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Justin Rhodes ([info]iron_hide) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-04-04 21:54:00

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Entry tags:inactive - justin rhodes, npc - pepper potts, npc - tony stark

Meeting "Mom"
Justin Rhodes sits in the lobby and waits to be called. He's not sure what he's doing here, but something in him figures it's better to speak to Virigina Potts now rather than waiting for the stars to align for them to meet up. So he dressed in one of the suits his new sister bought for him and went to her office to make an appointment. That was Thursday, after his date with Christina.

Now, it was Monday morning, and he was here to visit his mother on the job. He hoped she was as inviting as Rhodey had been. Or that she didn't hate the idea of having an adult son from another dimension. He'd take either one.

"Mr. Rhodes, Miss Potts will see you now." the receptionist says.

"Thank you. " he says, rising from his chair. He takes a deep breath, and hopes that his heart doesn't choose to give out any time in the next half-hour, and walks toward the doors.

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2010-04-05 03:20 am UTC (link)
Pepper sat at her desk, staring blankly into her cup of coffee.

She had a son. Granted, she didn't actually give birth to him and he was from another dimension but he was still her son. Hers and Rhodey's. That in in itself had been...interesting to picture. Her and Rhodey. Tony still wouldn't stop laughing about it.

When he entered the room, Pepper composed herself and gave him a smile.

"Hello," she said, "You must be Justin." She extended a hand, "It's nice to finally meet you."

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2010-04-05 03:29 am UTC (link)
She's still beautiful.

Memories of a woman who is and is not this woman flow through his head at a mile a minute. This is not the woman who gave birth to him, but he could still imagine her kissing scraped knees, worrying over him during episodes with his heart, and telling him not to stay up too late with Uncle Tony in the lab.

"Good morning, ma'am." he says, taking the hand. "It's nice to meet you as well. I'm sorry to impose upon you like this, but I thought it might work best if we could break the ice before too much time had passed."

He straightens his coat again, checking for wrinkles the way she always taught him.

"How is your morning?" he asks. Besides, you know, the son from who-knows-where dropping by.

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2010-04-05 03:36 am UTC (link)
"Please Justin, call me Pepper. Or Mom, if it'll make you feel comfortable." She'd have to get used to hearing it, but if it would make him adjust easier, she'd live with. She'd only just met him, and already she could feel maternal instincts kicking in. Whether she gave birth to him or not, she could see pieces of herself and Rhodey in him. Her eyes. Rhodey's strong face.

"It's my own fault really, I've wanted to meet you ever since Rhodey-your father, first told me that we had a son from an alternate dimension. I've been up to my eyeballs in work, but that's no excuse. I should've seen if you were adjusting okay. If you had any questions, needed someone to show you around."

She smiled. "It's gone swimmingly, thank you. Can I get you anything? Make you a cup of coffee, grab you a bagel?"

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2010-04-05 03:52 am UTC (link)
"With all due respect, no one ever called you Pepper back home, so...if you don't mind, I'll go with Mom." he says. A weight felt like it lifted from his shoulders just by being able to say that simple word. He'd never learned if his mother was still alive after what Osborn did to her, but if Dad was willing to send him away...

He pushed that thought out of his head and tried not to wear his emotions on his face.

"Mom, don't worry about it. This isn't easy for anyone, and I'm not here to throw myself into your life wholesale. Things are going okay. Anya and Steve have been great and so has Da--um, Rhodey. Toni and I haven't gotten a chance to really talk, but she's come by to check on me while I slept, I'm told.

And Uncle Tony--I'm sorry. I haven't spoken to Mr. Stark yet, either. I'm hoping to soon, because I'd need some permissions from him for a few things." he says.

"A bagel would be great, thank you. I can't have coffee.

I have a heart condition." he says, simply getting that out there.

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2010-04-05 04:27 am UTC (link)
"It's fine with me," she said, going to the mini-fridge by her desk to grab him a bagel. "If makes you feel more comfortable, by all means, go ahead."

Her face softened at the mention of a heart condition. "I'm sorry to hear that, Justin."

She gestured for him to take a seat. "I'm glad that Anya is helping you- she's a wonderful young woman. And while Tony is busy, I'm sure that he can arrange something for you to see him soon." Pepper sat back down at her desk. "You are adjusting okay though, right? I can't imagine what this has been like for you. We've had a couple of other-dimensional kids drop in on us over the past year or so, so I've had some experience in helping out in this sort of a situation."

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2010-04-05 04:44 am UTC (link)
He takes the bagel and eats it plain. Cream cheese was a luxury back home, and a rare one at that. Bagels themselves were treats.

"Please, don't be. It's not your fault. It does make using armor difficult at time, but I've tried to work around it. I have some ideas for how to address the issue, but it requires permission from Mr. Stark and some other things." he says.

He sits down and takes a look at her.

"I'm adjusting well. I made a friend recently. She's been pretty good to me and we've gone out a couple of times. I'm going to be sorry to leave her when I return home, but I wasn't planning to make your lives difficult with my presence, Mom.

And, for those who want to go, I might be able to help some of the other children who've been stranded here get home as well. For those that want it." he says.

"Do you have any other children, Mom?" he asks, wanting to know if he has other siblings besides Toni.

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2010-04-14 01:31 am UTC (link)
Pepper shook her head. "You haven't made my life difficult at all." A smirk crossed her face. "As you may, I've worked with Tony all these years. It's hard to make my life difficult."

Pepper sighed. "Sadly, no. It was just never really in the picture for me and Happy."

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2010-04-14 01:53 am UTC (link)
"Oh, I'm sorry. I...I guess I figured since Dad--" he stopped and corrected himself, "since Rhodey did, you did as well. It's been nice knowing that I have a sister here." he says.

"I...also made a friend. A girl. Her name is Christina, and she's been pretty great to me so far...which is another part of why I'm here." he says, hoping this next part isn't too forward of him.

"Mom, I need a little help. Until I'm able to find a way back to where I'm from, I need to get a job with benefits. It could be work in the mailroom if nothing else, but I am very knowledgeable in Engineering, Applied Sciences, and weapons design. I learned a lot of what I know from Tony Stark, Reed Richards and Hank Pym.

But I'd like to get a job and earn some money so that I'm not sponging off of you or Rhodey...or Christina. I'd also like to get set up with my own place, since I'm not really an Avenger, and my armor is busted six ways from Thursday." he says, thinking about how long it's going to take to put together a new suit.

"Finally, I'll need a lab to do some work of my own during my free time. I have an idea for fixing my heart issue, but I need to be able to get my schematics down where I can see them and figure out if they're viable options.

I know it's a tall order, but if you can point me to anyone who's hiring or just a reference, it would make a lot of difference, and I'd appreciate it greatly." he says, looking down at the floor. He would rather walk across glass than beg for help, but he doesn't have anyone else to go to around here, and he's not taking anything from Christina.

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2010-04-15 06:39 am UTC (link)
He's noticed the newcomer in the lobby, and Pepper talking to him. He watching for just a moment, wondering how she's - how they're both - taking all this.

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2010-04-15 11:26 pm UTC (link)
Eventually, Justin rises, hugs his mother, and leaves the office. He exits Pepper's office sees Tony standing there.

For a moment, Justin simply stares as if he's seen a ghost. It's been years since he's seen Tony Stark alive and well, and he never expected it to happen again.

"Good morning, sir." Justin says, looking for all the world like a deer in headlights.

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2010-04-16 12:50 am UTC (link)
"Justin Rhodes, right?" His look has Sphinx-like inscrutability.

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2010-04-16 12:52 am UTC (link)
Do not call him Uncle Tony.

"Yes, Mr. Stark. I'm Justin Rhodes." he says, nodding. He wants to reach out and see if the man is real, but he doesn't dare. He's not even sure what kind of reception he's going to get here.

"You look well, sir." Justin says.

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2010-04-16 05:53 am UTC (link)
The proper etiquette is to let the elder or work superior deliver it anyway - and this is his company, even if Thor bought it. He reaches out to shake his hand.

"I'm not well where you're -" He stops and shakes a single hand. "Nevermind, I don't want and should not know. How has your adjustment been going?"

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2010-04-16 08:48 am UTC (link)
Justin shakes Tony's hand, looking the older man square in the eye.

"It's going well in some places, sir. Working now to make it better elsewhere.I don't intend to impose on everyone long." he says.

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2010-04-17 05:23 am UTC (link)
"It's not an imposition," he insists. "I have two stepchildren and a horde calling me 'Uncle Tony' that I never got to see grow up. This is the nature of extraordinary lives. My concern, therefore, is not for me or either of your parents right now. I want to know, truthfully, how you are adjusting."

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2010-04-17 12:09 pm UTC (link)
"It's going all right, sir. Anya and Steve were the first people I met when I arrived and both of them were very kind and helpful. I'm also getting know people at the Mansion." he says.

"I came to speak with Pepper today to break the ice, so to speak...and ask her if she knew of any job openings. While I'm here I'd like to earn my keep and be productive, and I'm willing to help out or learn what I need to do." Justin says.

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2010-05-06 12:22 am UTC (link)
"I'm assuming you're trained in something. What would that be?"

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2010-05-06 12:31 am UTC (link)
"Well, sir, I've got general training in applied sciences and engineering. I've done a lot of work with zero-point energy modules, both creation and maintenance. I also have background in robotics, but it's not my strong suit.

I've spent several years learning to build weapons, Mr. Stark. I've also maintained and made modifications to higher end technological equipment...if you get my meaning." Justin says.

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2010-05-06 01:53 am UTC (link)
"Mmmhhhmmmm." He thinks about this. "I think there's a need for an updated stealth suit. What give me the impression you know how to make a better one then I currently do?"

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2010-05-06 02:03 am UTC (link)
"I'd love to take a crack at it, sir, but I can't claim to build anything better than you. Technically, you taught me everything I know about engineering, design, and physics, so if I can design anything that out-performs what you've got working now, it leads back to you, Mr. Stark." Justin says.

"But I'm eager to learn and ready to work if you have room for me, sir."

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2010-05-06 06:35 am UTC (link)
He pats James on the back. "Humility. Nice trait. The fact it comes without grumpiness is also fantastic."

"Necessity," he explains, leading him to a side office. "Is the mother of invention, and it sounds like the world you came from was a real mother-of-something." He hands James a card after scribbling a number on it. "That," he says. "Is the number to my stepson living upstate. He'd like me to drop off the face of the Earth 9 days out of 10. However, he's a very good man with - last I heard - a very broken stealth suit. He's going to try to fix it himself, most likely, but you know my designs and likely how to improve on them. I'd specifically like whatever you can convince him to put in regarding turning Sentinels into scrap. He'll probably need it."

"If you want a job - and to try to make some friends here - I'd start with Misha. Feel free to let him know that no matter where I am, I'm a bastard. Should help break the ice. If you're able to improve the suit, you'll have a good start financially on a new life. Interested?"

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2010-05-06 12:44 pm UTC (link)
Justin smiles broadly. "Yes, sir. I'm interested, and I'll contact Misha right away to set up getting started. I may need a lab to work out of if he doesn't have one handy. Would I be able to use Stark facilities to get the work on his suit done?" he asks.

"Oh, and I have a design idea in my head for a new suit. I'll bring you my preliminary specs for your review as soon as possible." Justin says.

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2010-05-07 01:40 am UTC (link)
"Sure, but follow Misha's lead." His mouth twists. "I don't know if you'll have a choice in the matter." He would tell the kid he's probably headed for Xavier's, or that Misha is very, very much the son of his wife and that Canadian crazy they named after walking case of shaggy bad attitude -

But why ruin the fun for them both?

"New suit can be looked at after you see about the older one," he says. "Might give you some insight."

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