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Victor Von Doom ([info]i_am_doom) wrote,
@ 2011-04-03 09:59:00

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A Meeting
It has taken Victor Von Doom the better part of a year to recover from the fall of his infrastructure, after his nearly-successful bid to rule the world. Years of careful planning and gamesmanship had allowed him to not only maim the Black Panther, T'Challa,but also become the first and only man to conquer Wakanda in 10,000 years as well as take from his enemy the enchanted metal called vibranium. The vibranium was used to create an armor that allowed Doom to make the world his weapon.  Doom was on the brink of crushing his opposition beneath his armored boot before T'Challa managed to do the unthinkable and render all of the world's vibranium inert and useless. Not only did he defeat Doom, but destroying the infrastructure and livelihood of Wakanda in the process.

Their contest was, ultimately, a draw.

With the bulk of his resources having been donated to charities by his enemies, and no proof for the World Courts that Doom committed any crime, the Latverian monarch now benefited from an odd twist of fate: he was one of the world's foremost humanitarians, contacted by all and sundry for advice and information on how to address cures for various diseaes and creating better machines to drill for oil, to till farms and other projects. Few of the organizations that were bequeathed his money wished to return it, so many of the accepted Doom's "suggestions" for various expansions and enterprises.

Over time, the money began to flow back in and Doom carefully and quietly rebuilt his empire.

Now, however, he sits across from a being capable of aiding him a future enterprise and he must take not to come out the loser in this bargain.

Asgardians are notoriously temperamental. Doom's knowledge of Loki could attest to that.

"Would you care for another glass of wine, Amora?" Victor asks, regarding her warily.

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2011-04-04 02:56 am UTC (link)
"I believe I know of a way, but it will take a combined effort for us to achieve our individual goals. There are items which must be seized that will allow us to rewrite the history of the cosmos and place ourselves in charge, where we belong.

One of them is located in Asgard, from what I understand. The other two portions are located here upon Earth." Doom says.

"I have covertly begun the search for these items, but it has taken time to as I have to rebuild my infrastructure from the ground up. I am certain that I can obtain the portions I need...with your assistance." he says.

"We will need to mask our intentions from both Odin All-Father and the Sorcerer Supreme of this dimension, Stephen Strange. Are you equal to the task?" he asks.

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2011-04-07 12:35 am UTC (link)
Amora grinned. "Now thou is...how dost the mortals say it 'speaking my language'?"

"Aye, I art up to this task, Victor. Thou shalt have mine aid."

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2011-04-08 12:31 am UTC (link)
"Excellent." Doom intones, rising from his chair.

"The time to start is now. We'll wrest the first from its current guardians and move on the next target from there." Victor says, drawing his cape about him.

"Where we are going next will be cold, Enchantress. Prepare yourself." Doom advises.

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