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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-04-17 08:26:00

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Stars: *already pulling up Duke’s blueprints*

Deckard: *explores his new body, /thanking/ Zero again*

Duke: *nods* Yes, of course. Please go get rest.

Zero: *smiles and nods and will head out.*

Stars: Come lie down, let me have a look at you. *waves Duke over.*

Duke: *does do*

Deckard: Can I help with anything?

Stars: *studies Deckard a moment...and nods. He'll put Deckard to work playing fetch for different parts and componants.*

Deckard: *happy to do so*

Stars: *isn't as gentle as Zero, but he's not rough either. He'll see what he needs to in Duke and will get his body built. Duke and Deckard won't have to stay the whole time. It'll be some hours before he's ready for Duke to come back to complete the last part of the process.*

*They'll stay for as long as they're useful – they figure they owe that much at least (and they'll make the same offer to Zero once he's working again) – but if they're shooed off, they won't argue.*

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2014-04-17 04:49 pm UTC (link)
*Which surprises no one, really. Except DB. He's /sore/ about it at first, and he and PJ wind up in another one of their wrestling bouts, but Deckard, McC, and Maru all have comments and compliments that get him out of that and back to his usual, upbeat self.*

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2014-04-17 04:56 pm UTC (link)
Stars: *will admit he's not bad for not being a Seeker. When DB has himself sorted out again all the fliers will fill the holodeck* *The BP are a team, they're used to coordinating, but there is something /impressive/ in watching the three Seekers dance around eachother*
Zero: *fond* They really are meant to be in the sky.

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2014-04-17 05:50 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: *nods* They're impressive.
*The Braves are all awed with the Seekers' aerial prowess, while Maru and DB are just having a ball trying to keep up and playing with them.*

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2014-04-17 05:58 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *right there with his brother, having a ball, and feeling /alive/!*
Alem: .....It's like they can read each other's minds...
Zero: *chuckles* Well....because they /can/. Their sparks are bonded.

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2014-04-17 06:09 pm UTC (link)
Duke: Sparks. That's their – your – life essence, right? The energy by which you're alive?

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2014-04-17 06:34 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *nods* Yes, I think it was called a heart in your world.

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2014-04-17 06:40 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: ….mn. *shakes his head* Heart refers to the ability to be self-aware and experience emotions. It has nothing to do with living energy.

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2014-04-17 06:59 pm UTC (link)
Zero: Heart is tied to life as much as spark or...*rolls a wrist as he looks for the right word.* soul. I don't see much difference unless your talking about the organ the pumps fluids through the body of many organic life forms.

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2014-04-17 07:14 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: We mimic life, Subzero. It's not the same thing. *had that drilled into him far too many times* Ultimately, we're little more than highly advanced programming.
*As unhappy about as they are, the others agree, looking down or away with various frowns or scowls on their faces*

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2014-04-17 07:29 pm UTC (link)
Zero: .......You're wrong. You don't just mimic life. You're self-aware. You /feel/. Drones mimic life, give the impression of emotion, but the looks on your faces tell me you /feel/ emotion.

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2014-04-17 07:36 pm UTC (link)
Dmps: Yeah, but that doesn't make us /alive/. We're still just robots.

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2014-04-17 07:45 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *raises an optic ridge at him, he's really going tonuse that argument on Zero?* Just because you don't have a spark like I do, does not mean you're "just" a robot Dumpson. I saw the robots on your home planet that were /just/ robots, drones. You're not.

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2014-04-17 07:58 pm UTC (link)
GM: *wry grin…with some bitterness behind it, shrugs* We have Super AIs. That's all that sets us apart. Stick a Super AI in one of them and they'd be the same.
McC: Assuming their systems could handle the strain of so much added processing load.
GM: *shrugs* They could be modified to take it.
Duke: Thank you, Subzero-san, for thinking of us. But we already know we are not equal to those who are alive.
PJ: *arms crossed, /huffs/* Had that proven enough times already, thanks. Don't need the lesson again.

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2014-04-17 08:13 pm UTC (link)
Alem: ......Subzero is right. Whatever happened to make your AI chips "super AIs" gave you life. What is life if not a compilation of data and the /feeling/ of the emotions that go with thise memories?

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2014-04-17 08:39 pm UTC (link)
Duke: *shakes his head* By that definition, why is a tree considered alive? Plant life is accepted as being living, but plants don't build memories or feel emotions.

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