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Alfred F. Jones ([info]alfredfjones) wrote,
@ 2009-12-20 02:24:00

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Entry tags:hetalia, roleplay

Breaking and Entering
    Alfred F. Jones was a hero.  Not only was he a hero, but he was the U. S. Of A.  That made him the hero of all heros.  No feat should be impossible for him.  Sadly, he may have found a foe he could not defeat. 

    Right in front of Alfred was a very thickly made door.  That door belonged to a beautiful English cottage.  That cottage belonged to Arthur Kirkland.  Alfred had a key in his hands.  It was supposed to be for this door, but the key wouldn’t work.  He knew it should work.  He had used the key before.  

    It had taken him a lot of hard work to get Arthur’s key and make a duplicate without him noticing.  He had made Matthew pretend to be him while Alfred had taken the drunken nation’s key and made a copy of it.  It had taken an enormous amount or bribery, persuasion and good old fashioned American charm to get the dead done.

    America in the end sighed to himself.  It was well before dawn and he didn’t want to wake the crabby old man so early, it would put him in an even worse mood then normal.  This meant that he would have to use his old method of getting inside.

    Alfred quickly walked around to the side and began to quickly climb a tree with practiced ease.  When he was a good thirty feet up he began to edge slowly onto a thick branch.  The zipper on his bomber jacket made little pinging noises.  When he was as far out as he dared, he leapt.  For a second he was flying though the air.  The next second he was crashed into the wall of the house and holding on desperately to a windowsill.  His feet madly scrabbled for the almost invisible footholds he needed.  The second he had his toes on something he began to pull himself up.

    The windowsill was thick and could take his weight.  The window itself was broken and could not be closed all the way.  Now that he wasn’t in danger of falling he was easily able to push the window open as he pulled himself up, over the sill and he rolled into the third floor room.

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2009-12-24 03:23 am UTC (link)
Arthur almost stopped him from going into the next room, and he almost followed him, but something stopped him, so he stood and waited for Alfred to return. Alfred had always been very proud and happy of the things he could do by himself, independently, and England didn't think that tonnes of pies should be the exception. He sighed softly to himself, and awaited America's return.

"Alfred, I'm sorry about--" England stopped as he looked at the pie. It was, unlike the other pies, without a single flaw. The crust was perfectly constructed, it was perfectly round, and perfectly filled. No stray flour, no overflowing filling, not a single discolouration, only a perfectly baked masterpiece. There was something about it being a mincemeat--not apple--pie that nearly stunned Arthur.

"I--yeh, I'd fancy that," he said softly, his hands brushing against America's as he took the pie.

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2009-12-24 03:34 am UTC (link)
It was such a touching moment. Francis was the master of love and he smiled just a bit as he watched the two younger countries from his spot. He hadn’t left when he said he would. He had been hoping to catch England off guard. Two sides of France warred with each other. The side of his mind that was sentimental and loved watching a touching scene between family members and the side that just wanted to mess with England raged a fierce battle. The mess with England side won.

Before anyone react, France dashed out of his hiding spot and pushed Arthur’s hands up so the pie hit him in the face.

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2009-12-24 04:08 am UTC (link)
England thought that he should've seen the pie to the face coming, but he had been so caught up in the rare moment of peace with Alfred that he simply didn't. He simply stood frozen, mincemeat filling dripping down his face, feeling an odd swirling of emotions. He was admittedly very upset that France had ruined the one thing that (or, so he wanted to believe) America had actually done for him, and so the urge to murder grew much, much stronger.

"Ohoho, Angelterre, you have a soft spot for Amerique?" France leaned down and prodded a spot on England's coat where flour was clinging on. "It seems the two of you were having a bit of fun in the kitchen together! How unlike you!"

It was an unfortunate decision on France's part. Before he knew what was happening, England had thrown him against the wall and was choking him again--but this time, he wouldn't allow France to fight back, finally snapped from the chaos of the day.

"This is all your fault, you stupid, perverted, good-for-nothing . . . !"

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