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User:kerrisue (16854)
Just αnothεr girl swεpt αwαy by rεαlity.
Hεr lifε in a pαrαgrαph of sεεmingly εmpty words.
Name:Kerri Sue.
Bio:It was famously quoted; We walk in circles, so limited by our own anxieties that we can no longer distinguish between true and false, between the gangsters whim and the purest ideal.
Interests:24: affection, books, computers, cuddling, drinking, enjoying life, family guy, friends, holding hands, hot days, kissing, kissing in the rain, kissing in the sun, laughing, laying in bed, looking at pet shops, luke, pampering, sex, sleeping, summer, sunbathing, watching films, watching tv
People2:illuminated, resiliency
Mutual Friends:2: illuminated, resiliency
Also Friend of:1: fridaymornings
Account type:Early Free User

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