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lantern_corps ([info]lantern_corps) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-12-13 22:01:00

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Entry tags:azurite, plot - "starry lights", sapphire, topaz

Lights Take Flight
With their escape from the Manhunter world, the heroes and the new lights returned to the planet Oa.  There, for the benefit of Jess and Lenny, Ganther reiterated what he had told the others, about the origins of the entities and their powers.

"You have," he began, "the potential for much greatness, to usher in a new age for mankind.  The strength of your people, united fully with the emotional spectrum... 

"It is the first step to a glorious destiny.  My brothers have asked that I guide you."

A half truth.  Though they had no authority to, they had tasked him with watching over them.  It was the only way to keep them free.  He would do this, because it was right, not because they wanted him to.

"I will help you.  With your powers, with your place in this world.  With those who would come after you.  And I will seek to understand all that has happened to you, to help you however I can."

"What say you?"

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2011-12-14 01:24 am UTC (link)
Saishu nods. "I will fight. I will protect these." she gestures to the other lights.

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2011-12-14 01:27 am UTC (link)
"I'm all for sticking together so we can't be picked off separately, but do you have a little more of a plan than that, or should I focus on getting us some facilities, supplies, fake documentation for anyone who needs it...?"

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2011-12-14 01:30 am UTC (link)
"I don't need fake documentation. But..." She stops to rub her face. "Bein' suddenly green kinda puts a hold on..... a helluve a lot of my plans fer the future."

She gives the others a curious glance. "And I'm kinda .... I don't know. I want to see what happens next, I guess."

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2011-12-14 01:33 am UTC (link)
Harry cringes a little. "Glorious destiny" and "usher in a new age" were hefty things that he didn't think he could do. But...he had powers he didn't understand and that he couldn't get rid and if recent events were any indication, people were after them. Best to stick together.

"Umm sure. Does this mean we're like a...team now?" Not that he's objecting, it's nice to know other people in the same situation.

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2011-12-14 01:35 am UTC (link)
Lenny sat in a new wheelchair, quiet. "This..this is really a lot to take in. Still..it's not like we really have a choice in the matter. If a psychotic like the Cyborg knows of our existence, then safety in numbers is the only logical choice." He takes a breath. "Still..I guess I should say something hopeful..heh, give me a second," he said sheepishly.

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2011-12-14 01:38 am UTC (link)
The hole in her chest was... repairing itself. New crystal was growing to replace what had been lost.

Which meant this wasn't just crystal skin. The changes went all the way through.

"I just want to be normal again," she said, hanging her head. Heather didn't want this, hadn't asked for it, and she certainly wasn't some hero or messiah. She was just an art student from Opal.

"But... not like I can go back to my life anyway. I'm already out my security deposit."

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2011-12-14 01:41 am UTC (link)
Ganthet first fixed his attention on Heather. "If that is what you wish, child, I shall study the matter.

But all of you have my promise of protection. I will not allow monsters like Henshaw to abuse you."

His attention focused on Cindy. "Those things will be required. Earth is the safest place for you all, and I have no desire to disrupt your lives more than necessary."

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2011-12-14 01:43 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, I'll handle that stuff. And if you want your old place fixed, Heather, I've got a guy."

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2011-12-14 02:16 am UTC (link)
Jess shakes her head.

"I can still help people like this.... just can't go and do it the way I wanted to. Don't worry 'bout me, I'll be sticking around."

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2011-12-14 02:57 am UTC (link)
"So umm...how's this work exactly? I mean, we get together to figure out the power thing, or when someone's trying to catch us again or...?" He's a little aprhensive about this power thing, they all seem like nice people but he wants to know how much his life is going to change. Because right now it feels like it'll never be the same.

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2011-12-14 10:08 am UTC (link)
"I have... nothing else left." Saishu answers, focusing very hard on following the words everyone else is saying. English is a bitch of a language, and its not even her third or fourth. She gets the gist, anyway though.
"No one. So these... I protect with life. Did not ask for red power... will take it. Others... you fight or not. Til you are normal, I protect."

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2011-12-14 03:54 pm UTC (link)
.....Please excuse, Cindy, everyone. She's busy staring like that's the sweetest thing she's ever heard and she can't take her eyes off the hot Amazon chick. Because. Um. Yeah.

"Look. Harry. Don't start worrying on me," she eventually manages. "You need advice on how the crazy indigo stuff works, you ask Mr. Ganthet here. You need someone to kick the ass of anybody coming after you, Saishu's....obviously got you covered. You need a place to come practice, or to stay, or a cover story with your folks, I'm on it."

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2011-12-15 01:20 am UTC (link)
Lenny can't really muster any enthusiasm. He seemed to just sit in his chair, staring at his hands, as the others talked.

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2011-12-15 02:53 am UTC (link)
"To help you sort out your powers, and your new place in this world," Ganthet agreed. "And for mutual protection. Your world... is very special. And your abilities prove it. That the fragments of the Entities have reached out to you... suggests that something of great significance is on the horizon."

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2011-12-15 02:54 am UTC (link)
"I guess... it makes as much sense as anything."

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2011-12-15 04:08 am UTC (link)
"Yeah.... but we'll need to figure out the details I guess, are we a team or something?"

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2011-12-15 04:13 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, I...thanks," he mumbles at Cindy. It's not just how out of his depth this feels, it's that he has nothing to offer. He's not a fighter, he has no special knowledge or resources and he feels a little useless because of it all. But if he had to be on a team it was nice that he had such dependable people to work with.

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2011-12-15 04:18 am UTC (link)
The quick talk and trying to follow the English is starting to give her a headache, leading Saishu to pace a little while people talk, not entirely unlike a wildcat in a cage.

She knows her role in all this. The rest is details.

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2011-12-15 04:50 am UTC (link)
"Sure, I guess we're a team, but we're not throwing any of you into the superheroing pool sink or swim right away again," Cindy says.

"Saishu, you'd be willing to help the others eventually learn to defend themselves a little, I trust?" she asks in French.

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2011-12-15 04:54 am UTC (link)
Saishu perks up, eyes lighting, responding quickly in much more comfortable French.

"Yes... of course. If I am to help protect them, it would be easier if they learn to fight. I will help all I can... fighting is what I do well."

So much easier.

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2011-12-16 12:23 am UTC (link)
"It is not my intention for you to simply be another team of so-called 'super-heroes'... but if that is what fate has in store, then I will not fight it. For now... we shall begin by discovering just what you are and finding your place, and moving from there."

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2011-12-16 12:28 am UTC (link)
"Well... guess I'm in."

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2011-12-17 06:44 pm UTC (link)
So he had gone from Keystone kid to being part of a superhero team? He wasn't cut out for being a superhero but...better to stick together.

Harry shrugs nervously, "I'm in too I guess." What else could they do anyway?

He just hopes nobody decides to give them particularly bad superhero or team names.

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