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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-04-29 08:18:00

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*The last mini-Seeker will step in with Stars a bit later*

Mech: They’re in here.

Stars: *steps in, looking for a moment like he’ll pull everyone away from his third, then relents and moves in to stand by TC* //How’re things going?//

TC: .....Skywarp. My name is Thundercracker, and our trine leader is Starscream. *these people might recognize the names of a champion trine of gladiators - when Stars comes in* //Too soon to tell, but they seem to know what they're doing.// *shrugs* //They apparently repaired me themselves, and I was pretty bad off.//

Song: *once Stars is there* I’m Shadowsong.  This is Dreamcatcher, my second, and Stromfront, our third.  And this is Wing, a good friend of ours.

Wing: You’ll have to be careful.  The three of you would be very recognizable. *he hadn’t needed their names to know them, but wasn’t going to...frighten them by calling any of them by name before they introduced themselves.*

TC: *scowls, arms crossed* Why do you think I was trying to get /out/ of here?

Wing: I knew why you were trying to leave.  It doesn’t change that you are welcome, and would be safe here.

TC:  So long as we stay hidden and caged up here in the house?  What's the benefit to you?

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2014-04-29 08:26 pm UTC (link)
*They glance back if only to keep track of those /behind/ them, what they're doing - none of them like having anyone behind them but their own wingmates. Once outside, they...DO NOT WANT TO BE SPOTTED...but yes, they REALLY REALLY DO want to be in the air, so they'll follow with only an instant's hesitation.*

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2014-04-29 08:30 pm UTC (link)
Stars: *BURIES his disappointment when Wing shifts and lands again. Stars transforms and lands beside the mech, exuding a confidence that completely hides his nervousness from everyone but his wingmates.*
Wing: *steps to the door of the place he’s landed outside of. It’s a big place, impressive. He knocks and when the door opens he smiles* Subzero, just the mech I wanted to see. *motions at the Seekers* These three are hoping to benefit from your services.
Zero: *gives them a friendly smile* I see. Come in, we’ll talk.

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2014-04-29 08:42 pm UTC (link)
TC: *also stuffs his disappointment, his outward expression stoic . . . inwardly he's BRACING - a nice home like this canNOT mean anything good for them*
Warp: *pouts a little as they land, but then is half-/gaping/ at the impressive house and half-/scowling/ at it, already judging the "haughty" mech that's got to live here*

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2014-04-29 08:49 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *will lead them in to a large sitting area, and will personally serve them a cube from a dispenser.* Please don’t take this wrong, but I think I know why you’re here. You want your freedom...?
Stars: *scowls, but then /smiles/, putting on the charm* What makes you say that?
Zero: You’re the Seekers so well known in the arenas, aren’t you?
Stars: ....The same. *he gives a deep, mock-bow* So good to be known. *he’s /this/ close to retreating with his trine before this fragger can betray them*
Zero: *nods* Thought so. I’ll have to look at each of your datafiles to know for sure if I can do anything for you, but if I can, I will.
Stars: And what will that aid cost us?
Zero: I don’t charge slaves for my work.

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2014-04-29 08:56 pm UTC (link)
TC: *accepts his cube with a nod but subtly does /not/ drink from it yet, just holding it - silently suggests the others do the same . . . /stiff/ but stoic at the recognition, frowns at the last* Get your return on our kind in other ways?
Warp: *ON EDGE, also /this/ close to just...oh! his warp engines are unlocked now, aren't they!?...he runs a quick diagnostic on them, runs calculations...he can get himself and his wingmates out of there if he has to, relaxes at that...marginally*

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2014-04-29 09:11 pm UTC (link)
Stars: *relaxes when he senses Warp’s realization about that....and ventures to take a drink of the fuel, just to “show” he’s not afraid of this mech, and aware that if he does suddenly pass out his third will warp them out....and then he’ll come back and murder these fraggers.*
Zero: If they pay me back for my help it’s because they choose to. I get money from those who can pay, or from making things to patent and sell. I don’t /need/ money, especially from those who don’t have it to give.

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