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dolemecknight ([info]dolemecknight) wrote,
@ 2013-04-07 21:43:00

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Test Scene
It was noisy as usual on the "great lawn" of Central park. Children running around playing with Frisbees, beautiful women taking in the sun on colorful beach towels, grown men playing catch or football with others, and then there was Dolemeck Night. He stood out like a sore thumb on days like this, dressed mostly in black, his long hair going down to his waist, nearly paper white skin, and several books under his arm.

His bright green eyes avoided contact with any of the women sun bathing, and he tried to move away from the more muscular males playing games to impress them. He made a b-line to one of the many trees on the edge of the lawn and sat with his back against one. It was perhaps his own little paradise. Blue skies, white clouds, and the greenest grass he had ever seen. The things most humans take for granted.

Once he was comfortable, Dolemeck placed the books to his side, and selected one to start reading from. "Les Fleurs du mal", in it's original, unedited format.

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2013-04-08 03:43 am UTC (link)
"Yes, or at least help assuage it until something better is developed. I mean, a twenty-five percent reduction in water use is nice, and will help with acreage, but not quite enough. but it is a step in the right direction," Derek said excitedly. Derek knew Dolemeck didn't want to press it further, and when it came to working the ins and outs of the Foundation Derek was glad to do some good.

"Dunno about the taste though. The bread tasted fine, but no word about noodle creation."

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2013-04-08 04:01 am UTC (link)
"Well let me know how it goes with the testing." Dolemeck smiled more. he had a love of soba noodles. Enough that he and Derek often went out together once a week to grab a bowl in Manhattan.

"Speaking of Mother, have you heard from her lately? I know she is always quite busy, so I try my best not to bug her so." Dolemeck had high respect for Venus. She gave him a soul and a body to house it. While he would have been content with "normal" looks, Venus Thought otherwise.

Venus was a being who loved beauty, and ended up making him incredibly handsome. Something that he felt was a curse (especially with the cute librarian). He attracted the opposite sex, which he was very afraid of. Enough that he would run away or disappear into the shadows.

"Has she asked about me, if she has spoken with you?"

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2013-04-08 03:44 pm UTC (link)
"Nothing more than saying you'd be in town."

Not that he wanted to talk to her more at that moment. On the holo, it looks like Auntie V was walking around naked again and he was in a mostly public area within Atlas Biochem.

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2013-04-08 06:46 pm UTC (link)
"I see... that was still nice of her to do!" His bright green eyes looked down at the ground below them, making sure his books were still there. "She managed to get me a nice apartment here in the city. I do not know how she did it, but she did. Mother has done so much for me, I wished I could do more for her in return. But she says I do enough and I should start discovering myself."

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2013-04-08 07:56 pm UTC (link)
Derek, as if not noticing what Dolemeck was saying, fell backwards, hooking his legs around the branch to hang upside down in the tree. There were some things that were always entertaining for Derek, even though he could fly and is invulnerable should he fall.

"It's a pretty good idea, that. I'm thinking of doing the same, myself. Probably back in San Fransisco."

Derek smiles as he swings a bit from his position. He always liked this.

"And as for the apartment of yours, Venus is one of the Agents. We have cash like crazy.

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2013-04-08 09:02 pm UTC (link)
"Currency is still a new concept to me. In Limbo, we did not have "cash". You just fought for something you wanted and if you were victorious, it was yours. But keeping it was always a challenge." Dolemeck faded into the shadows and then appeared on the branch above Derek, trying to hang upside down with his legs just as his cousin had done. "This is why I love libraries! They let you take what you want to read as long as you promise to return it. And I have kept that promise and returned every book I ever read... without a single extension! Come to think of it... I have returned all my books early."

Dolemeck suddenly panicked as he began to lose his balance and then started to fall out of the tree, thankfully his hand reached for a shadowed branch and just faded into it. He then re-appeared sitting beside Derek once more.

"Brother, how do you do such feats without falling?"

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2013-04-08 09:31 pm UTC (link)
Derek gives Dolemeck an incredulous look at the confusion.

"Dude, I can fly, remember. Never was all that good at it until maybe a year ago, but that's more because I like climbing things. I blame Uncle Ken for that."

Derek flips down and slowly comes to the ground. he reaches down and pulls up his pant leg, revealing the ankle wing there.

"Quarter-atlantean, remember?"

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2013-04-08 09:57 pm UTC (link)
"Aye, aye." he faded once more, appearing next to Derek and gathering up his books. "I wonder if I can fly, one day. I wish to see all of this world from above, not just the ground!"

With his books in his arms, he started to walk towards the greater part of the lawn, more than likely headed back to his apartment. "I have probably wasted enough of your time, today. With your work with the Agents, I would hate to take you away from that. Derek, you do so much good for this world. I hope you continue on such a path."

Giving Derek a wave, Dolemeck started to walk on his way. he only made it about one hundred feet before he was nailed in the head by a Frisbee and knocked down to the ground. He quickly started to gather up his books, when the owners of the Frisbee walked up and circled him.

"You should really watch where you are going!" came an angry tone of voice from one male, while the other tried to take one of Dolemeck's books from him.

"Look at this! It's some book on flowers! This guy's reading about flowers!"

"Please, give that back to me!" Dolemeck refused to show anger. Instead he was more distressed as his book was being tossed about from one jerk to the next. Without any real shadows to hop into, this made getting his book back a feeble task. "Give me back my book!"

The men appeared to mainly torment Dolemeck to get the attention of some of the girls passing by. There were giggles from them, and even mockery about how "dorky" he was.

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2013-04-08 10:48 pm UTC (link)
Derek was moving to follow Dolemeck (after fixing his pants legs, of course) when Dolemeck gets beaned in the head. He wouldn't have paid much attention to it (Dolemeck has a bad tendency to go around with his head in the clouds) but when he hears what is said Derek immediately stiffens.

Oh hell no, you don't say that to his

"He can read whatever damn book he wants, jerkass." Derek called from where he was as he stalked his way down. If these idiots were real about how they are, this kind of posturing should get their attention. And if they decide to take a swing, well...it's a good thing he's half atlantean.

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2013-04-08 11:18 pm UTC (link)
The men knew not to mess with someone like Derek. They were the kind who picked on the weak, not the strong. The last one who had the book hit Dolemeck in the head with it and walked off with the rest of their group.

"He ain't worth it, let's go."

"Yeah, I'm bored screwing with that whimp, anyway."

"Let's go back to the field, there was this really hot girl sun bathing over there..."

Dolemeck gathered his books, moving as quickly as he could before looking up at Derrek. he lowered his head, clutching them in his hand. He did not fight back against them, he was frightened to. Frightened of what he could do to them if he lost control or what it could do to his soul. His soul was the most precious treasure he had.

"Derek, I'm sorry..." He apologized quietly, sitting on the lawn while hugging his books. "I did not mean to cause trouble and make them mad at me."

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2013-04-08 11:45 pm UTC (link)
"Nothing you need to apologize about, Dole. Just a bunch of meatheads being all meathead-y and crap," Derek said with a smile as he leaned down himself and help grab some of the books.

"And there's nothing you need to apologize to me about. They're the ones who were assholes," Derek continued, motioning over his shoulders to the harassers who were now good enough away to be not within hearing range.

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2013-04-09 12:06 am UTC (link)
"I knew I should not have bothered coming to someplace so... public in the daytime." He gazed over towards the so called "meatheads" as his cousin put it. They were now busy showing off for pretty girls and being confident. He had a nice big red mark on his forehead and eye from where the book had been thrown into his face. No doubt he would have a nice shiner in the morning.

"The book... the one they mocked me for. It is not a book about "flowers". It is called "Flowers of Evil", but it is not what it appears. It is a collection of French poetry, banned at one point, then re-released in it's original format." His green eyes looked down at his own feet. "Much like myself, most beings cannot look past a cover to see what is inside."

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2013-04-09 12:47 am UTC (link)
"The same can be true for me. Do you know how many folks see me and assume stuff. Sometimes it's small stupid stuff like 'he's good at math' and others it's like 'he's a self-centered idiot'. Assumptions can happen. Put assumptions lead to foolish things, like the book there," Derek says, smiling and giving a bit of a sage nod.

"But hey, if need be you can just punch them. I know Uncle Ken showed you how to box!"

Aaaand there goes any wisdom he had shown a second ago. He's still a sixteen year old at heart.

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2013-04-09 01:26 am UTC (link)
"Father taught me to box, yes. But he said only to do so when I am in danger. I do not think he would be happy if I punched every being who annoyed me." He valued the lessons Bob taught him. Bob was possibly the only Father figure he had. Well, as a human, anyway. "And I do not understand why everyone thinks you are good at math. ARE you good at math and that is why? Or is there something I am missing, again? Perhaps we should talk more about this at my apartment? I can order us some Indian food. It is quite tasty, but very hot."

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2013-04-09 01:35 am UTC (link)
"Oh, Uncle Bob did as well? I never really pictured Uncle Bob the boxing type," Derek said.

"I'm decent at math, better at business, best at history. It's a stereotype about asian kids. Even those who aren't entirely asian like me are thought that way."

Derek thinks a bit.

"Actually, are there any good Mexican places around here? I've been kind of craving it."

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2013-04-09 02:20 am UTC (link)
"Uncle Ken taught me to box as well. But Mother disapproved of Uncle Ken's methods." He gave his cousin a bit of a smile. Venus always feared that if he learned too much aggression, he would become the monster they feared mutually.

"Uncle Ken and Father often argued over my lessons. Uncle Ken would tell my Father he was coddling me too much and it was hindering my process as a man. Father would then tell him that I was not being trained to be a prize fighter. That he just wanted me to be able to defend myself if I had to."

The subject soon was changed at the mention of food. That made Dolemeck really smile and his alright bright green eyes light up more.

"Mexican? Yes, actually. There is this nice little cantina that just opened up! They have this great dish with guacamole, corn salsa rice, beans, and chicken! And no, it is not a taco bell or some fast food place." Dolemeck knew his food. He was passionate about trying every type of food there was on Earth. It could lead one to assume there was nothing like what humans eat in limbo. "It's wonderful! They said they get all the produce locally!"

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2013-04-09 04:31 am UTC (link)
Dereks eye lit up a bit at the idea of new and interesting places to try. His mother had once called him quite the pig for his eating habits, but it was with a smile and a wink. And, well, Derek did eat like a pig. He appreciated food.

"That sounds excellent, Dole! I'd say we hit that place!"

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2013-04-09 04:45 am UTC (link)
"You will love it, Brother! I will even treat you!" Dolemeck had a very little in the way of money at times, but enjoyed a good mean and treating his cousin to dinner. His only hope was that his eye did not swell shut while they ate out, tonight. "I feel like this city and all these places to go eat shall be the start of a new adventure for us, Derek."

Little did Dolemeck know, that the entire City would play a part of a big adventure for him and his cousin.


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