General Announcement  
11:49am 30/06/2009
I understand there is a hideous stomach bug of some sort going around. I'm thinking it must be some type of food poisoning due to the severity and suddenness of onset, however I am still evaluating the situation. It could be a flu virus.

To those of you who are sick, I am coming around to each bathroom now with bottles of water and Pepto Bismol so hang tight as long as you can, help is on the way.

I also ask that anyone sick please let me know when you started feeling ill and what you may have eaten today, or if you came into contact with anyone severely ill recently. That would help me figure out what damned idiot caused this. Thank you.

Also, to anyone not ill, please don't go into the bathrooms! Seriously, you don't want to go in there. If you need to pee, just... hold it if you can. Or if anyone knows of an uncontaminated bathroom, let the rest of us know.
mood: aggravated aggravated
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