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Mortimer Dodderidge A.K.A. JAMIE! ([info]jamienotmorty) wrote,
@ 2008-01-22 14:57:00

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I've decided to do art commissions to earn a little extra money and help improve my skills. I sketch/draw, paint, and am working on photography. I've got a portfolio to look at, and pricing would be dependent upon what's being commissioned--obviously the more intricate the work, the pricier it'll be. I can do portraits, still life, or even just a personal design or whatever else you might want. Just comment here or on any other entry in the future if you want a commissioned piece of art.

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2008-01-23 07:19 pm UTC (link)
Yeah, that'd be nice. Thanks.

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2008-01-23 07:25 pm UTC (link)

Just...don't leave anything with Susan when you come in.

Or Roger.

Or Matthew.

As a matter of fact, just send the stuff to my apartment. I'll set up some sort of display...thing.

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2008-01-23 07:29 pm UTC (link)
This is starting to get Okay.

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2008-01-23 07:42 pm UTC (link)
Believe me, you'll thank me for being neurotic when your artwork isn't lost or carelessly strewn about the store.

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2008-01-23 07:47 pm UTC (link)
Yeah, I know.

You know, you could put it up with some art book displays maybe. And I did buy some of them, and they helped with making some things, so it wouldn't be false advertising or whatever.

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2008-01-23 07:51 pm UTC (link)
You know, that's actually a really good idea.

Tell me again why the hell you're not working here? Seriously. These kids are killing me.

They don't even know where the art books are.

And no, I am NOT being dramatic. They think that the kid's picture books are art books.

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2008-01-23 08:03 pm UTC (link)
Because I'm working at the Leaky? People tip there, you know. But then, you could always hire me part time and talk to Mum and Dad about it, saying you need help, etc. if you really need a reprieve from your current employees.

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2008-01-23 08:09 pm UTC (link)

I don't think you understand...

They think that that kid's picture books...are art books.

So yes, I need a reprieve from my current employees.

When would you be able to start if I talk to Mum and Dad?

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2008-01-23 08:15 pm UTC (link)
Must I think tomorrow. Thursdays are slow anyway. And most mornings and most afternoons after lunch and before dinner.

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2008-01-23 08:19 pm UTC (link)

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