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seamus finnigan ;; ([info]kestrelsforlife) wrote,
@ 2008-03-02 18:17:00

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Brilliant game, Hufflepuff! My condolences to the wounded and thanks for making it interesting.  As for Ackerly and Summerby, I haven't seen a crash like that since the Arrows played the Stormers. Though I wish there had been more blood

So, how are we celebrating? Firewhiskey I hope? Sorry, everyone, it's just this bloody quill...

Oh, and I would like to say that I am now seventeen, thankyouverymuch.  So there's all the more reason for celebrating. And I would like a cake. Chocolate, preferably.

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2008-03-03 12:30 am UTC (link)
Ha! I am pleased.

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2008-03-03 12:32 am UTC (link)
Bloody right you should be...and I would like to say, in advanced? That I baked a lot of love into this cake...so if I also baked in egg shells, just--taste all of the love!

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2008-03-03 12:36 am UTC (link)
Ginny Weasley, you know that all I would ever taste in that glorious cake is your love.



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2008-03-03 12:42 am UTC (link)
Well, they do say that chocolate is better than sex. So if I catch you licking the cake off of your fingers and whispering my name...I'll understand.

Harry love, forgive me, you know I can't help a good, harmless flirt. It's so much fun!

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2008-03-03 12:50 am UTC (link)
Hm, better than sex? Maybe we can decide that later.

When we eat the cake, of course.

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2008-03-03 01:04 am UTC (link)
Really, really sorry my love...but how can I not!

Well, naturally. And I'll be sure to bring along protection...

...a napkin, of course. Just in case we spill!

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