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Uchiha Madara ([info]kiss_and_sell) wrote,
@ 2009-09-15 18:32:00

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Entry tags:baby when the lights go out, event

For the past two days, areas around the building have been sporadically losing electricity. I'm aware some of you have lost work, and I'm also aware it's an annoyance and hindrance to schedules. We are working to address the issue as quickly as possible.

Until then, please continue to work efficiently, and save your work often.

(( ooc: yaay, company event. feel free to torture them with lost work, elevator jams, etc etc etc. madara will update again when the outages are solved, so go crazy. ))

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2009-09-16 01:35 am UTC (link)
Occasionally. Nothing over 30 minutes so far so it will not impact but if they continue, it may not regenerate the cold to keep it... cold.

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2009-09-16 01:42 am UTC (link)
When it goes out, try to keep the fridges closed if you can. That'll help. I'll look into getting you a generator if this problem persists.

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2009-09-16 04:40 am UTC (link)

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