 2011-06-23 02:26 am UTC
Re: New Arrival - [info]crossbow_bat, 2011-06-23 02:42 am UTC

2011-06-23 02:44 am UTC (link)

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