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「ℐuliet → ᶯott」 ([info]isthesun) wrote,
@ 2011-06-16 05:09:00

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[RAVENCLAW GIRLS] So. I believe I have finally found my perfect date to the Sloper wedding.

His name is Matthieu Lefèvre. Tall, dark, handsome, painfully confident, and a truly despised co-worker at Nott's firm... Oh, and very French, which is quite possibly worse than all the other circumstances combined.

I know, it's brilliant. You don't have to tell me.

Jugson, not a word of this is allowed to reach your husband's ears. I would prefer my plan be a happy surprise.

Also, I hear you're back in town, Bell? Please speak up already if so. [/RAVENCLAW GIRLS]

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2011-06-16 08:31 pm UTC (link)
You mean you expect him to not be searching at this very moment for someone to bring who will be certain to upset me as much as possible?

Come now, Emmeline...

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2011-06-16 08:52 pm UTC (link)
And what will you do if he does?

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2011-06-16 08:55 pm UTC (link)
This is why I'm coming prepared with the best plan I can devise to upset him right back. Trust me, Matthieu is more than happy to oblige.

Not to mention I've taken off my ring and am henceforth presenting myself as Juliet Dearborn.

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2011-06-16 08:57 pm UTC (link)
So...is this a plot to get him back or to show him that you're done with him? These lines, they become so blurry when we discuss you two...

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2011-06-16 09:01 pm UTC (link)
Partial revenge, partial self-preservation in the ego department... and partially a very amusing game.

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