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JAMES randall POTTER ([info]misterprongs) wrote,
@ 2010-06-17 17:08:00

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[LILY] I know we just hung up pictures but--- I think it's time to move again. [/LILY]

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2010-06-17 10:25 pm UTC (link)
Just to be safe, no one knowing... just for now. We can tell some people later. Whether there is or isn't a traitor, it's safer to take precautions. For Harry's sake.

Where do we go that we haven't been?

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2010-06-17 10:29 pm UTC (link)
Of course, for Harry.

Mm. Ireland? Northern Ireland?

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2010-06-17 10:37 pm UTC (link)
I feel like we've lived in every inch of the United Kingdom at this point.

What do we do about your dad? Do we tell him? If he can't see Harry for a while that would be terrible, what would we do if this doesn't get sorted out and we have to stay under absolute cover--

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2010-06-17 10:45 pm UTC (link)
Let's move to Italy, then. France. Germany. We can floo back for whatever the Order needs.

I dunno he's going to be so-- Maybe we tell him at the very last second, after our stuff is moved already. So that...he can't really stop us at that point. And, we can always tell our friends that we'll contact them. They don't need to know exactly where we are.

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2010-06-18 01:48 am UTC (link)
Leaving the country sounds great, but Flooing back is such a hassle. Plus learning a new language just to get by... Plus if we needed help, the Order would be so far away. I don't want to walk ourselves into a worse situation than we're in now.

Merlin, that sounds cruel, but what do we--unless he were to come along somehow. But that's crazy too, isn't it?

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2010-06-18 01:58 am UTC (link)
He is alone most of the time...I feel like such a terrible son sometimes, he's off in that big house of ours with no one and I have to stay put and hidden. Maybe...he could come with us? I dunno. To watch Harry if something comes up. Would it be weird?

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2010-06-18 02:50 am UTC (link)
I wonder how he'd feel about that...

Or maybe we wouldn't even have to have him come with us. That house is so big--do you think he'd be opposed to a bit of.. permanent company? And he was an Auror, he would be good to have around just in case something were to---no, just an extra set of hands and eyes to look after Harry would be good

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2010-06-18 02:59 am UTC (link)
That...actually is so obvious of a hiding spot that I think it's an absolutely brilliant place to go. Who would think that we'd go back there? Oh, geez--that would be brilliant.

Plus, there's the muggle part of the village, too! It'd be a lot easier to blend in.

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2010-06-18 03:05 am UTC (link)
It would have to be okay with him first, though. I mean, I don't want to drag your father into this whole mess without his complete agreement.

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2010-06-18 03:09 am UTC (link)
Right, right. But if we're not telling anyone where we are, then we should be a ton safer than we've ever been before. So that's good. This is good! Look, a good thing came from this disaster.

Maybe by Harry's birthday things will be cleared up.

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2010-06-18 03:15 am UTC (link)
Yes, but if suddenly we're very safe after not telling anyone and have no problems then we know the traitor was close and I don't want to think about that possibility

I really hope so.

Should we have your dad over for dinner, then?

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2010-06-18 03:20 am UTC (link)
Yeah! Yeah, I'll owl him!

This is just what we needed, Lily, I can feel it.

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2010-06-18 03:30 am UTC (link)
Things have got to get better sometime, right? Hopefully this is a step in the right direction.

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