Moem's Journal
It's not Myspace...wait, it's not even LiveJournal.
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19th-Jan-2008 11:43 pm - So here's what I tried to post in Writers Block
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...but it would not let me because of the picture. Well, I hadn't saved it, so it isn't exactly the same posting, but it went something like this.

People who talk on the (non-handsfree) phone while driving tick me off.
Why? Because they're driving with one hand and with their mind elsewhere, or fiddling with the buttons, or even looking at the phone while doing so.
And you can tell from a distance, by their behaviour: swerving from left to right, driving at oddly slow or irregular speeds, clinging to one of the white lines. Yep, as you get closer you'll always see them holding a phone to their ear and merrily yapping away.
It's not just annoying, it's also dangerous.

And illegal. In my country you're not allowed to use a telephone while driving, except with some kind of handsfree device. That's great. And it would be even greater if that law was more actively enforced, so that there'd be a chance of actually getting nabbed.

I used to switch my phone off while driving (and I still do while riding the motorbike, since I don't need the distraction if it goes off and I wouldn't hear it anyway. Okay, so those two are mutually exclusive. Sue me.)
But no more. Because for a mere 20 euros I have purchased a tiny, lightweight bluetooth headset thingie. It allows me to answer the phone with just one push of a button, without ever taking my eyes off the road. Really, I cannot imagine why people would rather risk an accident or a 140 euro fine!
I don't mind wearing it at all, it's quite comfortable. And (and this is almost reason enough!) it has a bright blue LED that flashes.
Isn't that cool?
I *heart* blue LEDs. It's almost like a geeky kind of jewellery. It makes me feel like Seven of Nine!

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