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littleladylord ([info]littleladylord) wrote,
@ 2012-06-08 20:27:00

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Very AU: Exiles Road
She fell in the sand with a WHUMPH, and followed the smell of coffee and muffins to a man who couldn't be haggled with. He told her horrifying stories about her father turning into a bigoted monster, and said the only way to stop it was to work with his people.

Cindy wasn't happy about any of this, anything was better than letting that happen to Daddy, to the world, if by some chance this guy was for real. So. Okay. Here she was, standing on some bizarre street, surrounded by bizarre people.

And.... wow.

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2012-06-11 05:02 am UTC (link)
"Thanks. Its... well, definitely not perfect, but a nice finish. How are you doing? Want to watch more, or you getting sleepy?"

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2012-06-11 05:03 am UTC (link)
"Pretty tired. Gotta admit. I'll.... take the foldout thingy, if you want."

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2012-06-11 05:08 am UTC (link)
"Ok, let's get some sleep. I'd hate to deprive you of the bed you paid for though. Uhm... you can sleep here, if that's going to be comfortable for you?"

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2012-06-11 05:11 am UTC (link)
A better person would say the foldout is fine, and point out that finagling bed and board was all she'd accomplished as opposed to being up monsters and things. But Cindy has to admit, she doesn't like giving up the little things. Even if it's... awkward, what with Sarah and her perfect ears -- yes, the ears were eprfect, too, don't judge Cindy.... "...That'd be cool. Okay."

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2012-06-11 05:47 am UTC (link)
Likewise, Sarah doesn't want to admit it, but Cindy is the first thing since Molly that has urged her to not have to be perfect. Quinn and Dory can be nice, fun, all of that, but its still business. She's trying to be cautious... but a cute girl trying to get her to loosen up a little, have some fun, snuggle and watch movies - is hitting all the right buttons.

And gods does she miss snuggling, even just a little.

"Go get ready for bed then, I'll see you in a few. We can put this stuff in the fridge pretty quick, and clean up the rest tomorrow when I'm feeling up to helping."

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2012-06-11 05:49 am UTC (link)
"Okay." And food is fridged, teeth are brushed, etc., and Cindy comes to get under the covers.

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2012-06-11 05:52 am UTC (link)
Sarah shifts as much as she can to make room, making sure Cindy can crawl in comfortably on the side of her good arm. "For what its worth - I'm really sorry you got dragged into this, but... and don't take this wrong, but I'm glad you're here."

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2012-06-11 05:53 am UTC (link)
"...Glad to help." And crawl in she does.

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