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Keith Queen ([info]sonic_arrow) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-19 12:52:00

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Entry tags:inactive - damien wilson, inactive - keith queen, inactive - morgaine king, inactive - robert queen, plot - "brothers in arms"

News That Hits the Fan
It didn't take Keith long to make calls for a flight out of the country.  It was a private jet that his father owned.  His bags were on already, and Keith was just about to board.  But then, a hand gripped his shoulder.

"Keith Queen, you're under arrest for the murder of Robert Franklin Wells."

The rest of what was said to him fell on deaf ears.  He was in total shock.  How did they figure out it was him?  His identity was secret to the public, and he was positive nobody who knew he was Green Arrow would turn him in.  Would they?  There was the slightest nudge at the possibility that Robert had called it in, but Keith didn't stay on that for more than a second.  He couldn't believe Robert would get him arrested and unveil his secret identity to the public.

But man, that night turned to shit.

The next morning, Keith's face was on every news channel.  He was publicly revealed to be the Green Arrow, the man that murdered the Artist.

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2011-01-23 01:38 am UTC (link)
Robert couldn't believe it. How could this have happened? Why would someone rat Keith out? Robert would have preferred being the one arrested; he had people he could call on to get him out, or he'd just escape himself.

This was bad, though. If Keith is in jail, it's only a matter of time before Oliver does something about it. Moreover, Keith is now a sitting duck for whoever came after them last night, as well as anyone else who's ever wanted a piece of the Green Arrow.

That leaves Merlyn with one option: he's going to have to hit the GCPD for the second time in almost as many nights. He can't let them keep Keith in lock-up or send him elsewhere until the trial starts. He could end up someone horrible, like that Arkham Asylum place, just as they'd sent Slade to Super-Max with those criminals.

A list of options goes through Robert's mind. He can ask Angela Holt to send to the team to get his brother out, but then that means that they're both indebeted to her, and Robert doesn't want Keith knowing what he really does for a living...or that he'd helped their father's enemy. That would probably go over poorly. That's out.

He can call his mother, but Shado has no love for Oliver's other children, and she may refuse.

Jane is /not/ an option, nor is calling Oliver.

Which leaves Robert with one other option, though he's loathe to call on his adopted brother in this way. Damien could have people in Gotham in less than 24 hours, if he didn't have them here already and it would be child's play to get Keith out of lock-up and out of the country. Then Robert could pay Damien and the League back without involving Keith.

Robert makes the call and beseeches Damien to intervene.

"I will do this, Robert, out of respect for my father but I will be paid in return. Your brother will owe me. Am I clear?" Damien asks.

"I respectfully ask that I be allowed to take on whatever burden you ask of Keith. He is innocent of what they accuse him of. He isn't capable of murder." Robert says.

"Denied. You will accept my terms or we have no deal, Robert. And please remember that I know what you intend to do. It would be simple to alert the Gotham City Police Department that someone intends to free Keith Queen." Damien says coolly.

Robert realizes only now the mistake he's made in asking the aid of the Demon's Head. But Keith didn't have time waste.

"Your terms are acceptable. How soon can I expect aid?" Robert asks.

"Look out your west window." Damien says.

Robert does so...and sees two shadowed figures standing atop the building across the street.

"They will aid you." Damien says, and hangs up.

Robert puts down the phone and takes a deep breath.

It will have to do.

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2011-01-23 01:39 am UTC (link)
Damien hangs up the phone, then speaks to one of his manservants.

"Tell my sister to join me immediately." Damien says.

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2011-01-23 01:42 am UTC (link)
In a matter of moments, Morgaine was in the room with Damien.

"You wished to see me?"

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2011-01-23 02:00 am UTC (link)
"I did, Morgaine." Damien says, sitting back in his chair.

"Robert Queen just called me to ask for aid. He will be meeting with me in two days' time. I thought we'd throw him a party.

I also thought you might like to bring the...silverware." Damien smiles coldly.

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2011-01-23 02:16 am UTC (link)
Morgaine grinned. "Yes. I do like this plan," she said. "Is there anything else I should bring?"

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2011-01-23 02:53 am UTC (link)
"He will have a guest with him. His brother, Keith Queen. We will need to distract him while Robert is being dealt with." Damien says.

"Have I made you happy, Sister?" Damien asks.

"You remind me of mother always, but especially when you smile." Damien says.

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2011-01-23 03:05 am UTC (link)
"I am sure that can be arranged. Lady Vic is very good at distractions, you know."

Morgaine nodded. "Yes. Very happy indeed, Brother."

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2011-01-23 03:42 am UTC (link)
"Lady Vic is good with that sort of distraction." Damien says mildly, knowing for certain that this true. He might have offered the Kumbata Twins, but Damien still likes being with them from time to time.

"Very well. The trap is set, and Robert Queen will walk into it willingly." Damien says.

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2011-01-23 04:06 am UTC (link)
"It is," she said.

"The things we do for those we love. It's like we are blinded to what is really going on."

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2011-01-23 04:34 pm UTC (link)
"Love is a weakness that cannot be afforded, Morgaine. Remember that always." Damien says.

"Now, go and prepare yourself to receive your guest. I am sure he will be happy to meet you." Damien smiles.

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2011-01-23 09:51 pm UTC (link)
"I will, Damien." Morgaine said.

She grinned wickedly as she turned to leave the room. "Oh, I will make him very happy."

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2011-02-04 01:24 am UTC (link)

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