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100 Funniest Movies Challenge! [Sep. 18th, 2008|09:39 pm]
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1oo Funniest Movies, Rules and Guidelines:

oo1. Watch all the films on Bravo’s list of the
1oo Funniest Movies.

oo2. Strike through the films that you’ve seen

oo3. Strike through the remaining movies as you watch them.

100 Funniest Movies! )

Tally: o72/1oo
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Oscar Challenge! [Jan. 13th, 2008|04:27 am]
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My Oscar Movie Challenge:

oo1. My original goal: Watch all the films nominated in the "Big 5"
categories (the four acting categories and Best Picture),
plus those nominatedfor Best Director and Cinematography.

oo2. I'm amending my goal by adding the films nominated
in the two writing categories because, by default, I'll see all
five films nominated for Adapted Screenplay and three from
Original Screenplay.

oo3. I must, of course, watch them all before the Oscars,
Feb. 24.
I failed miserably (I watched 10/21), but I'm
continuing with my quest despite missing the deadline.

Oscar countdown! )
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100 Movies in 2008 Challenge! Pt III [Jan. 13th, 2008|12:10 am]
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1oo Movies in 2oo8
continued from here

Movies 2o1 and up )
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100 Movies in 2008 Challenge! Pt II [Jan. 13th, 2008|12:09 am]
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1oo Movies in 2oo8
continued from here

Movies 1o1 and up )

continued here
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100 Movies in 2008 Challenge! [Jan. 13th, 2008|12:08 am]
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[Current Mood |ambitious!]

1oo Movies, Rules and Guidelines:

oo1. Watch 1oo movies or more in 2oo8.
**(SUCCESS! 100 and counting!)**

oo2. Keep track of how many I watch.

oo3. First-time movies only.

oo4. Leaving entry public. If you want to
recommend any movies, go for it.

Movies in 2oo8! )

continued here
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