Moem's Journal
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25th-Sep-2006 11:36 pm - Animals I saw in Africa
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(Originally posted on MySpace)
...during my motorcycle trip in 2000, among others:

- various monkeys, mainly in Mali
- 1 elephant (not in a park) in Burkina Faso
- a wolf-like animal that was running along with us for a while, in Mauretania
- a bright green snake that was crossing the road
- flamingoes and pelicans and other birds in Mauretania
- a desert fox, very pretty, in Sudan
- giraffes in Niger
- small white herons of the kind that keep the parasites off the cattle
- an ant-eater in Chad (very briefly)
- a tiny little cameleon, bright green, in Chad
- a very big scorpion without a tail, looks like a spider, inside our mosquito net... the scorpion didn't survive this encounter
- a LOT of frogs in a toilet/bathroom in Senegal, which was good because they kept the cockroaches away
- wonderful vultures in Chad Lake!
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