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Alfred F. Jones ([info]alfredfjones) wrote,
@ 2009-12-20 02:24:00

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Entry tags:hetalia, roleplay

Breaking and Entering
    Alfred F. Jones was a hero.  Not only was he a hero, but he was the U. S. Of A.  That made him the hero of all heros.  No feat should be impossible for him.  Sadly, he may have found a foe he could not defeat. 

    Right in front of Alfred was a very thickly made door.  That door belonged to a beautiful English cottage.  That cottage belonged to Arthur Kirkland.  Alfred had a key in his hands.  It was supposed to be for this door, but the key wouldn’t work.  He knew it should work.  He had used the key before.  

    It had taken him a lot of hard work to get Arthur’s key and make a duplicate without him noticing.  He had made Matthew pretend to be him while Alfred had taken the drunken nation’s key and made a copy of it.  It had taken an enormous amount or bribery, persuasion and good old fashioned American charm to get the dead done.

    America in the end sighed to himself.  It was well before dawn and he didn’t want to wake the crabby old man so early, it would put him in an even worse mood then normal.  This meant that he would have to use his old method of getting inside.

    Alfred quickly walked around to the side and began to quickly climb a tree with practiced ease.  When he was a good thirty feet up he began to edge slowly onto a thick branch.  The zipper on his bomber jacket made little pinging noises.  When he was as far out as he dared, he leapt.  For a second he was flying though the air.  The next second he was crashed into the wall of the house and holding on desperately to a windowsill.  His feet madly scrabbled for the almost invisible footholds he needed.  The second he had his toes on something he began to pull himself up.

    The windowsill was thick and could take his weight.  The window itself was broken and could not be closed all the way.  Now that he wasn’t in danger of falling he was easily able to push the window open as he pulled himself up, over the sill and he rolled into the third floor room.

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2009-12-22 07:51 am UTC (link)
"I'm not surprised Matthew's winning," England commented as he watched the pies stack up. He was a bit surprised to pick up the scent of a couple mincemeat pies, though the abundance of apple came as no shock.

He turned around and followed Lili and Alfred, having to look around the pies to see properly. The sight of Francis awaiting them was not one he wanted to see, however, and--mostly for innocent Liechtenstein's sake--averted his glare. He still wanted to throttle France, but managed to walk past him and ignore him for the time being.

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2009-12-22 08:19 am UTC (link)
Alfred was practically running, trying to get all the pies inside as fast as possible. He did not want to miss out on a hockey game, especially when there was a chance of watching his brother beat up Russia. In about five minutes all the pies were stacked on the dessert table. About half the pies were apple pie. Though to be fair, they were not all plain apple pie. There were variations there. The pies were not perfect. Some pies were a little burned. A few did not have their crusts quite thick enough to keep from falling apart. Almost every pie had something wrong with it, no matter how little. The only pie there that could be called perfect was one of the mince meat pies. All together, the pies came out surprisingly well for someone that learned to cook from Arthur Kirkland.

America ignored the looks that France gave him as he brushed past and out the door, removing. He waved a greeting to his brother and traded places with North Italy. His suit was going to go through a whole new level of abuse.

France was really only mildly annoyed with America. It was his eternal rival he was more interested at picking at.

“Mon Angelterre, I am so sorry I didn’t tell you about the change to potlatch. It is such a good thing that young America told you. I’m absolutely dying to see the cookies you brought.” Everything was said in such a nice and friendly way that Lili would not pick up on what was really being said.

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2009-12-23 01:14 am UTC (link)
It was only after the pies had been piled neatly at America's table (an entire long one had to be used just to hold all the baked goods he had brought) that England graced France with a reply, through a forcedly kind and courteous tone.

"Ah, of course you are." England put on a thin smile, holding up the bag of cookies that had been the last thing he took out of the car. "Why don't you have the first one, my friend? Here you are." Arthur's thin smile became much more sincere as he handed one of the sugar cookies to Francis.

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2009-12-23 01:55 am UTC (link)
Appearances were everything to Francis. So he gingerly took the offered cookie. He held it in between two fingers like it was a venomous snake. He braced himself internally before he took a bite. There was a second of surprise on his face when he realized it was not England’s normal bio-hazard waste. He quickly covered it up as he concentrated on the taste and texture of the cookie. Cooking was his forte and he could usually tell where a particular version of a recipe came from.

“Ah Angelterre, how bold of you to experiment with an American recipe,” he said with a sly smile.

Outside, the game was getting even more brutal then it had been before. Russia was even more determined to win now that there were two America’s playing against him. There were many injuries on both sides of the game. It was at the point where there were only enough people to just barely field a team on either side.

“Go, Germany!” North Italy called from the sidelines as America passed the puck to Germany. Germany could see Belarus coming up on him fast. There was only one person free on his side.

“Lithuania!” Ludwig yelled as he slapped it with his puck.

Lithuania was not prepared for the pass and the puck him in the leg. He just sort of stood there with a look of horror on his face as Russia began to advance on him. Lithuania couldn’t move. Suddenly, Poland jumped on Russia’s back and was screaming at him to leave Lithuania alone. Canada tried to help Switzerland pull Poland off Ivan, but Canada was knocked back and crashed into China. China yelled something at Canada in Chinese before he started to swing at the blond. America then punched China for swinging at Canada. South Korea then cried that China was his and he jumped on America’s back. Within minutes, almost every country was involved in the fight.

“Ve, everyone looks like they are having so much fun,” Feliciano said as he watched.

Gun shots rang out. The fight stopped abruptly.

“This game is over,” Vash said as he pointed his gun at the brawl that had spread to countries that were not even playing. “Everyone will release anyone they are holding and you will all walk in a single file line into the conference center. I will then tell you where you will be sitting for the meal. Is that understood?”

With some less then enthusiastic agreements, he began to march the other nations into the building. He would occasionally fire a warning shot whenever it looked like two nations were getting too close to picking up where they left off.

America sighed as he followed Kiku’s back into the building. He had only gotten to be in the game for about a half an hour and at least ten of those minutes were dedicated to the fight. Still, it had been worth it to see Canada beating Russia over the head with a hockey stick. He looked up as Switzerland began to speak again.

“Japan, Canada, America,” Vash said as he pointed the barrel of his gun at three chairs at a table. The three designated countries sat there with no verbal protest as Switzerland continued to assign seats. Vash was making sure to split everyone up in a manner to minimize the likelihood of more fighting. “All of you will stay in your designated seats until it is time to eat,” the threat was only leveled against the countries that had been outside.

“Vash, is so cool,” Lili said as she ran to her big brother.

“Lili... Do you want some ice cream?”

“Yeah!” She smiled as he brother led her to the kitchen for a bowl of ice cream before dinner. He just could not resist going soft when he saw her adorable smile.

“Man, this sucks,” America pouted as he sat with arms crossed in his chair next to his twin.

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2009-12-23 06:01 am UTC (link)
England decided against saying a further word to France, not wanting to let something too cruel for Liechtenstein's small ears to hear slip out, and instead gave him another forced smile. He was doing a surprisingly good job at containing himself for the amount of spite he currently had for Francis.

The sudden marching in of countries took the smile off of his face, however, and he instead watched incredulously at the group of people who normally couldn't even keep their negative opinions to theirselves in meetings. He had a certain respect for Switzerland, being able to command them without much trouble. Happy to be able to get away from the desire to strangle France, Arthur looked around at the empty seats left, considering his options a moment before noticing Alfred stifling a yawn.

Deciding it was best to be closest to America while his guard was down, feeling that--having raised the boy--he knew how to handle him best, Arthur casually put the cookies down in an empty spot by the pies, then sat next to Alfred, trying to appear that he'd rather not be there.

"What 'sucks'?" He asked, giving only a slight glance at America.

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2009-12-23 06:15 am UTC (link)
“Vash broke up the game too soon. Just because we got in a little scuffle.”

“L-little! Alfred, how can you say that? It could have sparked World War III! I can’t believe I was involved with that... and I can’t believe I got involved before you did. And Russia won’t stop starring at me!” Now that the game was over, Canada was back to his normal self and was very concerned about his bodily safety and what Russia was going to do to him.

“England, you should have seen Matty! He hit Russia with a hockey stick hard enough to make it snap in too! You see that bite on Ivan’s cheek? Matty did that,” Alfred stood up and was almost flailing about as he was elaborating on his and Canada’s exploits in the game. A gun shot rang out as Switzerland came out of the kitchen and America dropped back into his seat as he continued to talk about the fight.

“A-america, please, stop talking about what I did to Russia. He keeps on looking at us and doing that funny laugh. Al-alfred?” Matthew turned to look at his brother. In the span of a few seconds America had plopped his head onto his arms and fallen asleep. “Oh no,” Canada muttered as Ivan’s childish smile spread across his face.

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2009-12-23 06:47 am UTC (link)
"You know," England said with a soft laugh after America had sat back down, "I've never seen someone get so heavily into a game of hockey than you, Matthew."

A few tables over, Russia couldn't really see the need for so many pies. Maybe a couple, but was there such a need for what seemed to be hundreds?

"That was a nice game, da?" Ivan smiled with a tilt of his head as he approached Matthew and Alfred's table, picking up a pie off the top of the pile.

"It's really too bad it had to end!" Ivan laughed gently as he let the pie "slip" out of his hand and fall onto Matthew's head.

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2009-12-23 06:59 am UTC (link)
Matthew had sat there, frozen as Ivan had approached him. Inside he was begging for Kiku, Arthur, Alfred, Francis, someone to distract the giant nation. When Russia had just dropped a pie on him he felt two emotions. The first was relief that it was just a pie. The second was anger at the trouble of getting pie stains out and that when he finally gets noticed as Canada, it was to be on the receiving end of a pie. Canada could not believe what he did next. He picked up the pitcher of water sitting on the table, stood up, and dumped it on Russia.

“HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO ME BELOVED BROTHER!” Belarus screamed as an apple pie came zooming... and hit Kiku Honda right in the face. His white suit would be forever ruined.

Canada took the opportunity to duck away from Russia’s outstretched arms. As the Russian chased him, he dove under a table and found himself next to the pie table. He grabbed the first thing he could find and threw it at Ivan. Russia was now sporting blueberry pie.

While, Matthew was in his own strategic movements, Japan had very elegantly picked up a large serving spoon ful of spaghetti and flung it over at Belarus. Sadly, Greece got in the way.

“You are responsible for this, Turkey!” Greece yelled as he reached for a bowl of sauerkraut.

“My pasta,” North Italy began to cry on Germany. He had wanted to share it with everyone.

“How could you do this to Feliciano,” Germany growled as he grabbed Kiku by the front of his suit.

America continued to snore softly. He cuddled a bit further into his leather coat as some water hit him in the face.

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2009-12-23 07:34 am UTC (link)
The sudden explosion of a food fight reminded England of a battlefield. He had stood to try and prevent the pie from falling--and shot back down immediately as the water splashed all over Ivan. He wondered, if he stayed very still, if he could avoid being hit. He did not feel like going back home for a change of clothes, let alone a shower.

As a nice amount of curry smacked into Ludwig's head, Kiku used it as an opportunity to push out of his grasp, but pushed a bit too hard and fell back into one of the serving tables, which unintentionally propelled the rest of Feliciano's pasta all over Roderich's nice white blouse.

Elizabeta decided to react for him with a bowl of fruit from a neighbouring table, and as the grapes pelted into some of the remaining few pies, Arthur decided it was time to depart. He felt a bit bad, leaving Alfred on his own in his sleep, but didn't want to actually carry him. Instead, knowing America to be more of a heavy sleeper, he tilted the chair back gingerly and began to drag it out of the conference room. Unfortunately, it was right into France's path.

By now, Ivan had relocated Matthew, sitting in a corner beneath a table, trying to avoid further assault. Russia picked up a few pies to use as ammunition, if needed, and strolled calmly through the melee to where Canada was hiding. Smiling softly, he sat on his knees, and held out his hand for the frightened country. "Truce?"

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2009-12-23 07:49 am UTC (link)
A cherry pie was going to hit Liechtenstein in the face. A single bullet hit the pie and deflected it. Vash’s adorable little sister was safe. He grabbed her hand and began to lead her out the fire exit.

“But my ice cream...”

“I’ll buy you cake and ice cream later,” Vash said as he pushed the door open with the arm that held his gun.

Meanwhile, Canada was trapped by Russia. He knew this was going to be the end for him. When Ivan spoke, Matthew couldn’t believe his ears.

“Tr-truce?” Matthew stuttered back in disbelief.

“Da, truce. Not many would have a food fight with me,” Ivan said a bit sadly. “Would you like to become one with Russia, da?”

“Um... niet.”

Russia shrugged. He was hoping he would finally get a “da” in reply. Still, it was only the first day. “Pie?” he asked as he held out the pastry.

Gingerly, the Canadian took the pecan pie and began to eat it. He felt very uncomfortable eating pie with Ivan in the middle of a miniature war. Still, it had the advantage that now no one was throwing food directly at him. Matthew decided to enjoy the offered pie and not offend Ivan. He would be ready to bolt if the Russian tried to grab for him.

“And where do you think you are going, Angelterre?” France said with a grin on his face. He held two pies, one in each hand. “I thought I gave Amerique enough busy work to keep him from warning you about my little surprise. So, did he make the cookies or did you buy them at the store?”

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