Moem's Journal
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What I bought today 
17th-Jan-2008 05:56 pm
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I may as well tell you right away because there is no way you're going to guess.
No, not books. (Au contraire, mes amis.)

A new aquarium pump.

My (heated) aquarium holds a hundred litres and I've had some nasty algae problems. In particular the so called blue algae which is a combination of algae and bacteria, if I understand correctly, and very hard to get rid of except by using chemicals.
I recently did that. The tank doesn't look very happy yet. The blue crayfish in particular looks rather unhappy lately.

See? He's all sulky and gloomy. Maybe he caught the crankypants virus from [info]rubbergirl.

So I did some research, by reading up on the subject, and it seems that blue algae is usually a problem that rears its ugly head if the water is too still.
Hmm, I'm using a rather tiny filter driven by an air pump.
Furthermore, it seems that crayfish like streaming water.

*comic-book type lightbulb over head*
Appartenty I can improve both the water quality and the mood of my crayfish by getting a filter pump, one of the kind that pumps water, not air.
The one I just bought filters 700 litres in an hour; that means the entire water contents of the tank will be filtered SEVEN TIMES an hour. Sounds good, huh?

I think I'll install it tonight. And I'll be sure to tell you if the crayfish shows any signs of cheering up.
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