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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-04-21 08:11:00

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Officer1: Quiet, you. *snorts* You'll deserve the beating you get when he gets you home. *will offer Oil a remote...* We had a new one programmed to his collar. Don't let him take it this time...

Oil: Thank you, Officer. *takes it....and will send a wave of electricity through TC until the Seeker drops to his knees*

TC: *sobbing /snarls/ as he goes down*

Oil: *keeps it up for a bit, then turns the electricity off so the officer can haul TC to his feet.* I suggest you walk, Seeker. If I have to have you carried home, you will regret it.

TC: If you've done something to my master, you sadistic excuse of a glitch, I swear to Primus I will bury you in the Pit /myself/. *knows he's going to pay, and pay /dearly/, for anything and everything, so he's not even bothering to hold back*

Oil: */backhands/ him.* Speak again and I'll cut off your ability to speak. Now walk.

TC: *turns expertly with the blow…still winds up reeling a bit . . . /shuddering/ from both the lingering effects of the shock collar and the /horror/ of what he knows is coming, /glares/ at Oil before turning and striding down the hall, shoulders square and wings /high/*

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2014-04-21 05:20 pm UTC (link)
TC: *holding himself erect despite the /pain/ he's in, swaying only barely as he waits for Zero to retrieve his wings before they head out*

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2014-04-21 05:27 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *Will get his wings then get an arm around TC, and putting himself under one of TC's arms so the Seeker can lean on him.* Lean on me. *if TC refuses, lrotests, or just tries not to his tone will become a bit more firm.* /Lean/ on me, Thundercracker.

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2014-04-21 05:58 pm UTC (link)
TC: *murmurs that he's fine, he's been far worse off before, and he /does/ try to walk on his own as much as possible…but at the firmer repeat, he…he'll do so*

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2014-04-21 06:10 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *he's only a little smaller than TC, and is strong. He'll support TC out to a transport and help him settle. He'll also open every window as far as possible. He'll then drive them home.*

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2014-04-21 06:16 pm UTC (link)
TC: *settled gingerly, trying not to leak and mess up Master's transport as much as possible, gaze locked outside*

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2014-04-21 06:18 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *SO not worried about that. He's gat things set up so there is no back to the passenger seat, but rather a bench that takes up the entire passenger side from front to back. TC's head is basically resting in the passenger seat beside him. He reaches over to rest a gentle hand on the side of TC's helm as he drives.* ....I'm sorry I didn't get there sooner...

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2014-04-21 06:27 pm UTC (link)
TC: ……………I wasn't expecting that you would come at all, sir.

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2014-04-21 06:49 pm UTC (link)
Zero: The Police Captain called me. Said they'd captured a Seeker who was claiming a mech with my name as his master. Said he had to be sure. When I was able to name and describe you he had me come in with your file. Oilslick's datafile on you was proved to be forged and we came to get you.

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2014-04-21 06:55 pm UTC (link)
TC: *soft shudder* I didn't think any of those fraggers would bother. Police never do, not when it's "just" a slave involved. I was afraid you'd assume I had run away and would leave it at that.

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2014-04-21 07:13 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *tone only mildly sheepish* Even if I had thought that, I have still tried to make sure that was the case.

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2014-04-21 07:32 pm UTC (link)
TC: ……………. *nodnod, finally relaxing – he's back where he belongs, and he's not in trouble…for now that's good enough for him…*

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2014-04-21 08:13 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *very softly kind of petting at him. When they stop it's at a clinic. He'll come around to help TC out.*

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2014-04-21 08:16 pm UTC (link)
TC: *the touch is…is welcome, oddly comforting - now that he's had a chance to rest a bit, and calm down, he's…moving well enough on his own, shoulders square as he does rather well to hide how much pain he's in…he's had a LOT of practice*

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2014-04-21 08:21 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *still right there by him* Jumpstart? You in today?
Jumps: *from down the hall* Zero, is that you? You didn't blow yourself up again, did you?
Zero: *fond smile* Not this time.
Jumps: *comes out and sees TC* Oh, hello there. Come. Come. Let me have a look at you.

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2014-04-21 08:24 pm UTC (link)
TC: *quiet and withdrawn, easily following where he's led*

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2014-04-21 08:26 pm UTC (link)
Zero: Thundercracker, this is Jumostart. He's a good friend of mine. If you ever need anything and you can't get to me, you can come to him.
Jumps: *nods and offers his hand* Always. It's nice to meet you. *not treating him like a slave at all*

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2014-04-21 08:31 pm UTC (link)
TC: *on reflex, starts to take the hand…catches himself…but it must be okay, the mech /has/ to know he's a slave, the collar is SHAMEFULLY obvious…he takes the hand, gaze still down* The pleasure is mine, sir. Thank you.

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2014-04-21 08:34 pm UTC (link)
Jumps: *will duck to meet his gaze, giving him a friendly smile.* No "sir". Jumpstart is fine. Why don't you lie down so I can get you fixed up, all right? *looks at Zero* You have his wings?*
Zero: Yes. They're in the transport. I'll get them once he's settled.
Jumps: *nods, and will shift to help TC lie down.*

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2014-04-21 08:37 pm UTC (link)
TC: *studies Jumps a moment . . . and nods, then /gratefully/ settles on the repair berth*

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