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katerina j. shimpling ([info]edgars) wrote,
@ 2011-08-22 22:49:00

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I think my parents are starting to look for suitors, and for the first time it won't be for Natasha. My mother set up a posture lesson for this afternoon. If Six had been any sort of man then I could have been paired with---


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2011-08-23 01:14 am UTC (link)
I've always agreed with you, my talent and your class and charm, just imagine the future world leaders.

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2011-08-23 01:23 am UTC (link)
Slytherin powerhouses, I'm sure.

[HEATHCLIFF] If you are any sort of serious, which is quite fine if you're not, I suggest you do something about it quickly as my parents have not been known to pick the brightest of men.

The prettiest, yes, but not the sharpest things in the drawer. [HEATHCLIFF]

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2011-08-23 01:30 am UTC (link)
Take over the world.

[Katerina] Who says I haven't already?

You forget, that I wasn't just spawned out of nature this fantastic, but I too have a mother that nags.

But first, how do you feel about the Tornadoes?

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2011-08-23 01:59 am UTC (link)
Really Well that certainly makes my posture lessons much more tolerable to deal with. Was this a proposal? What.

I have to say they are my favorite team as my brother-in-law is their seeker, but I've had many brother-in-laws doing many things, so. I suppose I tolerate them the most.

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2011-08-23 03:12 am UTC (link)
I heard they tie you to a chair with scarves, is that true?

Oh excellent, as I have season tickets. They're my favorite.

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2011-08-23 03:24 am UTC (link)
Only if you're terrible.

I suppose I should try remembering that little tidbit about you.

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