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Megyn the Rockstar ([info]novacainejunkie) wrote,
@ 2008-02-09 12:30:00

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I just finished reading the book <i>Looking for Alaska</i> by John Green, and I think it is my second favourite book (my first being <i>Perks of Being a Wallflower</i> by Stephen Chbosky). I cried like a baby, at work none the less, and fell in love with it, and it makes me feel good. I highly reccommend it to anyone wanting to read something good.

I've decided to keep track of ALL the books I read this year, and how many pages I read as well. I tend to read books multiple times, so if you see something twice on my list as it grows, its all good.

<center><b>Book List 2008</b>

1. <i>Looking for Alaska</i> by John Green
Started: Febrary 2, 2008
Finished: February 8, 2008
Pages: 221

Total Pages Read: 221

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