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Alfred F. Jones ([info]alfredfjones) wrote,
@ 2009-12-20 02:24:00

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Entry tags:hetalia, roleplay

Breaking and Entering
    Alfred F. Jones was a hero.  Not only was he a hero, but he was the U. S. Of A.  That made him the hero of all heros.  No feat should be impossible for him.  Sadly, he may have found a foe he could not defeat. 

    Right in front of Alfred was a very thickly made door.  That door belonged to a beautiful English cottage.  That cottage belonged to Arthur Kirkland.  Alfred had a key in his hands.  It was supposed to be for this door, but the key wouldn’t work.  He knew it should work.  He had used the key before.  

    It had taken him a lot of hard work to get Arthur’s key and make a duplicate without him noticing.  He had made Matthew pretend to be him while Alfred had taken the drunken nation’s key and made a copy of it.  It had taken an enormous amount or bribery, persuasion and good old fashioned American charm to get the dead done.

    America in the end sighed to himself.  It was well before dawn and he didn’t want to wake the crabby old man so early, it would put him in an even worse mood then normal.  This meant that he would have to use his old method of getting inside.

    Alfred quickly walked around to the side and began to quickly climb a tree with practiced ease.  When he was a good thirty feet up he began to edge slowly onto a thick branch.  The zipper on his bomber jacket made little pinging noises.  When he was as far out as he dared, he leapt.  For a second he was flying though the air.  The next second he was crashed into the wall of the house and holding on desperately to a windowsill.  His feet madly scrabbled for the almost invisible footholds he needed.  The second he had his toes on something he began to pull himself up.

    The windowsill was thick and could take his weight.  The window itself was broken and could not be closed all the way.  Now that he wasn’t in danger of falling he was easily able to push the window open as he pulled himself up, over the sill and he rolled into the third floor room.

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2009-12-21 02:01 am UTC (link)
"And when have you ever said thanks to me?!" England crossed his arms and glared at America. "You never had to climb up a tree, break into my house, or bake anything! You--and everyone else--could have just told me, and I'd buy something at the store!" He let out a frustrated sigh. "You didn't even tell me you were doing it for Matthew. You're helping him, so why should I have to thank you, idiot?"

Arthur leaned over the counter and began scrubbing at it again, not sure he'd be able to keep his composure (as if he were anyway) if he didn't occupy himself somehow. He didn't expect an immediate answer from Alfred, and preferred that the silence return, especially as neither seemed to know how to say anything that didn't result in yelling. After he had a good portion of the counter clean, he looked back up at Alfred.

"I doubt you noticed, but I heard you yawning as you were walking downstairs, so I brewed the coffee stronger than usual. Why are you so tired, anyway?"

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2009-12-21 02:18 am UTC (link)
Alfred was busy sulking in the silence. He only stopped his sulk to sip his coffee and to take the cookies out of the oven.

Alfred laughed a bit nervously at Arthur asking him about why he was so tired. “I stayed up late playing video games,” he lied.

He was tired because he had been told last night that he had to bring freshly made pies and not store bought ones. So he had spent most the night making pies. After getting about an hour of sleep he had been forced to get up again so that he could properly sneak into England’s house and make the cookies.

“Shouldn’t you be getting changed?” America asked, changing the subject. He drained the coffee in one big gulp. “I have to get going to the meeting to help set up the tables.” He ran his fingers through his hair, dislodging cookie dough that had somehow gotten up there.

America failed to suppress another yawn as he began to walk to the front door. Hopefully, he would be able to sneak a nap at some point.

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2009-12-21 02:37 am UTC (link)
Arthur sighed at Alfred's response. "I should have thought as much." He shook his head as he rinsed the rag off, then rung it out and put it down, turning back to, but not looking at, Alfred. "As easily as this could have been avoided, it was . . . decent of you to do."

He finally got around to pouring himself a cup of coffee, but couldn't quite bring himself to take a sip of it. Instead, England found himself swishing it around in his cup. "You're just going to go work, being that tired?"

England stopped swishing the coffee around and stared into his cup, as if to hide his face. He had spoken without thinking, and wasn't sure himself what he meant by it.

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2009-12-21 02:48 am UTC (link)
Alfred turned back toward Arthur when he spoke. Arthur was not looking at him at all. In normal circumstances he would have made some smart reply to England’s round about thanks. However, America was just too tired to do that right now.

“Your welcome,” he said with a warm smile. It wasn’t the one he normally gave. It was one he would give England back when he was a child after being praised.

He turned back to the door and took a few more steps before England started speaking again. Now when America looked, he was staring very intently into the coffee.

“A hero’s work is never done. Besides, Ivan is also helping to set up and I don’t like the idea of Matt being alone with him.”

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2009-12-21 03:00 am UTC (link)
Though unsure of how to respond to Alfred's "you're welcome", he almost smiled at it, the tone reminding him of simpler years past. Years he still wished they could return to. Biting the inside of his lip a bit, he finally looked up at Alfred.

"Aren't the others there? That is, you won't be much help if you keep yawning like that. It would be most logical for you to rest a bit, and then go, so you can be back to your normally hyperactive self." England cleared his throat a bit.

"In fact, you could use your old--er, the guest room bed."

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