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franklen_four ([info]franklen_four) wrote,
@ 2009-12-15 17:03:00

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Entry tags:franklin benjamin richards

Testing Thread

The day had been long and hard, and Franklin trudged down the street toward the Baxter Building.  Classes had been difficult to bear that day, but he was relieved that it would all soon be over.  He stopped on the sidewalk leading up to his home, and he looked up at the top.  He smirked and proceeded to turn his trudging into a brisk walk into the building and into the elevator.  There was studying to be done for finals.

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2009-12-16 09:19 pm UTC (link)
"I was thinking about when Rome decimated Carthage, and Hannibal attempted revenge revenge only to fail," he said, "And it reminded me of when I pretty much destroyed Mephisto, and he came back and..."

As he started to talk about the matter, the more it came to him that Kristoff probably wasn't very fond of the memory either. That, and it reminded Franklin of an extremely unpleasant time in his life.

"I guess my point is," he said, "Even though I want to be normal, and not be involved in any superhero-ing business, is it possible for me to avoid it?"

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2009-12-16 09:43 pm UTC (link)
"Avoid it absolutely? I do not think so. Things happen, at times. Avoid it enough not to make it a primary facet of your life? Yes. With the psychic blocks adequately maintained, you have been much less of a target for attention, and of course, there is nothing that says you have to become your parents."

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2009-12-16 11:05 pm UTC (link)

He took a sip of his tea.

"You're right, Kristoff," he replied, "I guess that leaves me to wondering how easy my next exam is going to be."

He took another sip of tea.

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2009-12-17 02:22 am UTC (link)
"You are welcome. Should you find yourself needing anything during the course of studying, Cassandra and I should be in the building all evening, barring unforeseen circumstances." He drinks his own, then pauses. "You have not declared a major yet, have you?"

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2009-12-17 03:37 am UTC (link)
"No major picked yet," he said, "Haven't started considering any, either. I want to get through this first year just by rolling with the gen ed courses. Next year I think I'll give it some thought."

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2009-12-17 04:05 am UTC (link)
"I can hardly criticize." Kristoff smiles. "I could not exactly make up my mind at your age." Hence the physics and electrical engineering and mathematics.

Kristoff worries a little about Franklin's being directionless, but he knows too well about having dangerous places in one's own brain -- even on a much different scale-- to cast stones.

"Now that the semester is finishing, are you going to be attending the Maria Stark Foundation Dinner?" Kristoff asks as he just about finishes his tea.

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2009-12-17 04:21 am UTC (link)
He scratched his head and thought about that one for a moment.

"I think I will," he said, "There will be some friends and really good food."

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2009-12-18 04:28 am UTC (link)
Kristoff nods. "The arrangements are always of excellent quality, yes." And there'll be people he knows, so hopefully Kristoff can avoid much mutual insufferability.

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2009-12-18 07:01 am UTC (link)
"Well then," Franklin said with another sip of his tea, "I think it's time I get to studying. Thanks for the tea and chat, Kristoff."

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